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4136 S. Mc Cann Springfield, Mo. 65804 417 883 7720

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1 4136 S. Mc Cann Springfield, Mo. 65804 417 883 7720

2 IntelliStrobe Safety Systems W1-AG Setup and Operation2 All IntelliStrobe Automated Flagging Assistance Devices comply fully with The MUTCD ruling (1A-4R) Portable IntelliStrobe AFADs have Passed the FHWA - NCHRP350 Crash Testing. Our approval number is WZ-195 MUTCD --- NCHRP 350 Trailer mounted systems are category 4, and are exempt from crash testing.

3 IntelliStrobe Safety Systems W1-AG Setup and Operation3 N C H R P 350 IntelliStrobe’s Approval number: WZ-195

4 IntelliStrobe Safety Systems W1-AG Setup and Operation4 W1-AG 12” RED LED 12” YELLOW LED 7’ X 3” GATE ARM 18” X 18” flag 94” Operating height 130 Decibel siren 2000’ Range Integrated Circuit Microprocessor Conflict Monitor All aluminum case 25’ Safety Hoses 42” X 48” Footprint

5 IntelliStrobe Safety Systems W1-AG Setup and Operation5 36” High Gate Arm Extension We offer an easily installed gate arm height extension which raises the arm to 36” when in the down position. The FHWA has already approved this under our WZ-195 Crash Test 36” From the ground to the arm in the down position 36” 15”Height extension arm 15”

6 IntelliStrobe Safety Systems W1-AG Setup and Operation6 Swing arm extension—raises arm to 36” height

7 IntelliStrobe Safety Systems W1-AG Setup and Operation7 FHWA approval of gate arm extension to achieve 36” height From: To: Subject: RE: IntelliStrobe W1-AG raising our gate arm to 36" in height when in the down position Date: Friday, February 22, 2008 2:22 PM Darrell, I agree that the swing arm extension design modification to the Intellistrobe system you describe does not require any testing and the FHWA acceptance is still valid with this design modification.....Matt Matt Lupes, P.E. Highway Safety Engineer Federal Highway Administration Office of Safety Design - HSSD, Room E71-109 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE Washington, DC 20590 ph: 202-366-6994 fx: 202-366-3222

8 IntelliStrobe Safety Systems W1-AG Setup and Operation8 How to set up an IntelliStrobe W1-AG Always set up work site according to MUTCD, state, or local government rule, using signage, channeling, and barriers applicable to work site conditions. One worker can easily setup and operate the safety system.

9 IntelliStrobe Safety Systems W1-AG Setup and Operation9 Proper Work Zone Setup using AFADs This slide illustrates the proper setup of the work zone. The hoses should have about an 18-24 inch separation, with the red hoses always positioned to the outside of the work zone. Red Hose outside Blue Hoses Inside The use of the four or more channelizing devices shown here as (optional) is strongly recommended. They help establish the “lane”which is controlled by the AFAD. Red Hose outside

10 IntelliStrobe Safety Systems W1-AG Setup and Operation10 Installing the Automatic Alarm-Safety Hose Assembly Attach the 2 rubber hoses to the quick couplers on the unit, being sure to attach the blue marked hose to the blue marked coupler, Attach blue marked hose to blue marked coupler Attach red marked hose to red marked coupler Hoses ready to protect and the red marked hose to the red coupler.

11 IntelliStrobe Safety Systems W1-AG Setup and Operation11 Gate arm Sonic Sensors IntelliStrobe AFADs equipped with a gate arm, have a Safety system to prevent the arm from descending on a vehicle. This is a Sonic Sensor system, internal to the system. If the FC401-1 transceiver ever has a single Red Led flashing, it indicates that device’s sonic sensor has activated and prevented contact with something. Press red button to reset system Flashing red LED= gate arm sensor has functioned Press the red button to restore the system to normal operation.

12 IntelliStrobe Safety Systems W1-AG Setup and Operation12 Positioning the Gate Arm Stripes Ensure that the red and white stripes extend from the upper right to the lower left when viewed by traffic entering the zone. Stripes extend from upper left to the lower right when viewed by traffic approaching from the opposite end of the work zone

13 IntelliStrobe Safety Systems W1-AG Setup and Operation13 Operating the Transceiver Control After both devices are turned on, press the red button on the transceiver and hold until all LEDs flash once, this is usually about 3 seconds. Selected device displays yellow light and raises it’s gate arm Hold Red to turn on yellow Now select either green numbered button to allow traffic to enter the work zone. This will turn the selected device to yellow and raise it’s gate arm. When finished with the system for the day, press and hold the red button until all LEDs flash two times, usually about 4 seconds to turn it off. Hold Red to turn off

14 IntelliStrobe Safety Systems W1-AG Setup and Operation14 CONFLICT MONITOR SAFETY The IntelliStrobe AFADs have a conflict monitor built into their systems. yellowIt is impossible for both ends of the work zone to display yellow. yellowYou must always position both devices in the red condition, prior to putting either device in the yellow condition.

15 IntelliStrobe Safety Systems W1-AG Setup and Operation15 Single Device Usage: Bypassing the Conflict Monitor If for any reason only one device is needed, that device must be in “single” mode in order for it to go to a RED condition. If it is in the “dual” mode, it will ask for a RED confirmation from a nonexistent device; therefore, preventing it from ever displaying YELLOW.

16 IntelliStrobe Safety Systems W1-AG Setup and Operation16 Transceiver Control Operation yellow yellow When you have the number 1 device on yellow and want to position the number 2 device on yellow, you must 1.Always press the red reset button first, green yellow 3. Then press the number 2 green button to turn number 2 to yellow, and raise it’s gate arm. 2. Allow the the number 1 device to return to red and it’s gate arm to return to the lowered position,

17 IntelliStrobe Safety Systems W1-AG Setup and Operation17 Emergency: Alert the work crew WITH FLAGGERS: This safety procedure requires: 1. Jump out of harms way to avoid impact, 2. Tell other flagger with walkietalkie to stop opposing traffic 3. Alert the workers to the impending danger with noisemaker This can very easily take 10 seconds to accomplish—how far can a car travel into your work zone at only 20 miles per hour?

18 IntelliStrobe Safety Systems W1-AG Setup and Operation18 WORK ZONE DANGER CHART 300 FEET The speed could easily be 25 mph and the time to accomplish all could well be 15+ seconds---- 555 FEET A vehicle 555 feet into your work zone before your workers are fully alerted and can react to the potential danger!!!!

19 IntelliStrobe Safety Systems W1-AG Setup and Operation19 AUTOMATIC ALARM SYSTEM

20 IntelliStrobe Safety Systems W1-AG Setup and Operation20 Emergency Alert Function: Motorist Violation If either device is on red, and a motorist decides not to stop, therefore violating the red condition,the motorist’s initial contact with the red hose will cause: the 130 decibel siren on that device to immediately sound, the other device to turn red, and the other device’s gate arm to lower to the horizontal-- stop -- position.

21 IntelliStrobe Safety Systems W1-AG Setup and Operation21 Emergency Alert Function: Safety Features This safety sequence will: Alert the workers to the impending danger, Direct their attention to the end of the work zone where the danger is present, Stop the opposing traffic, and Almost always Stop the motorist causing the danger.

22 IntelliStrobe Safety Systems W1-AG Setup and Operation22 Emergency Alert Function: How to Stop the Siren Pressing the red reset button will stop the siren and return the managing of traffic to the operator, when he or she determines the area is once again safe.

23 IntelliStrobe Safety Systems W1-AG Setup and Operation23 Emergency Alert Function: Sounding the Safety Alarm yellow If for any reason, the operator wishes to sound the safety alarm and place both devices in the red condition, the yellow button on the transceiver is pressed. Safety alarm button Reset button Both sirens will sound until the controller presses the red reset button.

24 IntelliStrobe Safety Systems W1-AG Setup and Operation24 Additional IntelliStrobe Safety Systems WS1-AWSI-AG/TM W1-AG/TM MORE SAFETY LOWER COST WORKZONES

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