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This is NOT DESTINY….. What the heck is Density anyway?  Density is the amount of matter (mass) contained within a given amount of space (volume)  There.

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Presentation on theme: "This is NOT DESTINY….. What the heck is Density anyway?  Density is the amount of matter (mass) contained within a given amount of space (volume)  There."— Presentation transcript:

1 This is NOT DESTINY….

2 What the heck is Density anyway?  Density is the amount of matter (mass) contained within a given amount of space (volume)  There is a formula for this, on the front page of the ESRT! What is this formula? Look at your ESRT!!  Hurry up!

3 Density Formula  Density = Mass (grams) / Volume (cubic cm or mL)  D = m/v  Remember…NO NAKED NUMBERS!  ALWAYS include units and remember to round to the nearest 10ths  4 is not an answer for density  4.0 g/cc is an answer!

4 Formula Manipulations  You WILL NEED to manipulate this formula in order to solve for Volume and Mass  If you manipulate this equation, you will get the following *(USE THE DENSITY TRIANGLE!!)  V = m/d  M = v x d  Write these down in your notes!!

5 Density Triangle

6 Determining the Mass  Mass is the amount of matter contained within a given object  It can be measured using an electronic balance or scale  The proper units to measure MASS in is grams (g)

7 Determining Volume  Volume is the amount of space an object occupies  It can be measured by either by using a ruler to obtain the LENGTH, WIDTH, AND HEIGHT of a rectangular/square object or by using water displacement  The proper units for volume is cubic centimeters (cc) or milliliters (mL)

8 Volume of rectangular/square objects L=?, W=?, H=?  V= L x W x H  V = ? cc  What if this block’s mass is 320 g? What’s its density?  D = m/v  d = 320g / ? cc  D = ? g/cc

9 Volume of Irregular Objects  Volumes of irregular objects must be determined by water displacement  We use a graduated cylinder for this! Let’s see how to do this!!

10 Water Displacement in 3 steps  1) Place a certain amount of water into the graduated cylinder (20mL in this example)  2) Place the object into the water CAREFULLY, and record the new water level (it changed to 23mL in this example)  3) Now, subtract your old volume from the new volume: 23mL – 20mL = 3mL   So the volume of this object is 3mL!!!

11 Volume of a liquid??  This is MAD easy, yo!  Just pour the liquid into t graduated cylinder and READ!  So, what’s the volume of the water in the graduated cylinder on the left?  That’s right : 20mL!

12 Size and Shape  Size and shape of an object have NO EFFECT on density  But size and shape DO have an effect on mass and volume!  Check out this example  Sample 1: m = 20g and V = 10cc  D = m/v  D= 20g / 10cc  D = 2.0 g/cc  Sample 2: m = 40g and V=20cc  D = m/v  D = 40g / 20cc  D = 2.0 g/cc

13 Temperature  An increase in temperature causes a DECREASE in density!!  This is because volume increases when heat is applied

14 Pressure  An increase in pressure causes an INCREASE in density!!  This is because as pressure increases on something, its volume decreases!

15 Earth  In Earth, more dense materials tend to sink toward the core  Less dense materials tend to rise to the surface  Earth’s inner core is MOST dense  The Outer Atmosphere is LEAST dense (due to VERY light gases there)

16 Some other interesting tidbits…  EVERYTHING on this planet is most dense in its SOLID phase…well, almost everything  WATER is the only exception  Water is most dense in its LIQUID phase  Water is most dense at 4 degrees C  Pure water has a density of 1.0 g/cc  When putting objects in water, less dense objects will float, more dense will sink, and equal density objects will float right in the middle

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