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Run your project with Quadruple A Copyright 2007 TL Consulting, LLC. All Rights Reserved. 1 FEA and Content Integration The Gilbane Conference in DC 6.

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Presentation on theme: "Run your project with Quadruple A Copyright 2007 TL Consulting, LLC. All Rights Reserved. 1 FEA and Content Integration The Gilbane Conference in DC 6."— Presentation transcript:

1 Run your project with Quadruple A Copyright 2007 TL Consulting, LLC. All Rights Reserved. 1 FEA and Content Integration The Gilbane Conference in DC 6 June 2007 By: Travis Wissink @

2 Copyright 2007 TL Consulting, LLC. All Rights Reserved. 2 Agenda Enterprise Content Integration Intro FEA – RM Overview FEA - Data Reference Model FEA – Technical Reference Model Content Technologies Case Study Summary

3 Copyright 2007 TL Consulting, LLC. All Rights Reserved. 3 WHY Enterprise Content Integration Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) + Voluminous Enterprise Content Repositories __________________________________ Enterprise Content Integration (ECI)

4 Copyright 2007 TL Consulting, LLC. All Rights Reserved. 4 Glossary Web Services – –Open standards UDDI, WSDL, SOAP, and HTTP. –All are managed by standard bodies like W3C and OASIS. Information Architecture –Is the practice of structuring information (structure and useful information is content) Enterprise Information Integration (EII) –Enterprise Content Integration is practically interchangeable with EII but when we refer to ECI know that the solution is content driven not just Information driven.

5 Copyright 2007 TL Consulting, LLC. All Rights Reserved. 5 The FEA Reference Models We are focusing in on the DRM and TRM BPM, SRM, and TRM are taxonomies

6 Copyright 2007 TL Consulting, LLC. All Rights Reserved. 6 BRM Models specific business functions of the government BRM is not an org chart BRM is functional based

7 Copyright 2007 TL Consulting, LLC. All Rights Reserved. 7

8 8 SRM Models a services layer for use by the BRM. Interfaces that expose business functions

9 Copyright 2007 TL Consulting, LLC. All Rights Reserved. 9

10 10 DRM

11 Copyright 2007 TL Consulting, LLC. All Rights Reserved. 11

12 Copyright 2007 TL Consulting, LLC. All Rights Reserved. 12 DRM Data Description via XML

13 Copyright 2007 TL Consulting, LLC. All Rights Reserved. 13 TRM Models technology implement ations to the SRM

14 Copyright 2007 TL Consulting, LLC. All Rights Reserved. 14

15 Copyright 2007 TL Consulting, LLC. All Rights Reserved. 15 Content Clients Ways to access Content Repositories JSR-170 (JCRv2 JSR-283) WEB-DAV XML-RPC JDBC/ODBC RMI/COM+

16 Copyright 2007 TL Consulting, LLC. All Rights Reserved. 16 Content Caching Centralized copy of content Content is usually pushed to the cache. –ETL –Synchronized (i.e.. rsync) –FTP Not the data source of record for the content that it serves Focus’s on high performance production delivery of content.

17 Copyright 2007 TL Consulting, LLC. All Rights Reserved. 17 Content Bridge Pluggable repositories Metadata Warehouse Federated Views Content Monitoring Workflow Business Change Management Loosely coupled

18 Copyright 2007 TL Consulting, LLC. All Rights Reserved. 18 Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) Features Content Based Routing Content Enricher Guaranteed Delivery Message Brokering Service Registry Event-Driven Consumers Message Channels Message Translator Governance Features Reporting Control Bus Wire Tap Smart Proxy Versioning Security

19 Copyright 2007 TL Consulting, LLC. All Rights Reserved. 19 ESB

20 Copyright 2007 TL Consulting, LLC. All Rights Reserved. 20 ESB Use Case 1. A partnering company sends an order to the ESB. 2. The ESB’s Event Endpoint receives it and decrypts the message 3. The endpoint’s pipe then authenticates the message producer via WS-Security policies 4. Then a filter inspects the content and figures out there is a registered pipeline for this type message and forwards the message. 5. The second pipeline’s first filter translates customer supply codes to out companies supply codes 6. The pipe’s next filter adds metadata to the message 7. The pipe’s last filter sends the message to the order fulfillment endpoint and consequently in the order fulfillment application

21 Copyright 2007 TL Consulting, LLC. All Rights Reserved. 21 Case Study – USDA project For many years several dispersant agencies have provided interrelated very detailed information. Congress mandates to give the citizen a single website to view all the content. 50k + publications are released a year by these Agencies. 7 different websites contain silo’d query mechanism –Utilizing similar but not the same search criteria values

22 Copyright 2007 TL Consulting, LLC. All Rights Reserved. 22 Case Study – ECI Solution

23 Copyright 2007 TL Consulting, LLC. All Rights Reserved. 23 FEA RA

24 Copyright 2007 TL Consulting, LLC. All Rights Reserved. 24 Summary Information Architecture is important in an ECI solution. Variety of Connectors (Clients) to Content Repositories Finer grain control of Content Caching –Content abstracted from the repositories to extend capabilities of content production Bridging –Unifying content repositories to the enterprise Enterprise Service Bus –Connecting your Enterprise Application to your Enterprise Content

25 Copyright 2007 TL Consulting, LLC. All Rights Reserved. 25 Thanks for Attending! This presentation is available at Any Questions? References:,, ESB by David Chapell, Information Architecture (The polar bear book) by Louis Rosenfeld, Communicating Design by Dan Brown,, and Enterprise Integration Patterns by Hope & Woolf (

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