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Plataformas.NET para desenvolvimento de aplicações web José António Silva

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Presentation on theme: "Plataformas.NET para desenvolvimento de aplicações web José António Silva"— Presentation transcript:

1 Plataformas.NET para desenvolvimento de aplicações web José António Silva

2 Agenda  Intro.NET  Building Blocks  Starter Kits  Outros projectos Open Source  Outros componentes  Discussão aberta

3 The.NET Framework: A Once in a Decade Change  PDC 2000 Paradigm Shift Managed Code Web services 198019902000 Richness Win16 Win32 COM MFC Components Services APIs Windows 3.0

4 Tools Client Application Model Windows Forms Web & Service Application Model ASP.NET Compact Framework Yukon Data Systems Application Model Presentation Mobile PC & Devices Application Model Communication Command Line NT Service System.Messaging System.DirectoryServices System.Runtime.Remoting System.Windows.Forms System.Console System.ServiceProcess System.Windows.Forms System.Web System.Data.SqlServer HttpWebRequest FtpWebListener SslClientStream WebClient System.Net NetworkInformation Sockets Cache System.Windows.Forms Forms Control Print Dialog Design System.Web.UI Page Control HtmlControls MobileControls WebControls Adaptors Design System.Drawing System.Web.Services Web.Service Description Discovery Protocols System.Timers System.GlobalizationSystem.SerializationSystem.Threading System.Text System.DesignCompilerServices Base & Application Services Fundamentals System.ComponentModel System.CodeDom System.ReflectionSystem.EnterpriseServicesSystem.Transactions Security System.Web.Security AccessControl CredentialsCryptographySystem.Web.ConfigurationSystem.ConfigurationSystem.Resources System.Management System.Deployment System.Diagnostics ConfigurationDeployment/Management PortsInteropServices System.Runtime System.IOSystem.CollectionsGenericPermissionsPolicy Principal TokenSystem.Security System.Web Administration Management Data System.Web Personalization Caching SessionState System.Xml Schema Serialization Xpath Query DataSet Mapping ObjectSpaces ObjectSpace Query Schema System.Data SqlClient SqlTypes SqlXML OdbcClient OleDbClient OracleClient Serialization.NET Framework

5 Application Architecture User Interface Components User Process Components Service Interfaces Business Workflo ws Business Component s Busines s Entities Data Access Logic Components Service Agents Data Source Service Security Operational Management Communication

6 Agenda  Intro.NET  Building Blocks  Starter Kits  Outros projectos Open Source  Outros componentes  Discussão aberta

7 patterns & practices Proven Based on field experience Authoritative Best advice available Accurate Technically validated and tested Actionable Provide the steps to success Relevant Address real world scenarios “Proven practices for predictable results”

8 Availability Online on MSDN and TechNet Printed guides available from

9 Operating.NET-Based Applications  Monitoring  Securing.NET Based Apps Debugging Microsoft.NET Applications Deploying.NET Applications Team Development with Visual Studio.NET and Visual SourceSafe SQL Server 2000 High Availability Operations Guides  SQL Server 2000  Exchange 2000 Server Security Operations Guides  Windows 2000 Server  Exchange 2000 Server Backup and Restore for MSA:IDC Building Secure ASP.NET Applications Data Access for.NET Designing Data Tier Components and Passing Data Through Tiers Exception Management in.NET Monitoring in.NET Distributed Application Design.NET/COM Migration and Interoperability Production Debugging for.NET- Connected Applications Authentication in ASP.NET Designing Application-Managed Authorization Designing Caching for Distributed Apps Application Architecture for.NET Microsoft Systems Architecture  Enterprise Data Center  Internet Data Center UNIX Application Migration Guide Enterprise Notification for Exchange 2000 Server Active Directory Branch Office Exchange 2000 Server  Server Upgrade Series  Hosting Series Content Integration Pack for CMS 2001 and SPS 2001 Lifecycle PracticesReference Building BlocksReference Architectures Available Now

10 Plan – Next 6 Months.NET Operations  Windows Server 2003 Refresh  Application Profiling and Capacity Planning  Change Management Windows Server 2003 Refresh  Reference Building Blocks  Building Secure ASP.NET Applications Persistent Asynchronous Invocation Rich Client  User Interface Process  Configuration Management  Updating Application Components Code Security and Threat Analysis.NET Line of Business Application WSI Base Profile and Security J2EE Interop UNIX Migration (additional coverage) Patterns.NET Line of Business Application Patterns and Model.NET Application Integration Patterns Data Patterns Network Infrastructure Patterns (Microsoft Systems Architecture) Lifecycle PracticesReference Building BlocksReference Architectures

11 UIP - User Interface Process  Simple yet extensible framework for developing user interface processes. It is designed to abstract the control flow and state management out of the user interface layer into a user interface process layer. This enables you to write generic code for the control flow and state management of different types of applications (for example, Web applications and Windows-based applications) and helps you write applications that manage users' tasks in complex scenarios (for example, suspending and resuming stateful tasks). 



14 UIP Samples

15 Caching Application Block  Microsoft.NET Framework class library that allows you to increase the efficiency and scalability of distributed applications by caching Web service data, which saves time and resources that are needed to refresh data that is still current. Data can be cached in several formats, including a Microsoft SQL Server 2000 database, a memory-mapped file, or a singleton object. The Caching Application Block also includes example classes for caching, scavenging, expiration, and data protection.



18 Data Access Application Block for.NET  The Data Access Application Block is a.NET component that contains optimized data access code that will help you call stored procedures and issue SQL text commands against a SQL Server database. The documentation provides guidelines for implementing an ADO.NET- based data access layer in a multi-tiered.NET application. It focuses on a range of common data access tasks and scenarios and presents guidance to help you choose the most appropriate approaches and techniques. This guide encapsulates performance and resource management best practices and can easily be used as a building block in your own.NET application. If you use it, you will reduce the amount of custom code you need to create, test, and maintain. 

19 SqlHelper Data Access Application BlockData Access Component SQL Server SqlHelper ExecuteNonQuery SqlHelperParameterCache ExecuteDatasetExecuteReaderExecuteScalarExecuteXmlReaderCacheParameterSetGetCachedParameterSetGetSpParameterSetintDataSetSqlDataReaderobjectXmlReaderSqlParameter[ ] Transact-SQL or Stored Procedure

20 SQL Server Data Access Application Block ASPX Page Web Browser Retrieving a SqlDataReader SqlHelper ExecuteReader  Use ExecuteReader Products - CategoryID

21 Retrieving a DataSet SQL Server Data Access Application Block Data Access Component Business Component SqlHelper ExecuteDataset  Use ExecuteDataset Products DataSet CategoryID

22 Retrieving a Single Row SQL Server Data Access Application Block ASPX Page Web Browser SqlHelper ExecuteNonQuery  Use ExecuteNonQuery with output parameters Product Details ProductID

23 Retrieving a Single Value  Use ExecuteScalar SQL Server Data Access Application Block Data Access Component Business Component SqlHelper ExecuteScalar Product Name ProductID

24 Retrieving XML  Use ExecuteXmlReader SQL Server Data Access Application Block Data Access Component Business Component SqlHelper ExecuteXmlReader Products XML

25 Configuration Management Application Block  A simple yet flexible solution that you can use across all your applications to manage configuration data. Specifically, it provides a set of methods that allow you to read and write application configuration data without the need to instantiate objects or perform complex data conversions in your code through a flexible data model that allows you to use any in-memory data structure to represent your configuration data.

26 Configuration Management AB Architecture //[C#] Hashtable configData; // Read the configuration section named AppConfig configData = (Hashtable)ConfigurationManager.Read("AppConfig");

27 Exception Management Application Block for.NET  Exception Management Application Block for.NET consists of an architecture guide (see Exception Management in.NET) and an application block. The documentation discusses design and implementation guidelines for exception management systems that use.NET technologies. It focuses on the process of handling exceptions within.NET applications in a highly maintainable and supportable manner. Exception Management Application Block for.NET provides a simple yet extensible framework for handling exceptions. With a single line of application code, you can easily log exception information to the Event Log or extend it by creating your own components that log exception details to other data sources or notify operators, without affecting your application code. Exception Management Application Block for.NET can easily be used as a building block in your own.NET application.

28 Exception Handling Architecture

29 Publishing an Exception 1.Reference the assembly 2.Add an imports/using statement 3.Add try catch statements 4.Publish error in the catch block  Create NameValueCollection to pass additional information using Microsoft.ApplicationBlocks.ExceptionManagement; ExceptionManager.Publish(exception); ExceptionManager.Publish(exception, info);

30 Config File Settings <section name="exceptionManagement" type="Microsoft.ApplicationBlocks.ExceptionManagement ExceptionManagerSectionHandler, Microsoft.ApplicationBlocks.ExceptionManagement" /> <publisher mode="on/off" assembly="AssemblyName" type="TypeName" exclude="Type,Type" include="Type,Type" exceptionFormat="xml" customattr = "value" /> <section name="exceptionManagement" type="Microsoft.ApplicationBlocks.ExceptionManagement ExceptionManagerSectionHandler, Microsoft.ApplicationBlocks.ExceptionManagement" /> <publisher mode="on/off" assembly="AssemblyName" type="TypeName" exclude="Type,Type" include="Type,Type" exceptionFormat="xml" customattr = "value" />

31 Agenda  Intro.NET  Building Blocks  Starter Kits  Outros projectos Open Source  Outros componentes  Discussão aberta

32 IBuySpy Portal  Dynamic Site Layout using User Controls  Portal Module Implementation  Multiple Device Support  Portal Configuration using SQL Server  Role-based security

33 Dynamic Layout

34 Layout Configuration

35 Security Configuration

36 Community Starter Kit Easy Customization with Themes  Skin your site with the click of a button  Includes eight themes  Can be customized with your own themes Includes Six Standard Content Modules  Articles  Links  Downloads  Photo Gallery  Events  Books Create Multiple Communities with a Single Installation  Set community quotas Additional Features  Send Newsletters  Create voting polls  Supports RSS news feeds and XML Web services

37 outros

38 Agenda  Intro.NET  Building Blocks  Starter Kits  Outros projectos Open Source  Outros componentes  Discussão aberta

39 DotNetNuke

40 .Text 

41 Agenda  Intro.NET  Building Blocks  Starter Kits  Outros projectos Open Source  Outros componentes  Discussão aberta

42 Windows Sharepoint Services

43 SharePoint Portal and the New Microsoft Web Customized with a large library of Web Parts “My Site” for every employee Look up people Fast Search! Look up terms & acronyms Tools and Tasks for smarter work Links to important intranet sites News & Info

44 And a Personalized Site Personalize with a large library of Web Parts PresenceInformation Search your stuff ActiveDirectoryIntegration RecentlyRelevantDocuments Tools & Tasks to help you work smarter Public & PrivateViews

45 InfoPath - Time Absence Report

46 Agenda  Intro.NET  Building Blocks  Starter Kits  Outros projectos Open Source  Outros componentes  Discussão aberta

47 ASP.NET 2.0 - "Whidbey Release” Technology Preview @ PDC  Master Pages, Themes/Skins, and Navigation Controls  Membership, Role Management and Security System  Personalization System  Web Parts  Advanced Caching  Data Controls  Speech-Enabling  “Indigo“ Web Services

48 José António Silva Patterns & Practices ASP.NET Community GotDotNet Community

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