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Introduction Educate Haiti Now (“EHN”) is a 501(c)(3)non- profit organization.

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1 Introduction Educate Haiti Now (“EHN”) is a 501(c)(3)non- profit organization.

2 Background January 12, 2010 earthquake had a devastating impact on Haiti: – Killed more than 200,000 people, 38,000 students and 1,347 teachers. – Caused $478.9 million of damage to the educational sector. – Destroyed 50% of schools in the capital. One of the schools damaged was Les P’tits Trésors, a kindergarten and elementary school located in a predominantly low income area of the capital owned by Ghyslaine Rochelin. 58% of her student body either lost family members or experienced damage to their homes. Faced with this dire situation, Ghyslaine reached out to family and friends in the U.S. and in France to help these families.

3 Launch of EHN After the devastation caused by the January 12 th earthquake, her daughters were motivated to move beyond previous promises of help to make an active commitment to rebuild their home country. They felt that the answer to eradicating Haiti’s cycle of poverty and instability could be found in education. That belief propelled the launch of EHN.

4 Why focus on education? The state of the education sector is dire in Haiti: Access to Education The Haitian government spends 2.5% of its GDP on education (rest of Latin American spends 5%). Only 20% of primary level students attend free government public schools vs. 80% that attend private schools. 78% of the population lives in poverty (less than $2/day). Direct cost of school averages 25% of per capital income. 50% of primary age students are not enrolled in school.

5 Why focus on education? Quality of Education Haitian adults have the highest illiteracy rate in the Caribbean at 57%. 30% of children in primary school will not make it to 3 rd grade. 60% of them will abandon school by the 6 th grade. 72% of children enrolled in school are at least two years older than they should be for their grade. 75% of all teachers lack adequate certification or licensing. Many have a 9 th grade or 12 th grade education, with no teacher training at all. Over 10,000 teachers are needed nationwide when just 450 teachers are certified each year.

6 Our mission Our goal is to partner with educators and schools who share our pledge to help the poor gain access to education while also developing Haiti’s future leaders. Currently, we are partnering with Les P’tits Trésors (Centre Montessori de Dépio).

7 FY 2010 Accomplishments Through several fundraising efforts, the following was accomplished: – Relocated the kindergarten and elementary school to a new facility. – Resumed classes in March as opposed to April like the majority of schools in the country. – Provided financial assistance to approximately 75 students Tuition, lunch and transportation.

8 FY 2011 Accomplishments Built a new elementary school. Collaborated with other organizations to help the children of Les P’tits Trésors: – Haiti Enfance Education provided financial assistance. – Haiti Futur provided a SMART board and training. – 1st graders at J.J Harris Elementary School became pen pals with P’tits Trésors students. – Approximately $2K of school of supplies donated through various school supply drives.

9 FY 2012 Initiatives One of the main challenges that Haiti faces besides access to education is a lack of qualified teachers. As an organization, we observed that many non-profit organizations focused on tackling the issue of access to education, but not many focused on the issue of quality.

10 FY 2012 Initiatives EHN identified 2 goals in the Ministry of Education’s Operational Plan as key areas of opportunities: Curriculum and teacher To create a single national curriculum that is aligned across the various levels of education. (Projected to be completed in 2011 for students and by 2013-2014 for teachers). Human resource development/professional training Recognizing that better trained teachers are instrumental to improving teaching quality, the plan calls for teacher and administrative staff training programs as key priority. (Goal of recruiting 8,650 teachers for kindergarten, 13,718 teachers for elementary and 1,115 directors/administrators by 2015).

11 FY 2012 Initiatives EHN plans to address the issue of quality of education through three main avenues: Encourage those outside the educational sector to consider education as a profession. Provide support/training to current teachers. Provide support/training to educators (directors, administrators, principals etc.).

12 FY 2012 Initiatives Encourage those outside the educational sector to consider education as a profession: This goal will be accomplished primarily by partnering up with local teacher training facilities in Haiti and providing them with the resources needed to recruit high school students and encourage them to consider education as a career choice. The institution will identify/recruit the students and EHN will subsidize the cost of the tuition primarily through scholarships.

13 FY 2012 Initiatives Provide support/training to current teachers. This goal will be accomplished by putting together seminars catered to local teachers. The goal of the seminars will be to: Discuss new approaches/innovations in education. Provide a forum for those in education to share ideas/resources. Lay a pathway for continual training (monthly/quarterly).

14 FY 2012 Initiatives Provide support/training to administrators. This goal will be accomplished by putting together conferences catered to local administrators. The goal of the conferences will be to: Discuss new initiatives being launched by the Ministry of Education and provide tools to comply with the new standards. Identify challenges that current administrators have in running their schools and offer solutions. Provide a forum for those in education to share ideas/resources. Provide training in management/leadership. Lay a pathway for continual training (monthly/quarterly).

15 Timeline


17 FY 2012 Initiatives Progress to date: Identified a local teacher training program, La Précieuse Ecole Montessori (Formation des Maître). Planning to recruit

18 FY 2012 Initiatives Progress to date: Contacted local high school to recruit their best students. Met 33% of goal so far. Partnering with OMEP to provide training to preschool teachers/administrators.

19 Questions?

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