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Eye Injuries.

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1 Eye Injuries


3 Anatomy of the Eye:

4 Parts of the Eye: Conjunctiva: Thin membrane covering the eye Sclera:
The whites of the eye Cornea: The fixed focus lens Aqueous Lens: The fluid that fills a small chamber behind the cornea The Iris: The coloured part of the eye The Pupil: The hole inside the iris ring

5 Parts of the Eye: The Vitreous Humour:
Thick jelly like fluid that fills the eyeball and keeps it firm Retina: The curved back layer of the eye covered in light sensitive cells ( roots & cones) that can see shapes, colours & patterns Optic Nerve: Sends info from the retina to the brain.

6 History: Casualty Sheet:
Mechanism of injury – How did it happen, safety glasses, time frame, welding? Were they wearing contacts? Was it a projectile object? Was force involved? Was the pt working with metal or in an environment where there may be metal debris?

7 Eye Injuries: Flying Particles Foreign Bodies Welding flashes
Chemicals Sharp tools or objects Blunt tools or objects

8 Foreign Body: Depending on what it is and how the injury happened, a FB may pierce the eye and cause serious injury or may simply go away with nil long term problems. Symptoms Include: Sharp pain in your eye – followed by burning, irritation tearing and redness Feeling that something is moving around the eye when it is closed Scratching sensation over your eye when blinking Blurred vision or loss of vision in the affected eye Bleeding into the white part of the eye OR the coloured area – this indicates a significant injury. Can’t stand the light

9 Foreign Body Eye: Examine the eye:
Ask the pt where they feel the irritation or scratching is? Irrigate with normal saline Invert the upper eyelid with cotton bud - How? If visible with the naked eye –can remove with wet cotton bud-gently swipe.

10 Foreign Body: Rubbing may scratch or push the FB in further (Corneal abrasion) Eye wash in some cases may be enough FB will often hide behind the upper eyelid Will scratch if not removed

11 Foreign Body:

12 Rust Ring to Eye: URGENT : Vision can be effected
Note with metal rings can occur if not removed

13 Treatment: Eye wash Look at the pupil – are they equal
Always ask pt if improvement post eye wash Always ask the pt to return 2 hours post wash - either to you or Medical centre A FB Especially metal can cause blindness if not treated (rust rings start within 3 hours) Corneal Abrasions have good outcome (Heal in 48hrs) if treated early with AB eye ointment

14 Treatment:

15 Treatment: Despite irrigating the eye. There may be FB that cannot be seen with the naked eye and needs to be examined closer – contact the OHN OHN -If needed during working Hours an Ophthalmologist App can be organised.

16 Chemical Burns: Wash immediately with copious amounts of water
Get MSDS Treatment essential OHN Usually treated 2-3L N/Saline. Sent off for further treatment Lead to infection, scarring, loss of sight

17 Penetrating Eye Injuries:
Sharp or blunt injuries Medical Emergency Potentially cause blindness Preventable

18 Conjunctivitis: Infection Eye General Health Issue Watery Redness
Itchy Irritation

19 Lime Burns:

20 Flash Burns: Welding without safety shield or standing close to someone welding Usually occurs 6-12 hours after event Inflammation of the cornea (the clear tissue that covers the front of the eye) Like sunburn in the eye Usually heals in 1 – 2 days without leaving a scar If not treated can lead to infection

21 Symptoms: Pain mild or severe Bloodshot eyes Light sensitivity
Watery eyes Blurred vision The feeling of having something in your eye

22 Treatment: Examination of the eye – stain eye
Phenylepherine drops ( FB must be excluded prior to use) May require panadiene forte Antibiotics Review by ophthalmologist

23 If you have any questions, please ask your supervisor

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