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CCAPI Project Status Update

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1 CCAPI Project Status Update
EMS Users Group Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania March 13, 2000 Terry Saxton Xtensible Solutions, Inc. Minneapolis, Minnesota

2 Topics Introduction and Background Objectives and Scope What’s Changed
New Reference Model CIM Status Interface Specifications WG13 Status Conclusions CCAPI Project Report

3 CCAPI Original Objectives
Plug compatibility Definition: The ability to easily install, or “plug in”, applications into different electric utility control center platforms. Idealistic View: Enable shrink-wrap packages, as in personal computer marketplace. Realistic View: Greatly reduce the costs to install an application into a control center platform End Result Enable user to build EMS via plug-and-play CCAPI Project Report

4 CCAPI Task Force created
Create Guidelines or Standards to enable plug- compatibility Ensure that standards are compatible with developers’ products i.e., standards support vendor’s data base and middleware technology Create Standards that address user needs i.e., enable solutions to real user problems CCAPI Project Report

5 IEC TC57 WG13 Created Create IEC standard interface specifications
For plug-in applications in EMS or similar systems Use EPRI CCAPI TF work as basis for standards Incorporate TC57 National Committee needs as well CCAPI Project Report

6 Topics Introduction and Background Objectives and Scope What’s Changed
New Reference Model CIM Status Interface Specifications WG13 Status Conclusions CCAPI Project Report

7 What Has Changed Since Early Beginnings
New user needs as result of Utility restructuring and network security initiatives Combine transmission and distribution into Wires Group Need to integrate legacy EMS/SCADA systems with DMS Leads to need for enterprise-wide integration strategy Need to exchange information with other sites for security and open access Need common power system model Need common information exchange format CCAPI Project Report

8 The Integration Of Systems Is Complex...
Customer Information EMS Control Center Customer Interface Distribution Automation Engineering Work Management Facilities Management Planning CCAPI Project Report

9 ...This Is Simpler... Customer Information Customer Interface
EMS Control Center Customer Interface Middleware Distribution Automation Engineering Work Management Facilities Management Planning CCAPI Project Report

10 Interface Standards are Key
Customer Information EMS Control Center Customer Interface Integration Bus Distribution Automation Engineering Work Management Facilities Management Planning = Standard Interface Specifications CCAPI Project Report

11 Role of Standards Minimizes effort required for interoperability between applications and systems Semantics Syntax Services Requires only one transformation at application interface to interoperate with multiple applications Two main types: Software industry Utility specific CCAPI Project Report

12 Coordination Among Standardization Activities
Standards & Technology ____________ ISO ODP IEEE CIRED Open GIS DistribuTECH GITA T&D Open Application Group Component Container Technology _________________ CORBA (OMG) Enterprise Java Beans DCOM (Microsoft) TC57 Coordinating Group WG14 DMS WGs 10,11,12 Substations WG13 EMS Utility Integration Bus EPRI CCAPI Project Object Mgmt. Group CCAPI Project Report

13 IEC TC57 WG14: System Interfaces for Distribution Management
Provides message-based inter-application integration framework and interface standards for DMS Major effort to ensure requirements are compatible with: CCAPI integration bus approach CIM with extensions for DMS Open Applications Group standards and complementary to WG13 standards CCAPI Project Report

14 An Integration Architecture Is Needed First
Provides For An Adaptable Utility Infrastructure Partitions Application Systems Based On: Things That Are Stable Standard Component Interfaces Things That Can Be Controlled Middleware & Application Products A Stable Basis For Enterprise-Wide Integration Transcends The Life Cycle Of Individual Application Systems And Middleware CCAPI Project Report

15 CCAPI Scope - Original CCAPI Project Report
Common Information Model CIM CIM Utility A Control Center Utility B Control Center ICCP Message Bus CDA Message Bus CDA CASM 870-5 ICCP Substation CCAPI Project Report

16 IEC Standards and CCAPI Scope Today
Common Information Model CIM (WG13 and 14) Utility A Distribution Systems Utility A Control Center Utility B Control Center Integration Bus Interfaces WG14 ICCP WG07 Interfaces WG13 CASM/GOMSFE (WG 10-12) 870-5 (WG03) ICCP (WG07) Substation CCAPI Project Report

17 What Has Changed Since Early Beginnings
Software industry undergone evolution Top-down modular design => Object-oriented design => Component-based architectures Examples: OMG CORBA Component Model Microsoft DCOM Sun Enterprise Java Beans CCAPI standards need to embrace and build on these trends to support EMS vendor products CCAPI Project Report

18 Impact on CCAPI Project
Guidelines document needed updating, specifically: Reference model => Build on component models Show role of CIM CIM => Object-oriented model in UML Extensions to support new scope Minimal impact on content Interface Specifications (MBI, CDA) => Component Interface Specifications (CIS) CCAPI Project Report

19 Topics Introduction and Background Objectives and Scope What’s Changed
New Reference Model CIM Status Interface Specifications WG13 Status Conclusions CCAPI Project Report

20 Revised Reference Model
New model based on component technology Software industry (including EMS vendors and suppliers of EMS applications) embracing component-based architectures. Examples: CORBA component model Sun’s Enterprise Java Beans Microsoft COM/DCOM Key to plug-and-play in a distributed computing environment Focus is on definition/standardization of component interfaces CCAPI Project Report

21 CCAPI and IEC 61970 Reference Model

22 Data Access Services CCAPI Project Report

23 CCAPI as an Integration Framework
CCAPI Project Report

24 Integration Framework for WG14
= IEC Interface Trans Wires Model Dist Wires Model DAC VRU Information Exchange Model Planning Outage Management Distribution Automation EMS CIS Interface Adapter Interface Adapter Interface Adapter ... IEC Compliant Middleware Services Event History Human Resources Maint. Analysis Diagnostic Tools Work Management GIS Financial CCAPI Project Report

25 Integration Bus Implementation Strategy
Implement Integration Infrastructure That Meets IEC and Requirements Use COTS middleware for bus technology Incorporate process that brings in applicable models: CCAPI/CIM, UCA/GOMSFE, OAG, and others. For Interface Standards, Participate (Directly And Through Suppliers) In Utility Industry Standards Activities Gather information & influence the development of these standards CCAPI Project Report

26 Integration Bus Connector Architecture
Wrapped Application Application Local built as supported Unwrapped "Component" presents itself as Component protocol. {properties, events, methods} Application Wrapper per a standard component model (EJB, CORBA, COM+) with CIM-compliant semantics Application Domain Adapts local protocol Integration Domain directly to integration bus environment. Adapts component model to integration Component Custom bus environment. or Adaptor Adaptor Bus Transforms messages into the Administration Connector public information model. Transformer Information Exchange Mdl Integration Connects component instance to correct Wiring destinations per wiring configuration. Bus Client Configuration Message Delivery via Integration Bus Server(s) CCAPI Project Report

27 Enterprise Application Integration
EAI is not equal to Messaging (or MOM). Messaging is *only* the plumbing. EAI framework description includes process automation state-management real-time decision support connectors/adapters event channels content-based routing CCAPI Project Report

28 Dedicated EAI solution vendors
Active Software NEON CrossWorlds Software Vitria Technology TIBCO CCAPI Project Report

29 Vendors offering parts of EAI solutions
TSI (Mercator) STC BEA Systems Forte Software IBM SISCO CES CCAPI Project Report

30 Vendors offering integration platforms
Oracle SAP PeopleSoft Microsoft CCAPI Project Report

31 Topics Introduction and Background Objectives and Scope What’s Changed
New Reference Model CIM Status Interface Specifications WG13 Status Conclusions CCAPI Project Report

32 The Common Information Model (CIM)
A Tool To Enable Integration In Any Domain Where A Common Power System Model Is Needed Model Includes Public Classes, Their Attributes, And Relationships to represent utility objects The Classes (Objects) Are Abstract And May Be Used In A Wide Variety Of Applications Useful: As Inspiration For Logical Data Schemas To Define Information Exchange Models CCAPI Project Report

33 Example of CIM Class Diagram and Use of Unified Modeling Language (UML)
PowerSystemResource ( from Core) HasA MemberOf PowerTransformer TapChanger HeatExchanger HasA 1 1 ..1 ..1 HasA ..* ..* ..1 ..1 Contains 1 1 ..1 ..1 HasA HasA HasA TestedFrom 1 1 ..1 ..1 WindingFor Tested 1 1 ..* ..* TestedFrom 1 1 ..1 ..1 TransformerWinding ConductingEquipment ..* ..* WindingTest TestedTo ( from Core) ..* ..* 1 1 ..1 ..1 Tested TestedTo CCAPI Project Report

34 CIM (Common Information Model) Packages
<<Global>> Wires LoadModel Domain Topology SCADA Core Outage Generation Meas Financial Energy Reservation Protection Scheduling Asset CCAPI Project Report

35 Package Definitions IEC 61970 Part 301 IEC 61970 Part 302
Core Domain Topology Wires LoadModel Measurement Generation/Production Generation/GenerationDynamics Outage Protection IEC Part 302 Financial EnergyScheduling Reservation IEC Part 303 SCADA CCAPI Project Report

36 61970 Part 301 Core (new) Topology (new) Wires
Contains the core PowerSystemResource and ConductingEquipment entities shared by all applications. Topology (new) Extension to the Core Package that models Topology information independently of the other electrical characteristics Wires An extension to the Core and Topology package that models information on the electrical characteristics of Transmission and Distribution networks. CCAPI Project Report

37 Part 301 (Cont.) Measurement (new) Outage (new) Protection (new)
Entities that describe dynamic data exchanged between applications Outage (new) Extension to the Core and Wires packages that models information on the current and planned network configuration. Protection (new) Extension to the Core and Wires packages that models information for protection equipment including relays. CCAPI Project Report

38 Part 301 (Cont.) LoadModel (no change) Generation (no change)
Production (no change) GenerationDynamics (no change) Domain Definitions of primitive data types, used by all CIM packages and classes CCAPI Project Report

39 61970 Part 302 Business process related entities with associations to the appropriate part 301 classes. Financial Company and SubControlArea would be part of the Core package in part 301. Sub-types of Company and SubControlArea and more associations defined here Models for settlement and billing - legal entities in agreements EnergyScheduling Reservation CCAPI Project Report

40 61970 Part 303 and 61968 for DMS 61970 Part 303 SCADA
Entities specific to SCADA and Alarm processor applications that are not used by other applications. 61968 Assets Model WG14 Company, jobs, people, authorities,vehicles ,computers, conducting equipment, work management, outage management to support real-time operations CCAPI Project Report

41 Harmonization with WG10-12 and others
All Elements To Be Added To The CIM Data Dictionary Are Intended To Be Consistent With: TC57 WG 10/11/12 Standards (Based On The UCA2/GOMSFE) The OAG. It Is Recommended That Consideration Be Given For Generalizing The “WG13/WG14 CIM” To Become The “TC57 CIM” CCAPI Project Report

42 What Does CIM Compliance Mean
The CIM is not a database - it is an information model (I.e., meta data) CIM compliance means that at the public interface the data representation complies with the CIM in terms of Semantics - Naming and meaning of data Symantics - data type Relationships - relation to other parts of the CIM, so that the data relationships can be navigated CCAPI Project Report

43 CIM Compliance CIM compliance does not mean:
There is a database organized exactly like the CIM class diagrams All aspects of the CIM are provided for CCAPI Project Report

44 CIM Status Current Version u08b
Rational ROSE for model definition, maintenance Rational SODA for MS Word documentation Part 301 sent to IEC as CDV on 11/23/99 Part 302 sent to IEC as CD on 12/10/99 Part 303 SCADA being revised Part 501 CIM Schema CIM in XML with RDF Schema WG14 developing new CIM packages for distribution systems Many projects based on CIM CCAPI Project Report

45 Utilities Implementing CIM/CCAPI Standards
Illinois Power Kansas City Power and Light Florida Power and Light SCE Duquesne Power NERC Security Coordinators Power System Model data exchange Based on CIM XML and RDF Schema Many others in limited form CCAPI Project Report

46 EPRI API - Current Method of Interfacing Security Applications
EMS Systems Applications ABB DSA Siemens Landis VSA Harris ESCA TRACE Bailey Telegyr OTS CCAPI Project Report

47 On-line Security Interfaces with CIM
EMS Systems Applications CIM ABB DSA Siemens Landis VSA Harris ESCA TRACE Bailey Telegyr OTS ... CCAPI Project Report

48 EPRI Common Information Model Database and Messaging Infrastructure
Application Integration Using EPRI CIM EMS Data Base EMS VSA DSA TRACE Filter Real time Data Link Topology Processor BusBranch Model BusBranch Model BusBranch Model API Adapter API Adapter API Adapter API Adapter API Adapter API Adapter EPRI Common Information Model Database and Messaging Infrastructure API Adapter Wide Area Security Monitoring and Display CCAPI Project Report

49 Topics Introduction and Background Objectives and Scope What’s Changed
New Reference Model CIM Status Interface Specifications WG13 Status Conclusions CCAPI Project Report

50 Component Interface Specifications (CIS)
Level 1 Functional Requirements for Component Interfaces Describe events and messages to be supported by component interfaces Application oriented General requirements UML notation to describe message/event content and business object (RWO) behavior CCAPI Project Report

51 CCAPI CIS Application categories
SCADA (includes data processing, supervisory control, data acquisition) Alarm Processing Topology Processing Network Applications Load Management Generation Control Load Forecast Energy/Transmission Scheduling Maintenance Scheduling Transmission Resource Management Accounting Settlements HIS Equipment Data Definition Generic User Interface Dynamic Simulation Dispatcher Training Simulator External (i.e., sources/sinks of information for EMS applications that are not part of an EMS) CCAPI Project Report

52 CCAPI CIS Use Cases to support key user roles with applications identified Control Area Operator Transmission Operator Transmission Analyzer Operations Planner System Planner (long term) Security Coordinator Settlement and Billing Scheduling Coordinator Energy Scheduler Maintenance Scheduler Wholesale Power Marker Transmission Marketer/Cust Database Maintenance Engineer System Administrator Field Operator Distribution Analyzer Plant Operator Construction & Maintenance CCAPI Project Report

53 CIS Level 2 Interface Specifications Organized by interface service
Provides specific semantics/syntax in IDL Implementation-neutral language Specify events, methods, and properties CCAPI Project Report

54 Coordination with OMG Utility Task Force
UML and IDL obtained via OMG Utility Task Force submittals 2 RFPs now in process for Level 2 Data Access Facility (DAF) Approved as OMG standard Also version 7 of CIM in XML with RDF Schema Data Acquisition from Industrial Systems (DAIS) Three submittals now being evaluated CCAPI Project Report

55 Data Access Service CCAPI Project Report

56 Topics Introduction and Background Objectives and Scope What’s Changed
New Reference Model CIM Status Interface Specifications WG13 Status Conclusions CCAPI Project Report

57 IEC TC57 WG13 - EMS API Formed to develop standards for interfaces between applications within Energy Management System (EMS) external to EMS that supply/consume data in support of real-time operations in a control center Strategy is to accept EPRI Control Center Application Program Interface (CCAPI) work as draft proposals for WG13 standards CCAPI Project Report

58 Membership and Meetings
14 Countries represented Canada, China, Finland, France, Germany, Japan, Netherlands, Norway, Russia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, United States 25 members (8-15 active members) Recent Meetings Las Vegas, March 1999 Nice, June 1999 Stockholm, September 1999 Seattle, January 2000 CCAPI Project Report

59 WG13 Document Structure IEC 61970 series of standards for EMS-API
Part 1: Guidelines and General Requirements Part 2: Glossary Part 3: CIM (Common Information Model) Part 4: CIS (Component Interface Specifications), Level 1 Part 5: CIS, Level 2 CCAPI Project Report

60 Part 1 - Guidelines and General Requirements
IEC draft rev 3 is available 1. Scope 2. Normative References 3. Definitions 4. EMSAPI Reference Model 5. EMSAPI Standards Organization 6. General Infrastructure Requirements Incorporates CCAPI White Paper Version 2.2 CCAPI Project Report

61 Part 2 - Glossary Draft Rev 1 available CCAPI Project Report

62 Part 3 - CIM (Common Information Model)
Part 3 - Organized by layer Part 301: CIM CORE (CDV) Part 302: Financial, Energy Scheduling, Reservations (CD) Part 303: SCADA (Draft) Part 30x: Future CIM additions CCAPI Project Report

63 Part 4 - CIS Level 1 Part 4 - Level 1 Functional Requirements for Component Interfaces Organized by application category Driven by Use Cases Describe services and messages to be supported by component interfaces in UML and XML Generic Interface Definition (GID) Provides generic set of API services for all applications CCAPI Project Report

64 Part 4 CIS - Document Structure
Part CIS Framework (Draft Rev 1) Part Common Data Access (CDA) Part Generic Interface Definition (GID) Part SCADA Part Alarm Processing Part Network Applications Part Generation Control Part 4xx - Future parts Technical Report – EMS-API Use Cases (Draft) CCAPI Project Report

65 Part 401 CIS Framework Draft Revision 2 available 1. Scope
2. Normative References 3. Definitions 4. Interface Class Definition Process 5. Application Categories 6. CIS Document Structure CCAPI Project Report

66 Part 402 Common Data Access
CIS for applications to use to access publicly available data API builds on the CIM for class definitions and navigation Efficient access to large groups of related data (e.g., multiple instances of selected attribute values) Independent of Data base technology for implementation Programming language CCAPI Project Report

67 Part 402 Common Data Access
Functions supported: Read access Supports access to data organized in a complex schema (e.g., CIM) Multiple classes, different data types, reference and inheritance relationships Schema query Change notification events Interrogation service to determine support for services Read transaction spanning multiple operations CCAPI Project Report

68 Part 403 Generic Information Exchange
Generic requirements for functionality needed in Level 2 specifications Lead to standard API for any application to exchange information Leverages the CIM as a model or data dictionary for information exchange Message content and business object behavior specified in other CIS’s Four types of users of GID Developers of GID clients Developers of infrastructure that supports GID System integrators End users CCAPI Project Report

69 Part 403 Generic Information Exchange
Functionality supported: Operations for Phase 2 Common Data Access (request/reply) Create, read, update, delete, schema modification, fine grained notification of data changes Operations for event notification (send/receive) Operations for method invocation On components/applications Ex: run program On business objects Ex: Trip breaker Does not specify specific data exchange pattern CCAPI Project Report

70 Part 5 CIS Part 5 - Level 2 Interface Specifications
IDL (obtained via submittals) Implementation-neutral language Specify events, methods, and properties for component interfaces May be different profiles for each technology mapping CCAPI Project Report

71 CIS Part 5 - Document Structure (Preliminary)
Part CIM Schema Part Common Data Access Facility Part Generic API Part Resource Identification Part Measurement Values Part 506 – Alarm Events Part Parameter Update Events Part Execution Control Events Part Data Set Documents CCAPI Project Report

72 Topics Introduction and Background Objectives and Scope What’s Changed
New Reference Model CIM Status Interface Specifications WG13 Status Conclusions CCAPI Project Report

73 Conclusions Significant progress on several fronts
How to measure success Look at projects building on CCAPI results CIM relatively stable and being used extensively Converted to object-oriented approach with UML Basis for common power system model within EMS Application integration Legacy system integration Basis for information sharing between utilities and security coordinators Defines classes and attributes for neutral model of data Not necessary to have CIM-compliant data base CCAPI Project Report

74 Conclusions CCAPI Task Force meetings and provide forum for advancing integration concepts Achieved industry consensus on new component- based reference model supported by EMS suppliers Providing key enabling standards for integration Basis for drafts to WG13 Active participation by WG13 and WG14 member countries in process Architecture concepts for TC57 and UCA First CIS documents in 1999 Need pilot projects to test component interfaces CCAPI Project Report

75 CCAPI FTP site as anonymous user or via browser Check in appropriate folder for documents Folder “Document list” has list of recently submitted documents and the folder they are in. CCAPI Project Report

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