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2015 Legislative Session July 29, 2015. 2015 LEGISLATIVE SESSION January 6 – Session began February 27 - forecast released = $2 billion surplus April.

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Presentation on theme: "2015 Legislative Session July 29, 2015. 2015 LEGISLATIVE SESSION January 6 – Session began February 27 - forecast released = $2 billion surplus April."— Presentation transcript:

1 2015 Legislative Session July 29, 2015

2 2015 LEGISLATIVE SESSION January 6 – Session began February 27 - forecast released = $2 billion surplus April - budget plans revealed - the fighting started May 18 – last day of regular session – House & Senate pass education bill May 19 – Governor vetoes education bill June 12 – Special Session – new education bill passed Timeline recap

3 2015 Session - In the beginning… Divided government House/Senate and Moderate/Tea Party Budget session Regional differences Focus on transportation/tax breaks Construction ZONE! Recap - differences between 2014 and 2015:

4 How to spend $2 billion surplus? Gov.SenateHouse TAX RELIEF$197M$459M$2B RESERVES$1.3M$250M$100M TDB Fund$0 $319M HIGHER ED$288M$205M$53M K-12 TARGET$695M$350M$156M

5 Key funding priorities Governor- $695 Million K-12, $288 Million Higher Education Fully fund preschool for all 4-year-olds: $343 million –Free school breakfast for all students in pre-K through third grade 1 percent increase each year of the biennium on the formula: $174 million Special education increase: $41 million Teacher recruitment and retention: $24 million

6 Key funding priorities Senate DFL- $350 Million K-12, $205 Million Higher Education 1% and 1% increase on the formula $8M for student support services and $1M for FSCS $75M for early childhood ($70M for school readiness, $5M in scholarships) $19M for Q-comp (enough to cover the approved plans plus) House GOP- $156 Million K-12, $53 Million Higher Education.6% and.6% increase on the formula $30M for scholarships $9.5M for school readiness $6M MN Reading Corps NO funding for Q-comp/TDE, student support services, FSCS, Head Start

7 Our priorities Formula TDE/Q-comp funding Universal preK Full Service Community Schools Testing Higher education more affordable

8 Other Issues Unrequested leaves of absence Non-licensed community experts ECFE/ABE Healthcare

9 Policy changes in the bill Licensure o Changes to MTLE exam requirements o Eases requirements on out of state licensure applicants Testing Grades 3-8 rather than 2-7 Time spent on standardized tests Full Service Community Schools o Strategy to put social, medical & supplemental academic services on school campus o Funding for site coordinator & one-time planning grant

10 Policy changes in the bill Post-secondary Educational Opportunities (PSEO) o 10th grade students who didn’t take 8 th grade MCA can substitute another reading assessment accepted by MnSCU o MnSCU required to give full credit for students who successfully completed PSEO course in high school Special education Statewide online system MDE support Staff development Allow funding for TDE and PDE Plans must include TDE and PDE alignment

11 Funding changes in the bill Formula increase: 2% each year ATPPS/Q-comp – $9.5 million School readiness, early learning scholarships & HeadStart - $90 million EL revenue – expanded from 6 to 7 years American Indian education funding – state aid now available for districts enrolling at least 20 American Indian students with an AI program - $18 million

12 Funding changes in the bill (con’t) Extended time revenue – increased $100/pupil Operating capital levies increased in 2017, 2018 & 2019 Student achievement levy decreased from $20 million to $10 million Compensatory revenue changes: site-based requirement amended to allow districts more flexibility for use of these funds Long-term facilities maintenance – new equalized revenue created, replaces health & safety revenue. Districts must develop 10-year facility plan to qualify - $32 million

13 Next steps – gear up for 2016! Potential issues: Supplemental budget bill Universal access to pre-k Q-comp/teacher development and evaluation Full Service Community Schools Testing Reduction Transparency of time and money Student support services

14 Get involved! What can you do: Back home meetings with legislators If interested in testifying and/or being more involved in legislative process, contact

15 Get involved! What can you do: Stay connected & informed by joining our ConnectEd Community go to: select "not a member", then register in 30 seconds search for "EdMN Legislative Issues" request to join

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