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Strategic Plan 2014-2019. Create A World Class Experience Strong Goverance & Sound Operations Strong Goverance & Sound Operations Robust Premier Program.

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Presentation on theme: "Strategic Plan 2014-2019. Create A World Class Experience Strong Goverance & Sound Operations Strong Goverance & Sound Operations Robust Premier Program."— Presentation transcript:

1 Strategic Plan 2014-2019

2 Create A World Class Experience Strong Goverance & Sound Operations Strong Goverance & Sound Operations Robust Premier Program Community Magnet

3 Our goal is to create an engaging, positive, dynamic environment that generates a love for life long learning and knowledge. Our students will consistently uphold our ethics and values and demonstrate leadership, compassion, and teamwork with one another. Create A World Class Experience

4 The continued success and longevity of the school depends on ongoing sound operations and strategic planning for the future. The Board of Trustees works with the school to provide the oversight and vision necessary to ensure both are accomplished. Strong Goverance & Sound Operations Strong Goverance & Sound Operations

5 Our goal is to be a destination that attracts students, their parents, and the greater Pottstown community. The school will be an integral part of Pottstown in supporting educational and civic activities. Our programs and facilities will provide a quality experience and promote use by diverse interests which will in turn promote our reputation. Community Magnet

6 Provide a world class education through a current and relevant curriculum developed and delivered by the highest quality teachers. The quality of teaching is built around continued professional development and active coaching within a dedicated team of professionals. Robust Premier Program

7 Create A World Class Experience Strong Goverance & Sound Operations Robust Premier Program Community Magnet Maintain an active and engaged Board of Trustees Maintain an active and engaged Board of Trustees Sustain our strong financial position Sustain our strong financial position Continued impact of advancement Continued impact of advancement Maximize alternative revenue sources Maximize alternative revenue sources Diverse and connected constituencies Diverse and connected constituencies Dynamic campus environment Dynamic campus environment Build the brand Community outreach Drive enrollment to capacity Drive enrollment to capacity Strengthen school through financial assistance Strengthen school through financial assistance Top quality faculty Emphasis on professional development Emphasis on professional development Relevant and engaging curriculum Relevant and engaging curriculum Focus on leadership, character, and service Focus on leadership, character, and service Enhanced campus

8 What does this mean for you? Wyndcroft will be its most successful and most compelling when we all are fully engaged. Find your place! – Talk to others about Wyndcroft – Participate in Annual Fund – Join the WPTO or do other volunteer work – Volunteer for Board committee work

9 Maintain an active and engaged Board of Trustees – Create an ideal board membership template – Review the current structure of the board in regard to terms lengths, multiple terms, officer appointment, succession planning, etc – Review and update the board member training materials and regular trustee education practices. – Review and update Board, Board member, and Board officer evaluation practices. – Develop a manual of fiduciary and administrative procedures for each committee of the board. – Consider the need for more regular communication from board to parents and/or other constituent groups. If appropriate, develop plans and templates for such communication.

10 Sustain our strong financial position – Increase revenue such that faculty and staff compensation is at competitive levels, while maintaining tuition funding at least 85% of operating expenses. Tuition must remain competitive with our competition – Explore operational efficiencies that reduce expenses – Continue emphasis on annual fund participation – Continued regular review of financial position, including investment choices and all financial policies.

11 Continued impact of advancement – Celebrate completion of capital campaign and challenge – Refocus energy on annual giving and auction Set targets for participation rates for upcoming years Develop a systematic plan for continued education of all constituents – Develop a plan to grow endowment Increase community awareness of endowment Target levels for upcoming years – Continue to build alumni database and relationships – Continue to leverage development dollars to support current school initiatives

12 Maximize alternative revenue sources – Continue to explore grants – Education Improvement Tax Credit Program Awaiting approval Educate our constituency – Gym or other facility rentals – Evaluate summer programs and consider other summer uses of facilities

13 Top quality faculty – Continued emphasis on recruitment and retention of top quality faculty – Develop a plan to increase faculty salaries to levels commensurate with peer schools – Review and update benefits package as necessary to make it competitive and attractive – Establish and support a comprehensive professional development plan for all faculty – Ensure regular and annual feedback for growth – Focus on increased and appropriate faculty diversity

14 Emphasis on professional development – Establish professional development requirements at every level – Provide increased funding for professional development

15 Relevant and engaging curriculum – Commitment to the School’s mission in all academic programming – Continued commitment to arts and athletics – Develop a comprehensive curriculum framework to horizontally and vertically align core curriculum – Explore instructional methods that develop and support critical thinking, collaboration, and problem solving – Provide coaching for faculty to support greater student use of technology and learning activities throughout the curriculum – Update research and library materials

16 Focus on leadership, character, and service – Review and define student success profile – Ensure that Non Sibi remains a primary core value and continues to be well communicated and emphasized in curriculum and activities – Continued intentional emphasis on public speaking and performance – High expectations for building personal integrity and resilience

17 Enhanced campus – Complete Phase 2 construction Complete Phase 2 construction – Privatize Rosedale Drive between Wilson Road and Mulberry Road – Optimize use of Dau House – Expand parking at Dau House – Continue to consider adjacent school property as potential green space, playground, small athletic fields and options for off street parking and pickup route – Centralized HVAC System for main building – Technology updates Updated server or consider outsourcing Review current security system and update as needed

18 Diverse and connected constituencies – Continue focus on diversity within the school environment, facilitating ethnic and social diversity growth long-term in our student body, faculty, administration and member families – Ideal Board of Trustees has members representing the ethnic and social diversity of our community and our many different constituent groups. – Accentuate and promote our school culture that is grounded in ethics and values that embrace diversity and inclusion

19 Dynamic campus environment – Ensure all facilities are well maintained, cleared signed and branded – Work for full utilization of our facilities in keeping with our mission and marketing plan Summer programs Evening adult education programs Athletic and arts rentals

20 Build the brand – Capitalize on our investments in our campus to attract a bigger pool of students and expand our community service efforts, utilizing new facilities for inclusive summer camps in offerings such as science, health and wellness. – Market our facilities to the surrounding community for use for athletic and performing arts events and inviting them to our events. – Focus on the fact, that we have a great and improving product to offer. The Wyndcroft School sells itself once people are on campus and with our community! – Profile success stories of our students, where they are going to secondary school and college, and the careers they progress to Survey graduates at various levels. – Expose prospective families to impactful and differentiating Wyndcroft events such as graduation, French and Latin days, Spring play

21 Community outreach – Establish additional after school, weekend and summer programs to expose prospective students, engage our students in greater community interaction year round and serve our larger community – Develop increased Communication Plan regarding Long Term Strategic Planning progress and increase Membership participation in these efforts through Ad Hoc Committee and tapping our talented Membership resources more effectively – Increase new Family Welcome Calls from Board and Volunteers to assimilate families into our Community of culture and service – Build new Alumni database, meaningful contact, and initiative Reunions every 5 years per class with support i.e. Facebook – Develop closed loop feedback mechanisms to ensure the product meets needs and expectations at Wyndcroft and next levels via Parent and Student surveys in academic and social progress. Track graduates in instruction, extra curricula and social through secondary and college – Develop Target Marketing initiatives and Plans, leveraging traditional and social media channels. Focus on specific geographies, enhancement to the School and Campus and success of our students beyond Wyndcroft

22 Drive enrollment to capacity – Established a consistent Board Committee for Marketing and Enrollment – Increase enrollment by two percent a year for the next five years, with a sustained target of 250-260 students – Continue our history and focus on diversity within the school environment, encouraging and facilitating both ethnic and social diversity growth in the school long-term. – Develop a targeted set of enrollment related marketing initiatives and plans, leveraging traditional and social media channels. Focus marketing on specific geographies, enhancements to the school and campus, and successes of our students moving on to secondary schools and beyond. – Establish additional programs, either in the summer or after- school to expose new students to the school and to allow current students to be engaged with the school year round.

23 Strengthen school through financial assistance – Establish target budget and percentage for students on Financial assistance consistent with peer schools – Initiate a program and outreach for targeted scholarships/financial assistance for best and brightest qualified prospective students, to make the school accessible to a select number of students that would not otherwise consider Wyndcroft – Ensure Wyndcroft remains viable and attracts a socio- economically diverse set of families, who want to make the choice of an independent school education for their children

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