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World War II & Holocaust

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1 World War II & Holocaust

2 Essential Questions Why did several countries turn to dictators following WWI? What conditions allowed for the rise of these dictators? Why did the US remain out of foreign affairs following WWI? What strategies did totalitarian regimes use to gain power? What lesson can be learned from the policy of appeasement?

3 WWII What were the conditions in the 1930’s in the US?
Great Depression – unemployment, stock market crash (1929), falling farm prices, banks closed, etc. What was the condition of Germany and other countries following WWI? Inflation, unemployment, unstable democracies, economic depression, many parties (Communist, Socialist, Social Democrats) viewed capitalism as a failure due to the Great Depression Turned to dictators

4 WWII WWII lasted from ___ to ___? 1939 to 1945
What were the exact dates of the war? September 1, 1939 to September 2, 1945 What type of governments emerged in Italy, Spain, Germany and the USSR after WWI? Totalitarian What are several characteristics of a Totalitarian government?

5 WWII Single, charismatic leader One political party
Use of secret police, spies, terror, intimidation Use of propaganda, brainwashing, indoctrination Use of education, youth groups State control of the economy

6 WWII What type of government emerged in Italy in 1923? Fascist
Who was the leader of this government? Benito Mussolini What was he known as? Il Duce (The Leader) What were Mussolini’s private army called? Blackshirts Whom did Mussolini replace? Victor Emmanuel

7 WWII What country did Mussolini take over in 1935? Ethiopia
What other countries did he invade? Libya, Albania What Fascist came to power in Spain? Francisco Franco What was Spain’s position in WWII? Neutral

8 WWII Who was the leader of the USSR following WWI?
Joseph Stalin (Man of Steel) What type of government? Communist What were the state-run farms called? Collective Farms How did many people die in the USSR under Stalin? Forced labor camps What was Stalin’s goal for the USSR? Industrialism

9 WWII In what year did Hitler attempt to take over the German government? 1923 What was the name of this government? Weimar Republic What was the takeover attempt called? Munich Putsch or Beer Hall Putsch What was the result of the failed attempt? Hitler was arrested and jailed

10 WWII What book did Hitler write in prison? Mein Kampf (My Struggle)
In what year was Hitler appointed Chancellor? 1933 Who was the former Chancellor? Paul von Hindenburg What was the name of Hitler’s party? Nazi Who were the Aryans? Hitler’s idea of the “master race” What is anti-semitism? Hatred of and prejudice against Jewish people

11 WWII Who was the Emperor of Japan? Hirohito
Who was the military leader of Japan? Heideki Tojo What two major acts of aggression did Japan commit? Invasion of Manchuria in 1931 Invasion of China in 1937 Why was Japan expanding its territories? For resources and power Who were the members of the “Axis?” Germany, Italy, Japan

12 WWII What area did Hitler remilitarize in 1936? Rhineland
What country was annexed in 1938? Austria What was the union called? Anschluss Hitler used this term for “living space” Lebensraum

13 WWII What area of Czechoslovakia did Hitler want to annex? Sudetenland
At what meeting did the allies challenge Hitler’s aggression? Munich Conference (Pact) Who was the British Prime Minister at Munich? Neville Chamberlain

14 WWII What policy was adopted at Munich? Appeasement
How did this policy help Hitler? He continued his aggression without interference After taking the rest of Czechoslovakia, what country did Hitler invade next, starting WWII? Poland On what date did this happen? September 1, 1939 Why is it important? Marked the start of WWII

15 WWII What agreement had Hitler previously signed with Joseph Stalin?
Non-Aggression (Nazi-Soviet) pact What military technique did Germany use to invade Poland? Blitzkrieg What happened to Poland? Quick defeat – divided between Germany and USSR What was the name of the line of French defenses against Germany? Maginot Line

16 WWII What countries were taken by Germany in the following 6 months?
Denmark, Norway, Belgium, Netherlands, France What happened at Dunkirk? British soldiers were rescued from coast of France What was the only remaining allied country left in Europe by 1940? Great Britain What was the name of the German Air Force? Luftwaffe What was the name of the British Air Force? Royal Air Force (RAF)

17 WWII Why was the Battle of Britain significant?
It was Hitler’s first defeat, stopped German advance Who was the Prime Minister of GB? Winston Churchill How long was London bombed by Germany? Approximately one year Who was commander of German forces in North Africa? Erwin Rommel What was he known as? Desert Fox

18 WWII What was America’s position when WWII began? Neutrality
What did Roosevelt (FDR) do as the Japanese expanded? Moved the Pacific fleet to Hawaii Why did the Japanese attack Pearl Harbor? The US threatened their expansion What further angered Japan? The US embargo on Japanese oil On what date did Japan attack Pearl Harbor? December 7, 1941 Why was this important (as well as a mistake for Japan)? The US entered the war

19 WWII What was the key “turning point” battle in Egypt? El Alamein
When did Hitler invade the Soviet Union? 1941 What was the name of this invasion? Operation Barbarossa What was the key “turning point” battle in the USSR? Battle of Stalingrad Why was this important? It stopped Hitler’s advance into the Soviet Union

20 WWII What did “D-Day” refer to?
The allied invasion of western Europe through France On what date did this occur? June 6, 1944 What was it officially known as? Operation Overlord Why was this event significant? It opened a western front against Germany as the Soviet Union moved in from the east

21 WWII What was the Battle of the Bulge?
Hitler’s last major offensive against the allies Why was it important? It was the costliest battle fought by the US Army When was V-E Day? May 8, 1945 What key island was taken by the Japanese forcing American troops to withdraw? Philippines What US commander said “I shall return?” Douglas MacArthur

22 WWII What was the name of the forced march of US and Filipino soldiers into the jungle? Bataan Death March For what two reasons was the battle of Coral Sea important? First aircraft carrier battle Stopped invasion of Australia At what battle was the famous photo of US soldiers taken as they raised the flag on Mt. Suribachi? Iwo Jima What were kamikazes? Japanese suicide pilots

23 WWII At what Pacific battle did the US destroy 3 of 4 Japanese battleships? Midway What was the Manhattan Project? Plan and design of the atom bomb Who led this program? Robert Oppenheimer Where was the bomb first tested? Los Alamos, NM Who became President after the death of FDR? Harry Truman

24 WWII What was the main reason for using a nuclear weapon on Japan?
US losses would be too high with a traditional invasion of Japan What was the site of the first atom bomb? Hiroshima On what date? August 6, 1945 What was the site of the second atom bomb? Nagasaki August 9, 1945

25 WWII Where did the Japanese surrender? Aboard the USS Missouri
On what date? September 2, 1945 How long did WWII last? 6 years and 1 day Where were many Japanese Americans held during WWII? Internment camps on the west coast

26 WWII What conference was held during the war where it was agreed to divide Germany into 4 zones of occupation? Yalta (Stalin, Churchill, Roosevelt) At what meeting did Truman let Stalin know about the atom bomb? Potsdam What were the US plans for Germany and Japan? Demilitarization – reduce the military Democratization – set up democratic governments

27 Holocaust What is genocide?
The elimination of an entire group of people What did this event become known as in Germany? The Holocaust The Germans referred to this as: The Final Solution When were the Nuremberg Laws passed? 1935

28 holocaust What were the Nuremburg Laws?
Laws that gradually stripped Jews of their rights What are some examples of these laws? Lost citizenship, jobs, businesses, removed from schools, J on passport, Sarah and Israel as middle names What was Kristallnacht? Jewish shops were destroyed (Night of Broken Glass) What was the name of Germany’s first concentration camp? Dachau

29 holocaust What are political prisoners?
People jailed due to political beliefs What were ghettos? Areas within the city where Jews were forced to live What was the Wannsee Conference? The meeting where the final decision to eliminate all the Jews was held What were some of the death camps? Auschwitz, Sobibor, Chelmo, Madjanek

30 holocaust What was the name of the mobile death squads in the USSR?
Einsatzgruppen Why was Sobibor important? A successful escape took place Where did the largest Jewish uprising take place? Warsaw ghetto, Poland What chemical was used to kill people in the camps? Zyklon B (pesticide)

31 holocaust Who was Joseph Mengele? Infamous doctor of Auschwitz
Approximately how many Jews were killed in the Holocaust? 6 million Approximately how many people (total) died in Germany’s camps? 11 million

32 holocaust What were the Nuremberg Trials? Trial of Nazi war criminals

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