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Rioting Ma Migration A clinic tour Circulation Cuter mom Commuter.

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Presentation on theme: "Rioting Ma Migration A clinic tour Circulation Cuter mom Commuter."— Presentation transcript:


2 Rioting Ma Migration

3 A clinic tour Circulation

4 Cuter mom Commuter

5 Truly nova Voluntary

6 Fee urge Refugee

7 Rant in toenail International

8 Mint rage Emigrant

9 Minter tree Retirement

10 International Migration in to Europe

11 Why did so many migrants choose Europe? After WWII (1945) Europe needed a lot of labour to repair the bomb damage and help the economy recover. Many men had been killed in the war so migrant workers were encouraged to come to work They came mainly from Africa, Asia and the Caribbean.

12 Migration to the UK Immigrants to the UK came mainly from the Caribbean and Indian Empire Commonwealth Citizens had free entry into the UK By 1971 there were over 1 million immigrants from Commonwealth countries

13 What jobs did they take? Textile factories Steelworks Drove buses Worked on railways Later arrivals worked in: Restaurants Shops

14 How did they control the numbers coming in? By the 1970s, the UK had more than enough labour, and controls were introduced to reduce the migrants arriving.

15 Migrants today Migrants today are still trying to reach Europe including the UK There push factors ‘pushing’ them out of places, e.g. Africa. They leave because of famine and civil war. They are being smuggled into the EU as illegal immigrants. Many enter by boat through the Canary Islands, Malta, Italy or Spanish territories.

16 International migration into Europe After WWII (1945) Europe needed a lot of labour to repair the bomb damage and help the economy recover. Many men had been killed in the war so migrant workers were encouraged to come to work Immigrants to the U came mainly from the Caribbean and Indian Empire Commonwealth Citizens had free entry into the UK By 1971 there were over 1 million immigrants from Commonwealth countries They worked in: Textile factories; Steelworks; Drove buses; railways Later arrivals worked in: Restaurants; Shops By the 1970s, the UK had more than enough labour, and controls were introduced to reduce the migrants arriving. Migrants today are still trying to reach Europe including the UK There push factors ‘pushing’ them out of places, e.g. Africa. They leave because of famine and civil war. They are being smuggled into the EU as illegal immigrants. Many enter by boat through the Canary Islands, Malta, Italy or Spanish territories.

17 Cartoon strip

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