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Community Cohesion: What is cohesion?

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Presentation on theme: "Community Cohesion: What is cohesion?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Community Cohesion: What is cohesion?
Interdependent principles – linking cohesion to equalities and diversity National context Local context LGA guidance Why facilitate community cohesion? Potential barriers and possible solutions What are we doing now? One Wrexham Key documents The way forward? GG

2 What is cohesion? Ongoing process requiring long-term commitment
Concept – ability to come together around shared values and beliefs Whole communities Includes race and ethnicity, age, gender, disability, sexual orientation, faith and language GG

3 Interdependent principles:
Recognition Equalities Community cohesion Respect Diversity GG

4 National Context: Riots in northern England towns Cantle
Local Government Association, Action Guide GG

5 Local Context: Caia Park riots Changing demography
Asylum Seekers and Refugees Migrant Workers BME community GG

6 LGA guidance There is a common vision and a sense of belonging for all communities; The diversity of people’s different backgrounds and circumstances are appreciated and positively valued; Those from different backgrounds have similar life opportunities; Strong and positive relationships are being developed between people from different backgrounds. [Home Office 2001, LGA Guidance 2005] GG

7 Why facilitate community cohesion?
Moral obligation Legal responsibility Race Relations (Amendment) Act 2000 Human Rights Act 1998 Welsh Language Act 1993 Disability Discrimination Act 1995 etc ………. Good business sense WCBC Corporate priority GG

8 Potential barriers and possible solutions:
Potential barriers Possible solutions Size, scope and Targeted action; timescales Incremental improvements; Myths, rumour and Communication and the media information. GG

9 What are we doing now? Community Cohesion Co-ordination Group Gypsy +
Traveller Strategic Group Anti race-hate campaign Migrant Worker Action Plan Asylum Seekers + Refugees Strategy Group Gypsy + Traveller MAF GG

10 One Wrexham: CRE Gypsy and Irish Traveller action plan
Migrant Worker Action Plan, Croeso, Business Week, Information booklet, Mythbusters One Wrexham Charter of Belonging GG

11 Key priorities for 2007/8 Roll-out of Charter of Belonging
Anti race hate campaign [including tension monitoring processes] Community Cohesion Strategy and action plan Key stakeholders Clarity about our vision for cohesion GG

12 Key documents: Cantle report – ‘Improving Opportunity strengthening Society’ – ‘Building Community Cohesion into Area Based Initiatives’ – LGA ‘Community Cohesion – an action guide’ – GG

13 The way forward? How and why the Community Strategy Partnership could take forward community cohesion and migrant worker issues as part of their core work during 2007/8 GG

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