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Lucy Oates Media and Communications The task: Devise and deliver a media and communications campaign to enhance community cohesion in Goole. Timescale:

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Presentation on theme: "Lucy Oates Media and Communications The task: Devise and deliver a media and communications campaign to enhance community cohesion in Goole. Timescale:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Lucy Oates Media and Communications The task: Devise and deliver a media and communications campaign to enhance community cohesion in Goole. Timescale: Need to make an impact straight away.

2 Issues to address: - The economic downturn had triggered a backlash against migrant communities. - Anti-migrant march and public order incidents brought underlying tensions into the public domain. - Issue of immigration was being debated through the letters pages of Goole newspapers. - Inaccurate and misleading information about the rights of migrant workers in letters and news stories. - Feedback from community consultation events suggests that underlying tensions are more widespread. Lucy Oates Media and Communications

3 Key areas for action: Challenge the myths and false perceptions; Present positive examples of community cohesion; Present positive examples of migrant workers contributing towards community life and the local economy; Ensure that partner organisations are briefed and that community leaders are able to act as figureheads for the campaign. Lucy Oates Media and Communications

4 What did we actually do… and did it work? - We talked to people; - We looked for human interest stories; - Wherever possible, we used research and statistics to add weight; - We tried to challenge people’s perceptions (of migrant workers and of Goole as a place to live); - We took care not to reinforce negative stereotypes or perceptions. Lucy Oates Media and Communications

5 Lessons learned/top tips: - Make sure that all partners really are on board (action speaks louder then words); - Remember that you can’t change attitudes overnight; - Get out there and talk to people, within the community and those from partner organisations; - Monitor the media closely to see what works; it could help you to identify other opportunities too; - Use every communications tool at your disposal. Lucy Oates Media and Communications

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