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2009-2010 Proposed Budget February 5, 2009 Personal and Academic Success for All!

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Presentation on theme: "2009-2010 Proposed Budget February 5, 2009 Personal and Academic Success for All!"— Presentation transcript:

1 2009-2010 Proposed Budget February 5, 2009 Personal and Academic Success for All!

2 Charlottesville City Schools 1562 Dairy Road Charlottesville VA 22903 434-245-2400 2 Building a Budget Recognizing the Present…Ensuring the Future Charlottesville City Schools Personal and academic success for all !

3 Charlottesville City Schools 1562 Dairy Road Charlottesville VA 22903 434-245-2400 3 Building a Budget Recognizing the Present…Ensuring the Future DateMeeting January 13 Budget Review Committee Senior Staff & Principals (Conference Call) January 15School Board Work Session January 16CEA Leaders January 21 Budget Review Committee PTO Council January 24School Board Work Session January 29School Board Work Session February 5Open Hearing and Budget Presentation February 9,10,17,18,24 PTO Meetings (Various School Sites) February 26Special School Board Business Session DateMeeting November 17 Leadership Meeting Department Heads November 24PTO Luncheon December 1 Departmental Meetings TACC December 18Budget Review Committee January 5TACC January 8Release of MGT Efficiency Review Report January 9Senior Staff & Principals January 9/12Principals with School Staff January 12Senior Staff & Principals Budget Input/Development Meetings

4 Charlottesville City Schools 1562 Dairy Road Charlottesville VA 22903 434-245-2400 4 Building a Budget Recognizing the Present…Ensuring the Future  Maintaining a Competitive Position  Salary Considerations  Health Insurance Costs  Retirement Incentive

5 Charlottesville City Schools 1562 Dairy Road Charlottesville VA 22903 434-245-2400 5 Building a Budget Recognizing the Present…Ensuring the Future  Division Level Positions/Reorganization  Professional Development Facilitator  Volunteer Coordinator (0.5)  Career & Technical Education Coordinator  Instructional Media Services Coordinator  CLASS Coordinator

6 Charlottesville City Schools 1562 Dairy Road Charlottesville VA 22903 434-245-2400 6 Building a Budget Recognizing the Present…Ensuring the Future  Instructional Support  ESL Teacher  Preschool Social Worker  Three-Year-Old Program Teacher & IA  World Languages Teacher  National Board Certification Supplement

7 Charlottesville City Schools 1562 Dairy Road Charlottesville VA 22903 434-245-2400 7 Building a Budget Recognizing the Present…Ensuring the Future  Division Classroom Staffing Formulas  General Education  Special Education  Contract Services  Strategic Plan

8 Charlottesville City Schools 1562 Dairy Road Charlottesville VA 22903 434-245-2400 8 2009-2010 Proposed Budget-General Fund Maintain Current Competitive Position  Teachers and IA s 2.50%, Others 1.5% (step) 303,312  Health insurance increase +5% 130,754  Projected savings from retirement incentive(300,000)  Division level staffing (-3.10 GF, -1.00 SRF) -4.10(278,822)  ESL teacher(Title 1) 1.00 0  Preschool social worker (Title 1).50 0  World languages teacher 1.00 65,874  3 year old program – teacher 1.00 65,874  3 year old program – IA 1.00 29,027  Supplement for National Board Certification 15,000

9 Charlottesville City Schools 1562 Dairy Road Charlottesville VA 22903 434-245-2400 9 2009-2010 Proposed Budget-General Fund General Education Staffing Formulas  Walker staffing formula 16.25:1 -5.00(328,358)  Buford staffing formula 16.25:1 -2.50(164,433)  Clark inst. assistant position17.0:1-3.00 (87,081)  Greenbrier teaching position20.0:1-1.00 (65,874)  Greenbrier inst. asst. position20.0:1 -1.00 (29,027)  Jackson Via inst. asst. position 17.0:1+1.00 29,027  Johnson inst. asst. position17.0:1 -1.00 (29,027)

10 Charlottesville City Schools 1562 Dairy Road Charlottesville VA 22903 434-245-2400 10 2009-2010 Proposed Budget-General Fund Special Education Staffing Formula  K – 6 teaching positions-3.00(197,730)  7 – 12 teaching positions-1.00 (65,874)  K – 6 inst. assistant positions-4.00(116,108)  7 – 12 inst. assistant positions-2.00 (58,054)

11 Charlottesville City Schools 1562 Dairy Road Charlottesville VA 22903 434-245-2400 11 2009-2010 Proposed Budget-General Fund Contracts and Miscellaneous Services  Maintenance contract – City (89,905)  Facilities repair contract – City(131,259)  Transportation contract – City(227,240)  Comprehensive Services Act – City 47,215  Vocational education contract – CATEC (22,125)  Piedmont Regional Education Program (PREP) (70,172)  Strategic Plan update 25,000

12 Charlottesville City Schools 1562 Dairy Road Charlottesville VA 22903 434-245-2400 12 2009-2010 Proposed Budget-General Fund Contracts and Miscellaneous Services  Alternative Education – start up funding(175,905)  World languages program – start up funding (25,000)  Legal fees15,000  3 year old program expansion operating58,800  Other Miscellaneous changes(5,411)  Division Contingency Reserve261,050 TOTAL EXPENSE CHANGES (1,421,472)

13 Charlottesville City Schools 1562 Dairy Road Charlottesville VA 22903 434-245-2400 13 2009-2010 General Fund Revenue Changes  City  $40,291,212  70.40% of GF budget  Increase of $509,681 +1.28%  Reduce transfer to CLASS $ 75,676  State  $15,001,119  27.29% of GF budget  Decrease of ($1,985,836) -11.69%  Federal  $159,020 .29% of GF budget  No change  Fees and Other  $1,113,177  2.02% of GF budget  Decrease of ($20,993) -1.85% TOTAL REVENUE DECREASE (1,421,472) -2.52%

14 Charlottesville City Schools 1562 Dairy Road Charlottesville VA 22903 434-245-2400 14 2009-2010 General Fund Revenue Changes TOTAL REVENUE DECREASE(1,421,472) -2.52% TOTAL EXPENSE DECREASE(1,421,472) -2.52% NET BALANCE 0

15 Charlottesville City Schools 1562 Dairy Road Charlottesville VA 22903 434-245-2400 15 2009-2010 Special Revenue Funds Total: $13,297,724  Support Programs  School Nutrition $1,615,283  Adult Education$701,725  CLASS$443,367  Textmedia$403,000  Technology Replacement$275,000  MLK Performing Arts Center $77,405 TOTAL SUPPORT PROGRAMS $3,515,780

16 Charlottesville City Schools 1562 Dairy Road Charlottesville VA 22903 434-245-2400 16 2009-2010 Special Revenue Funds Total: $13,297,724  State Sponsored Programs  Hospital Education $2,352,153  Blue Ridge Detention Center$591,986 TOTAL STATE SPONSORED PROGRAMS $2,944,139

17 Charlottesville City Schools 1562 Dairy Road Charlottesville VA 22903 434-245-2400 17 2009-2010 Special Revenue Funds Total: $13,297,724  Major Grant Supported Programs  Federal: Title 1 $2,130,508  Federal: Title VI-B $1,136,403  Federal: Other Title $427,964  Federal: Teaching American History $350,970  Federal: Other $392,262  State: VPSA Technology $336,000  State: 21 st Century Grant $208,066  State: Virginia Preschool Initiative $178,022  All Others (approximately 30) $1,677,610

18 Charlottesville City Schools 1562 Dairy Road Charlottesville VA 22903 434-245-2400 18 2009-2010 Total Budget  General Fund  $54,974,755  Decrease of - $1,421,472(-2.52%)  Special Revenue Fund  $13,297,724  Decrease of - $100,123 (-0.75%)  Total Budget  $68,272,479  Decrease of - $1,521,595 (-2.18%)

19 Charlottesville City Schools 1562 Dairy Road Charlottesville VA 22903 434-245-2400 19 Revenues vs. Expenditures Total Projected Budget: $ 68,272,479 Total Revenues 2009-2010 Proposed Budget Total Expenditures 2009-2010 Proposed Budget

20 Charlottesville City Schools 1562 Dairy Road Charlottesville VA 22903 434-245-2400 20 Expenditures by State Reporting Category Instruction………………………………..75.8% Maintenance……………………………..9.7% Administration/Attendance/Health……5.4% Pupil Transportation…………………….3.4% Nutrition/Non-Instruction……………….2.6% Technology……………………………….3.0% $ 68,272,479

21 Charlottesville City Schools 1562 Dairy Road Charlottesville VA 22903 434-245-2400 21 2009-2010 Proposed Budget Contingency Reserve Option  Laptops for Teachers  Approximately 423  Lease Option  Annual Cost: Approximately $247,000

22 2009-2010 Proposed Budget February 5, 2009 Personal and Academic Success for All!

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