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HP e3000 Migration Solutions Overview Presented by Speedware Ltd.

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Presentation on theme: "HP e3000 Migration Solutions Overview Presented by Speedware Ltd."— Presentation transcript:

1 HP e3000 Migration Solutions Overview Presented by Speedware Ltd.

2 Speedware Company Overview  Founded in 1976  Division of Activant Solutions Inc.  Strong financial health, $380M+ annual revenues, 2100 employees  3000+ customers spanning North America, Europe, Latin America, and Asia Pacific  Comprehensive suite of software solutions – HP e3000 Migration solutions – Legacy Modernization solutions – Application Portfolio Management solutions – Business Intelligence solutions (data analytics and reporting) – Web and client/server application development technologies

3 Our Customers

4 HP Platinum Migration Partner  Speedware is the leading HP e3000 Migration Solutions Vendor – No one has done more HP e3000 migrations than Speedware, worldwide – Over 10 years of HP e3000 migration experience – 100% success rate  HP Platinum Migration Partner – Charter member of HP’s Platinum Migration Partners – Positioned by HP to provide end-to-end migration solutions Hardware, databases, 4GL and 3GL applications migrations, 3rd party technologies, Migration Services

5 Strategic HP e3000 Migration Partners  Hewlett-Packard  IBM  Microsoft  AcuCorp  Cognos  Core Migrations  DISC  DocTrac Solutions  Hahn Informatik  Imaxsoft  Marxmeier Software  Mercury (HP)  Micro Focus  Oracle  Ordat  Ordina-Denkart  Quest  Richter Software  Robelle  ROC Software  ScreenJet  Tidal Software

6 Migration Solution Distributors  Worldwide: Hewlett-Packard  Germany – JF Infosys – Ordat – e.bootis  UK – Open Seas – TJ Systems  France – Speedware France – Access Ingenierie  Spain – Eagel – Hardware & Parts – Infotool  Italy – Cortis-Lentini  Greece – Telecomputer Center  Poland – PMS Labs  Sweden – SYSteam  Denmark – Kerfi AS (Delta Teamco)  Norway – ABC Group  Australia / Asia Pacific – Pathway Pacific  Latin America – Unycorp – Altatec – Lanka Sistemas

7 Speedware’s Migration Solution Set  Migration Solutions Offerings – New Hardware Selection and Acquisition – 4GL Application Migrations Speedware, Transact, Powerhouse, Protos – 3GL Application Migrations COBOL, FORTRAN, Pascal, C, SPL, Basic, and RPG – Database Selection and Migration – 3rd Party Replacement Technologies – A wide range of Migration Consulting Services Migration Assessments Migration Planning and Analysis Project Management Migration Implementation Database Porting Application Migrations Migration Support  Migration Tools – AMXW – DBmotion – SpeedWeb, Autobahn, and Visual Speedware – Eloquence – OpenTurbo – Edwin – ScreenJet – V++ – AcuCOBOL – MicroFocus Cobol – Omnidex for RDBMS and Eloquence – Powerhouse – Renaissance Architect – Transact to.NET – Transact to Transact – ViaNova 3000 – MPUX – Richter Software

8 Migration Tools and Solutions  AMXW – COBOL, Fortran, Pascal, C, SPL, Protos – JCL, UDCs, Command Files – FCOPY, SORT, MERGE – KSAM, Flat, Message, Circular, Temp, etc. – MPE Shell and MPE Intrinsic support  DBmotion – SQL Server and Oracle Data Migrations  Eloquence – Query3K  SUPRTOOL for AMXW  edWin – VPLUS replacement  Rhapsody (ROC Software)  OpenTurbo

9 Other Back-Office Migration Tools Built by Speedware to be leveraged free of charge for all projects  Analysis & Estimation – SMARTER inventory, code parsing, and analysis tool – Estimation calculators  Migration Execution – High-speed Flat File Migrator – Eloquence Data Integrity Checker – JobRsq for AMXW – STREAMX replacement – MPEX replacements – MPE spooling replacements – Multiple Job Queues – Qedit Support scripts – Powerhouse / AMXW Bridge Minimize risk, maximize consistency, maximize productivity

10 Utility Replacements  Query  Qedit  Quad  Editor  SpeedEdit  Maestro  OCS Express  StreamX  JobRescue  NB-Spool  Formation  Fantasia  Vista  Spoolmate  NP92  Bridgeware  Warehouse  Netbase  VPLUS  EasyReporter  Suprtool  DataExpress  MPEX  Security3000  VEAUDIT  MS92  Reflections  MQ Series

11 Utility Replacements  FTP  DB General  Adager  DBUTIL  AWK  CURL  PERL  Librarian  Sendmail  Telamon  GlancePlus  MetaView  Omnidex  Superdex  Trax  Scompare  Digipage  Online Backup/iX  Roadrunner  DBAUDIT  COMPARE  Callback 3000  GBMail  BRW

12 Selling and Supporting Migration Tools  Speedware sells or distributes most major HP e3000 migration technologies – Many technologies owned by small companies; many in Europe  Speedware backs its tools sales with an SCP-certified Support Center – Standard and Premium support options – 24 / 7 support options – Annual SCP re-certification process 6 consecutive years of certification Consistently scoring in the 90th percentile amongst software companies; well above industry averages

13 Our Migration Services Practice  Speedware has a strong HP e3000 migration practice – Dozens of successful migrations  Highly skilled consultants – Technologically skilled in most HP e3000 technologies and their replacements – Highly knowledgeable experts on numerous operating systems (HP- UX, Windows, Solaris, AIX, Linux) and databases (Oracle, SQL Server, DB2, Eloquence, etc.) – PMI-certified  Speedware leverages a combination of in-house resources and external consultants to handle spikes in our migration business  Speedware’s Services Organization is backed by our R&D lab and support organizations  Speedware is continuously hiring and training numerous HP e3000 consultants to ramp up for expected market demand

14 Speedware Resources: Deep Expertise  Multiple migration project experience – More than 100 projects combined  Legacy and emerging technology experts – Powerhouse, COBOL, HP3K, target platform experts – Avg. 18 yrs. experience  Individuals previously employed by key 3 rd party vendors – Robelle, COGNOS, Ad-Technologies, Neartek  Focused roles – PMs, SMEs, Architects and Integration Experts, Technical Leads, Release Managers, QA Managers, Documentation specialists  Technology support specialists – HP3K, HPUX, Windows, COBOL, AMXW, Eloquence, Oracle, Omnidex, SUPRTOOL, Vplus, IMAXSoft, and more – Avg. 15 yrs. experience – They are trained in and support all of the above technologies  HP3K and target platform software engineers – Avg. 21 years experience

15 Professional Services Experience Average 18 years of experience

16 Some of our HP e3000 Migrations Customers  “Large Insurance Company”  Alaska Municipal Light & Power  City of Pomona  Clinton Community College  Convergys  Coughlin and Associates  CT3  Expeditors  General Motors  Hitachi High Technologies  ING  James Avery Craftsmen  Lewis Bakeries  Mass Mutual Life Insurance  Multnomah Education Service District  Nevada Federal Credit Union  Northern California Cancer Institute  QVC  SoftVoyage  Solano County  Teachers Retirement Systems of Louisiana  Tenex Corporation  Thompson Cigar  Tufts Health Plan  Virginia International Terminals  Lindauer Dornier (Germany)  Ordat (Germany)  TJ Systems (UK)  Bach (France)  Proxiserve (France)  SulAmerica (Brazil)

17 “Large Insurance Company”  400+ HP e3000 machines  Destination: HP-UX, Allbase, Eloquence  Used AMXW, SUPRTOOL for AMXW, Eloquence, edWin/3k – HP COBOL to MicroFocus COBOL – Pascal and SPL to C – JCL migrated to run under AMXW’s MPE Shell  Started April 2004, finished July 2006  Joint HP / Speedware project – India-based labor – Speedware tools and migration experts

18 Expeditors  167 HP e3000 data centers worldwide  10,000,000 lines of code written in COBOL, SPL and C  HP e3000 and TurboImage Migration to UNIX and DB2  Using multiple job queues  Extensive use of AMXW’s MPE shell and MPE system intrinsics "We have been extremely pleased with the AMXW product. We chose it as it is the most complete tool available for emulating MPE in both application interfaces and execution environments. Plus, it seamlessly integrates with other tools." Lori Fritz Expeditors

19 Tufts Health Plan  First Massachusetts HMO founded in 1979; 2.3 billion in annual revenues  Speedware is the prime contractor for the full migration project  Selected Speedware based on HP e3000 industry knowledge and extensive migration experience.  Migration Profile: HP e3000 to HP-UX, PowerHouse (500K loc) to PowerHouse, HP COBOL (1M loc) to AcuCOBOL, JCL (1.2M loc) to AMXW MPE JCL, implementation of 31 other replacement utilities  Project is currently underway and scheduled to be completed early 2007

20 Lessons Learned  The keys to a successful migration are planning, a well-defined process and strong project management.  Do not underestimate the effort involved (even with tools) – Technology mixes create numerous integration issues  Testing will be the most labor intensive and costly component, but also the most important  The more you can get involved and provide resources, the more successful the project will be – Costs can also be better contained this way  Do not include too much into the project – Focus on getting it over and getting it working first, then enhance  Minimize application enhancements during migration period.  Limit technology changes when moving to target platform. – Stick to proven paths and technologies

21 Lessons Learned  Proof-of-concepts / “Technology Milestones” at the beginning of a project are a good way to mitigate risk and to identify and solve problems  Inventory what needs to be migrated at the beginning; do not pay to migrate obsolete code  Wrapper technologies eases migration and simplifies testing. No effect on performance  Watch for dependencies on MPE/iX that are not documented or immediately obvious  Deployment is not often as easy as a weekend cut-over. Careful planning is critical – Leveraging database synchronization software may be needed

22 Common HP e3000 Migration Process Overview Education / ROM Estimates Planning and Budgeting Migration Customer Processes Phase II Detailed Migration Analysis (or Analysis Re-verification) Phase III Migration Project Phase I Migration Assessment

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