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Mobile Health in China: What works and does not work Yusheng Zhang, MD,MPH,MBA Dec. 6 th, 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Mobile Health in China: What works and does not work Yusheng Zhang, MD,MPH,MBA Dec. 6 th, 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mobile Health in China: What works and does not work Yusheng Zhang, MD,MPH,MBA Dec. 6 th, 2011

2 Chinese Healthcare System Payors: -Mostly Gov sponsored -Cover 90%+ population -FFS, DRG, Cap mixed -Private ones: complementary Patients: -Aging rapidly -Chronic diseases burden high -Used to pay out of pocket Providers: -2 million physicians -Mostly Gov employees -Salary based mostly

3 China Mobile Market

4 Mobile Health Market in China Asian Pacific by 2017 mhealth market will be worth $7 billion, CAGR 70% Market share: monitoring services, 55%; diagnostic services, 24%. China by 2017 mhealth market is expected to reach $2.4 billion Driven by aging, spreading population, high penetration of mobile devices and rising spending in healthcare Mobile Health – Enabling Healthcare, GSMA and PwC report, 2011

5 What works and what does not work Personalized health education: Medlink by China Mobile Hospital triage and appointment reservation: 12580 by China Mobile Texts for pregnancy: various providers Heart monitoring: Life Care Networks and Qualcomm Smart phone drug list app: DXY Drug Assistant Insurer sponsored health intervention programs Consumer targeted prescription drug programs Services charging individual physicians and physician offices

6 The vision of Apricot Forest Provide high quality medical updates and references for health professionals in China through mobile devices. Chinese version: Up to Date and Epocrates Business model: e-marketing for pharmaceutical companies and data analytics Status: first App will be launched in 2 months Angel round funding from a silicon valley VC

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