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1 Conference on Agriculture : Strategies, Policies & Practices for North-East On 30 th September & 1 st October, 2010 Assam’s Perspective Presentation.

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1 1 Conference on Agriculture : Strategies, Policies & Practices for North-East On 30 th September & 1 st October, 2010 Assam’s Perspective Presentation by R. T. Jindal Agriculture Production Commissioner, Assam

2 2 AGRICULTURE : Some facts of Assam vis a vis all India FactIndiaAssam Net cropped area1403.0 lakh hectare27.53 lakh hectare Cropping Intensity138%142% Irrigated area72%18% Farm power1.20 HP per hectare0.69 HP per hectare Fertiliser Consumption129 Kg. per hectare63.20 Kg. per hectare Small & Marginal Farmer81.3%85.3% Average land holding1.33 hectare1.11 hectare Productivity of Rice (2008-09)2178 Kg. per hectare1638 Kg. per hectare

3 3 TREND OF PRODUCTION OF FIELD CROPS IN ASSAM DURING THE PERIOD FROM 2000-01 TO 2008-09. (in lakh MT, Jute in lakh bales) Crop2000- 01 2001- 02 2002- 03 2003- 04 2004- 05 2005- 06 2006- 07 2007- 08 2008- 09 Rice39.9838.5437.3838.8134.7035.5229.1633.1940.70 Pulses0.680.720.670.690.660.570.620.640.73 Foodgrains41.7240.2939.0040.4136.1836.7730.5934.6742.24 Oilseeds1.861.891.901.611.521.171.371.451.53 Sugarcane9.8810.119.169.818.448.7110.559.8010.97 Jute6.686.756.916.654.105.795.596.576.36


5 5 YearFund utilized (Rs. in lakh)Production (lakh MT)% increase over previous year 2000-018116.4741.72- 2001-0210466.2340.29-3.4% 2002-034406.9639.00-3.2% 2003-047423.7540.413.6% 2004-055240.3236.18-10.5% 2005-067644.3736.771.6% 2006-0710220.2230.59-16.8% 2007-0811894.3134.6713.3% 2008-0933813.2942.2421.8% IMPACT OF FUND UTILISED ON FOODGRAINS PRODUCTION

6 6 TREND OF PRODUCTIVITY OF FIELD CROPS IN ASSAM DURING THE PERIOD FROM 2000-01 TO 2008-09. (in Kg. per hectare) Crop2000- 01 2001- 02 2002- 03 2003- 04 2004- 05 2005- 06 2006- 07 2007- 08 2008- 09 Rice153115401491155514751487134914281638 Pulses556 539546568533542544617 Foodgrains 145414571410146714021416128413791581 Oilseeds554558562531536472497524574 Sugarcane36898372303642238589369193719039634 38075 38387 Jute173017811830187012741836174419761939


8 8 CropAssam (08-09) National Average (08-09) Highest in India (07- 08) Highest in World (07-08) Rice163821784019 (Punjab)6360 (Egypt) Wheat 130029074507 (Punjab)8039 (U.K.) Sugarcane3838764553107484 (Tamil Nadu) 120887(Egypt) Oilseeds57410061739 (Tamil Nadu) 4388(Malaysia) Pulses617659843 (Gujarat)4920 (Ireland) Jute193922642419 (West Bengal) 2264 (India) (2008-09) (in Kg/hectare) COMPARISON OF PRODUCTIVITY OF ASSAM WITH NATIONAL AVERAGE AND HIGHEST IN INDIA AND WORLD

9 9 TREND OF PRODUCTION OF HORTICULTURAL CROPS IN ASSAM DURING THE PERIOD FROM 2000-01 TO 2008-09. (in lakh MT) Crop2000- 01 2001- 02 2002- 03 2003- 04 2004- 05 2005- 06 2006- 07 2007- 08 2008- 09 Fruits12.9813.1612.8413.5113.2513.5213.7214.0814.95 Vegetables24.7128.3728.4532.8236.6138.1838.8739.1840.52 Spices1.871.901.95 Tubers7.216.646.325.856.303.935.465.576.71


11 11 PERCENTAGE INCREASE IN PRODUCTION OF HORTICULTURAL CROPS IN 2008-09 OVER 2000-01. Fruits:15% Vegetables:64% Spices:20% Tubers:-7%

12 12 CropProduction (lakh MT)Surplus of Assam (lakh MT) Fruits14.954.47 lakh MT Vegetables 40.5216.27 lakh MT Spices2.240.94 lakh MT HORTICULTURE SURPLUS (2008-09)

13 13 TREND OF PRODUCTIVITY OF HORTICULTURAL CROPS IN ASSAM DURING THE PERIOD FROM 2000-01 TO 2008-09. (in Kg. per hectare) Crop2000- 01 2001- 02 2002- 03 2003- 04 2004- 05 2005- 06 2006- 07 2007- 08 2008- 09 Fruits119081175011673120431204512005121391214212256 Vegetables126721351013548156271641716485164691646216744 Spices230922622294232324822475247624782490 Tubers775372977349656975004930616665536690


15 15 CropAssam (2008-09) National Average (2008-09) Highest in India (2007-08) Highest in World (2007-08) Fruits122561082531100 (Pondicherry)21000 (Brazil, USA) Vegetables167441582031700 (Lakshadweep)19000 (China) Spices249016176300 (Haryana) (in Kg/hectare) COMPARISON OF PRODUCTIVITY OF ASSAM WITH NATIONAL AVERAGE AND HIGHEST IN INDIA & WORLD

16 16 AGRICULTURAL MARKETING IN ASSAM AT A GLANCE ● 25 out of 27 districts covered under AAPM Act 1972. ● Total no. of markets = 1140 (405 Wholesale Markets and 735 Rural Primary Markets) ● No of Market Committees = 24. ● Principal Market Yards set-up = 20 nos. ● Sub Market Yards set-up = 206 nos. ● 25 out of 27 districts covered under AAPM Act 1972. ● Total no. of markets = 1140 (405 Wholesale Markets and 735 Rural Primary Markets) ● No of Market Committees = 24. ● Principal Market Yards set-up = 20 nos. ● Sub Market Yards set-up = 206 nos.

17 17 a.Total arrival of Rice = 9 lakh MT. (Rice produced locally + imported Rice through Private Traders) b.Other major commodities : i.Vegetables – Marketable Surplus – 16.0 lakh MT + imported Vegetables ii.Fruits – Marketable surplus – 4.5 lakh MT + imported fruits iii.Spices – Marketable Surplus – 1.0 lakh MT + imported Spices iv.Arecanut – 0.57 lakh MT v.Coconut – 15.00 million nuts. vi.Jute – 6.50 lakh bales. vii.Sugarcane – 11.00 lakh MT vii.And other minor fresh and value added produces. WHAT COMES TO THE MARKET ?

18 18 PERIODICITY OF MARKETS IN ASSAM Daily - 19% Weekly - 42% Bi-Weekly - 39%


20 20 ACCESS TO MARKETS  Farmers have access to market but road conditions are bad.  60% of farmers have unpaved roads to travel to market.  Common mode of transport used by farmers is bicycle.  Depending upon volume, cycle thela, truck, minivan wooden cart, etc. are hired for transport.  Poor condition roads and high transportation costs are key constraints in physical access to markets  Farmers have access to market but road conditions are bad.  60% of farmers have unpaved roads to travel to market.  Common mode of transport used by farmers is bicycle.  Depending upon volume, cycle thela, truck, minivan wooden cart, etc. are hired for transport.  Poor condition roads and high transportation costs are key constraints in physical access to markets Distance from marketsPercentage Up to 5 Km.71% 5 – 10 Km.22% 10 – 15 Km.3% 15 – 20 Km.1% Above 20 Km.2%

21 21 The Assam Agricultural Produce Market Act, 1972 has been amended in 2006 to promote market reforms and has permitted Private Market Yards, Farmer-Consumer Markets, Direct Marketing and Contract Farming. AGRICULTURAL MARKETING - REFORMS

22 22 AGRICULTURAL MARKETING : NEW INITIATIVES 1.A modern Organic Market, first of its kind in the North-East, is in advanced stage of completion. 2.The Government is encouraging contract farming amongst producers of Sugarcane, Ginger, Potato and Flowers. A few cases of contract farming on the initiative of certain local young entrepreneurs have already come to the notice. 3.224 nos. of Auto vans have been provided at subsidised rates for transportation of various products grown in the interior to agricultural markets. 4.30% transport subsidy along with revolving fund of Rs. 5000.00 is provided to each of 680 Grower Societies. 5.The State is going to set-up cool chain facilities in 11 markets in the current financial year at a cost of Rs. 5.0 crores.

23 23 1.Formation of Growers Societies to give them bargaining power for their produce. 2.Improvement of rural roads for better connectivity to the markets. Presently only 35% of rural roads are metalled. 3.Involvement of private sector in the light of amended AAPM Act. 4.Improvement in market intelligence. AGRICULTURAL MARKETING : ISSUES

24 24 AGRICULTURE : : ASSAM MAJOR CONCERN 1. Low productivity :  Rice is the major foodgrain crop. Highest Rice productivity (2008-09) i.e. 1638 Kg. per hectare as compared to national average of 2178 Kg. per hectare. 2.Very small & fragmented land holding :  More than 85% farmers are Small & Marginal.  Average land holding : 1.11 hectare.  Average land holding of Small & Marginal farmers : 0.63 hectare.

25 25 AGRICULTURE : : ASSAM ISSUES, STRATEGIES & POLICIES 1.Issue :Low Irrigation :  18% of net cropped area is under assured irrigation.  Due to poverty, farmers can’t afford to share the 50% of cost of pump sets and LLPs. Strategy :  Focus on minor irrigation i.e. STWs, LLPs & Flow Irrigation. Policy :  Provisions for about 1.5 lakh STWs / LLPs made for this year.  Similar provision will be made in near future for about 4 lakh Tube Wells.  Focus on Electric Pump Sets.  In case of Small & Marginal farmers, group of farmers will get one pump set.

26 26 AGRICULTURE : : ASSAM ISSUES, STRATEGIES & POLICIES 2.Issue :Low capacity of Seed Certification :  Seed Certification Agency does not have technical manpower (only 4 officers against 46 posts) Strategy :  Strengthening of Assam State Seed Certification Agency (ASSCA). Policy :  Provision of corpus fund for ASSCA is being made under RKVY.  Technical staff will be engaged on contract.

27 27 AGRICULTURE : : ASSAM ISSUES, STRATEGIES & POLICIES 3.Issue :Low use of Hybrid / HYV Seeds :  Area under HYV seeds : 65%  Area under Hybrid Rice is only 2%. Strategy :  Creation of awareness.  To cover 80% area under Hybrid / HYV seeds. Policy :  To provide subsidised Hybrid / HYV seeds.

28 28 AGRICULTURE : : ASSAM ISSUES, STRATEGIES & POLICIES 4.Issue :Low consumption of fertilisers :  Consumption of 63 Kg. per hectare is much less than the national average of 129 Kg. per hectare.  Low consumption is due to – i. Shortage of fertilisers during peak period. ii. No pre-positioning of fertilisers due to non-existence of State Nodal Agency. iii. Lack of enthusiasm amongst dealers because of low margin. Strategy :  Strengthening Assam Seeds Corporation as Nodal Agency for pre positioning of fertilisers. Policy :  Provision of working capital for Assam Seeds Corporation is being made.

29 29 AGRICULTURE : : ASSAM ISSUES, STRATEGIES & POLICIES 5.Issue :Very low use of Micronutrients :  Soil is deficient in Zn, B, Cu, Fe & Mn.  Micronutrients are applied in only 1% of Net Cropped Area. Strategy :  Creation of awareness.  Soil Testing facilities to be strengthened. Policy :  Provision for subsidised Micronutrients is made under various schemes.  Provision for Soil Health cards in 3 years under RKVY/NFSM etc.

30 30 AGRICULTURE : : ASSAM ISSUES, STRATEGIES & POLICIES 6.Issue :Low Credit Support :  Total no. of valid KCCs is only 3.80 lakh (14% of total farm families).  86% farm families are deprived of agricultural credit through KCCs. Strategy :  Extensive and intensive campaign through Agri. Extension Workers.  To persuade the banks. Policy :  Simplification of procedure for KCCs already done.  Regular monitoring of priority sector lending.  Subsidisation of interest on Agricultural Credit.

31 31 AGRICULTURE : : ASSAM ISSUES, STRATEGIES & POLICIES 7.Issue :Vacancies in the Department :  Agriculture sector is facing huge shortage of manpower.  About 700 key posts are lying vacant. Strategy :  To expedite disposal of various court cases.  To fill-up the posts wherever disputes are resolved. Policy :  Constant follow up of court cases.  To pursue recruiting agency (APSC / others) to fill-up the vacancies.

32 32 HORTICULTURE : : ASSAM ISSUES & INTERVENTIONS PROPOSED 8. Issue :Genuine planting material :  Low on availability of genuine planting materials within easy reach of farmers with support from ICAR system Intervention Proposed :  Sourcing elite, disease free prolific bearing true t0 type mother plants having quality standard of fruits is still a problem. It will be very helpful if the ICAR / SAU / KVK / RARS network come out for producing mother plants of desired traits for public and private sector nurseries.

33 33 HORTICULTURE : : ASSAM ISSUES & INTERVENTIONS PROPOSED 9. Issue :Packaging Industry :  Lack of modern packaging industry in Assam is contributing towards escalation in cost of production of value added products as they are to be imported from outside state. Intervention Proposed :  NERAMAC should set up such an industry. Alternatively, the proposed Mega Food Park should have such a facility for our local budding entrepreneurs in particular.

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