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Published byCameron Richardson Modified over 9 years ago
Role of Farmer Producer Organisations in Value chain integration, technology dissemination and accessing investments and markets
Proposed structure of FPO network
(8-10 KPC) MO (1000) KPC Farmer Group (15-20) FG District/State level Cluster/block level Village level
FPO outcomes Per hectare production up 10%+ in 2 yrs
Economic Impact Per hectare production up 10%+ in 2 yrs Increase in net return to farmers: (Inflation +10%) Reduced gap in availability of inputs by 20-25% Increased food & nutritional security Market linkage for the backward and forward integration Additional employment generated due to increased intensity of farming Reduction in Migration
FPO outcomes (contd) Social Impact
Social capital built in the form of FPOs: deepens democracy Improved gender relation & decision making of women farmers in FO & FPOs – given board member positions Institutional viability Increased bargaining power for input purchase and output marketing Reduced social conflicts and risks and enhanced welfare at household level Improve food and nutritional value Leadership role of producers in technology absorption Positive health and nutrition impact on consumers Environment- carbon credit benefits
Project Objective: 1 Mobilising farmers in groups and build their associations (FPOs) to plan and implement product specific cluster/ commercial crop cycles Activities Outputs Outcomes Organize Farmers into informal groups (FG) Train members and leaders in matters relating to group functioning, group norms and systems. Form associations/FPOs of FGs Train members and leaders of FPOs to nurture FGs and mediate vis-à-vis external resource institutions such as government, financial institutions and markets. 1000 farmers from 5-10 villages in close geographic cluster organized into FGs prepared for intensive vegetable/pulse based livelihoods interventions. FGs organized into FPOs/Informal associations supporting productivity, efficient access to input and output markets, linkages with agriculture programs. 75% meet or exceed quality benchmarks on group functioning Farmers in 80% FGs confident and keen to positively change their current condition and have developed plans to synergise planning and market access on the cluster-identified products
Project Objective: 2 Strengthen farmer capacity through agricultural best practices for enhanced productivity Activities Outputs Outcomes Conduct exposure for selected men and women from project villages to villages/ farms practicing modern farming methods, such as different crop mixes, modern techniques and intensive farming. Discuss alternate farming systems with groups of farmers suitable to their specific situations and generate household farming plans/ “portfolios”. Identify training and extension needs and potential LRPs to function as community based extension agents. Train LRPs to provide extension support to farmers adopting new farming systems. 60% of all families interested to take up improved crops have access to quality inputs. 40 % of participant land brought into intensive farming 80% families cultivate a diversified basket of locally suitable crops. LRP training modules being implemented in large number. Trained LRPs supporting implementation of the household and cluster level farm plans High adoption rates of new practices promoted under this project. 75% project families report over 50% increase in yields in pre-existing crops. 75% project families have diversified their cropping pattern to cluster-identified crop The expertise and services of a cadre of rained LRPs being utilised by the community effectively.
Project Objective: 3 Ensuring access to and usage of quality inputs and services for intensive agriculture enhancing cluster competitiveness Activities Outputs Outcomes Helping families access working capital from SHG/MFI, banking sector and other sources. Link / develop supply channels for inputs and services: On-field handholding support by LRPs to ensure appropriate usage of quality inputs Demonstration of usage and effectiveness of relevant farm mechanisation practices 70 % of participating families using quality inputs FPOs/Producer Aggregations promoted, families covered by these collectives Gross Crop Output per hectare increase by 100 % in rupee value terms Participating families have assured supply of quality inputs and services, Network of input and services delivery mechanisms developed in the local area. Participating families feel confident to intensify their agriculture.
Activities Outputs Outcomes
Project Objective: 4 Facilitate access to fair & remunerative markets including linking producer groups to marketing opportunities by market aggregators Activities Outputs Outcomes Developing production clusters for producing significant volume of marketable surplus Identifying and building aggregation / desegregation centers in production cluster wherever required Linking these clusters with market players (e.g. vegetable traders, commission agents, retailers, etc.) Producer collectives taking output marketing Formation of FPOs intensive, market oriented production clusters developed. Surplus produce marketed at remunerative prices. participant families engaged in coordinated market-oriented production Producers’ collectives aggregate and market produce from members. Market aggregators/ retail chains buy produce from producer collectives. Sustainable and competitive linkages for marketing exist for their produce, families in production clusters have multiple options to sell farm produce, The prevailing rates in the cluster are fair vis-à-vis large markets in the region.
Budget Provision (in Lakhs) No. of Farmers to be mobilized
Integrated development of 60,000 Pulses Village in Rainfed areas – an Overview State Budget Provision (in Lakhs) No. of Farmers to be mobilized Andhra Pradesh 280 13998 Gujarat 140 7000 Karnataka 330 16500 Madhya Pradesh 580 29000 Maharashtra 540 27000 Rajathan 450 22500 Uttar Pradesh 400 20000 Total 2720 135998 Progress as on 16th January 2012 Total No. of Farmers to be mobilized Total No. of Farmer mobilizd Total No. of FIGs to be Formed Total No. of FIGs formed 135998 53217 6800 2868
Status of mobilization of Farmer’s State wise
State Target Achv. 1 Andhra Pradesh 13998 2000 2 Gujarat 7000 2590 3 Karnataka 16500 5520 4 Madhya Pradesh 29000 15252 5 Maharashtra 27000 4819 6 Rajasthan 22500 6083 7 Uttar Pradesh 20000 16322 Total 135998 52586
Major activities carried out so far
Andhra Pradesh Target Achievement Farmers FIGs FPOs Farmers mobilized TOTAL 13998 700 14 2000 134 3 Resource Institutions engaged for formation of FPOs in the State Major activities carried out so far 15 Awareness meetings
Major activities carried out so far
Gujarat Target Achievement Farmers FIGs FPOs Farmers mobilized TOTAL 7000 350 7 2590 98 4 Resource Institutions engaged for formation of FPOs in the State Major activities carried out so far Conducted 8 PRAs(Participatory Rural Appraisals) Distributed 1000 Minikit to the farmers Conducted meeting of 400 pulses producing farmers 1000 demonstrations Distributed culture among 5000 members 8 kisan sabha held 4 trainings conducted on institution building
Major activities carried out so far
Karnataka Target Achievement Farmers FIGs FPOs Farmers mobilized TOTAL 16500 825 17 5520 276 3 Resource Institutions engaged for formation of FPOs in the State Major activities carried out so far 8 Farmers supplied Red gram to TATA – Rallies 70 farmers trained through NCDEX platform 720 Demonstrations for Grading, Packing, and Sorting of Red gram
Major activities carried out so far
Madhya Pradesh Target Achievement Farmers FIGs FPOs Farmers mobilized TOTAL 29000 1450 29 15252 821 6 Resource Institutions engaged for formation of FPOs in the State Major activities carried out so far Organized 241 Audio Visual Show Exposure visit for 417 farmers Rs. 1.5 lakh deposited for Formation of FO(Farmer Organization) under Share money Collection 25 Nadep units established Culture supplied to 940 members Supply of gram seeds for 237 members Organized 356 Gram Sabha / Kisan Sabha 278 Minikits distributed Distributed Pipes to 57 farmers Distribution of diesel pumps to 8 farmers 260 training sessions conducted for the farmers
Major activities carried out so far
Rajasthan Target Achievement Farmers FIGs FPOs Farmers mobilized TOTAL 22500 1125 23 6083 414 4 Resource Institutions engaged for formation of FPOs in the State Major activities carried out so far 1 audio/visual show organized 33 Kisan sabha
Major activities carried out so far
Maharashtra Target Achievement Farmers FIGs FPOs Farmers mobilized TOTAL 27000 1350 27 4819 260 6 Resource Institutions engaged for formation of FPOs in the State Major activities carried out so far Organised 61 Farmers Orientation Meetings 4500 copies prepared of IEC Material for circulation to farmers 42 tur crop services 29 bank accounts opened 1 exposure visit for farmers 63 Gram sabha meetings held to discuss prog.
Major activities carried out so far
Uttar Pradesh Target Achievement Farmers FIGs FPOs Farmers mobilized TOTAL 20000 1000 20 16322 831 6 Resource Institutions engaged for formation of FPOs in the State Major activities carried out so far 530 trainings conducted 1 masters training 732 Kisan Sabha held
Activities ahead (next 6 months)
Mobilization of FGs to be completed by March 2012 FPORG formed; to start intensive training of FPO promoters and FPO members Development of tool kits for FPOs NABARD to roll out M&E network for process monitoring Linking FPOs to extension and input services of State Ag Depts to prepare for Kharif 2012 Engagement with market players, financial institutions and input suppliers to leverage collective bargaining power Pilot value chain integration models: setting up of mini dal mills by FPOs; direct marketing; organic certification.
State Total outlay (Rs. In lakhs) Assistance received by SFAC from State Govt (Rs. In lakhs) Assistance yet to be received from State Govt (Rs. In lakhs) Assistance released by SFAC to RI’ s (Rs. In lakhs) Andhra Pradesh 279.96 - 50.39 Gujarat 140.00 0.00 3.60 Karnataka 330.00 59.40 Madhya Pradesh 580.00 260.00 320.00 81.35 Maharashtra 540.00 270.00 97.20 Rajasthan 450.00 81.00 Uttar Pradesh 400.00 72.00 Total 670.00 444.95
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