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Welcome to Nat 5/Higher RMPS!. Find somebody who…….. 1 can speak another language. (Name) 2 has an unusual hobby. 3 was not born in the Falkirk area.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Nat 5/Higher RMPS!. Find somebody who…….. 1 can speak another language. (Name) 2 has an unusual hobby. 3 was not born in the Falkirk area."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Nat 5/Higher RMPS!

2 Find somebody who…….. 1 can speak another language. (Name) 2 has an unusual hobby. 3 was not born in the Falkirk area. 4 can play an instrument. 5 rides a bike to school. 6 has visited England, Wales or Ireland. 7 has more than 3 brothers or sisters. 8 can tell a funny joke. 9 regularly plays a sport. 10 Is a little bit scared and nervous about new classes.

3 1. I have walked across the North of Spain, approximately 1000 km. 2. I have taken part in an American rodeo 3. I am learning Italian. Decide whether the statements are true or false 2 minutes Write 3 sentences about yourself. They can be the truth, lies or both. 5 minutes Stand up. Walk about. Tell at least 3 people your sentences. Did they guess correctly? Listen to at least 3 peoples’ sentences. Did you guess correctly? What was the best lie you heard? What was the most interesting truth you heard?

4 The What If? Box A magical box filled with unlikely questions.

5 What if you had a secret ability?

6 What if school didn’t exist?

7 What if there were no laws?

8 What if televisions had not been invented?

9 What if you could change one law? What would it be?

10 What if newspapers don’t tell the truth?

11 Aim today: To understand what belief is Explore the difference between a belief, fact and an opinion Make connections between faith and belief.

12 In order to understand what belief is, you need to know the difference between a belief, fact, and an opinion. 1.Scotland is the best football team. 2.The UK has a Prime Minster. 3.Chewing gum helps you concentrate. 4.The Quran is the Muslim holy book. 5.Flowers are beautiful 6.People cannot travel faster than the speed of light 7.It is wrong to murder 8.The Five Pillars is a guide for life. 9.The universe exists 10.Prayer can make things happen Key words Belief – something that you feel is true, but you cannot prove. Faith – trust and confidence in something or someone.

13 What is faith? Charles Blondin was a man who believed in himself. In 1859 he walked across Niagara falls on a tightrope 1100 feet long. He then made the return journey pushing a wheelbarrow. His manager climbed into the wheel barrow an they crossed a second time. Blondin asked the crowd whether they believed he could do it again. They were confident that he could. So he said, ‘ well, get in then and I will take you across.’


15 Everyone refused. They all failed to trust him. Faith requires belief and trust. When people are not able to prove that something exists, they need to trust it is there.

16 Questions 1. What does it mean to have faith in someone? 2. Make a list of the people you trust and believe in. Beside each name, make a note of why you believe and trust in that person. 3. Is it important to believe in people and trust them? Explain your answer. 4. Are there any dangers in believing and trusting in people? Give reasons for your answer.

17 What makes someone religious? 1.What do you think makes someone religious? In pairs make a list of ideas. 2.What kind of things might a religious person do, or avoid doing? Create a spider diagram 3.Do you think being religious is about what you believe Or about how you behave?

18 It all starts with questions….

19 Religion is rather like a map. People use maps to find directions and help them to find their way about. If someone is using a map to find their way, the map will help when they have to make choices about which way to turn.

20 Some letters are missing – Rearrange so the paragraph makes sense Rlgns xst bcs thy prvd nswrs t qstins ppl hv lwys skd bt Lf, nd th wrld. Rlgs qstns r ths t whch n ne cn b bsltly sr f th crrct nswr. nswrs t rlgs qstns r clld blfs, nd trstng ths nswrs wtht prf s clld fth.

21 How it should be… Religions exist because they provide answers to questions people have always asked about life, and the world. Religious questions are those to which no one can be absolutely sure of the correct answer. Answers to religious questions are called beliefs, and trusting these answers without proof is called faith.

22 What makes you, you? Have you ever sat and wondered what makes you, you? What makes humans different from all the other animals in the world? Are humans actually any different?

23 These are questions that scientists, philosophers, religious people and many others have been thinking about for centuries. So what answers have they come up with? What answers would you come up with?

24 Philosophical questions often cannot be answered. The reason for this is that we do not have the evidence required by science and logic to give us proof. Some people do not need ‘proof’ – they have faith instead. 1. Create a list of philosophical questions 2. Swap with a partner and try to answer each others. Where does space end? Where does the universe stop? Are ghosts real?

25 What is a philosophical question? In groups of 4 complete the belief sheet. Belief agreedisagreeunsureMost people in the group… One point to support a reason for and against this belief. There is no such thing as evil Agree Disagree Unsure Humans are not different to animals Agree Disagree Unsure Plants have feelings Agree Disagree Unsure Numbers don’t exist when we are not using them Agree Disagree Unsure

26 Belief agreedisagreeunsureMost people in the group… One point to support a reason for and against this belief. There is no such thing as evil Agree Disagree Unsure Humans are not different to animals Agree Disagree Unsure Plants have feelings Agree Disagree Unsure Numbers don’t exist when we are not using them Agree Disagree Unsure It is never good to lie Agree Disagree Unsure Our souls last forever Agree Disagree Unsure Knowledge is more important than being happy Agree Disagree Unsure

27 ‘Asking philosophical questions is pointless because no one can really know the answers.’ Think about this statement and write a response including as many different views as you can.

28 So with that in mind, what are we up to this year?

29 Religious, Moral and Philosophical Studies RMPS develops a variety of skills, including those of discussion and debate. The valuable skills of logical argument and critical evaluation are also developed and can be transferred to other areas of study.

30 What conclusion is the picture trying to get us to draw?

31 Can everything be explained by evolution ?

32 Why so much variety ?


34 Religion, Medicine and the Human Body

35 Resources you will need for the year: 3 Folders – different colours / types Highlighter pens

36 What is expected from you? You will pass You will take responsibility for your learning You will be committed to homework You will develop a personal study routine You will take the subject seriously. You will show respect to others. You will attend supported study.

37 What you can expect from me Determination for you to succeed. Belief in your ability Support Encouragement Help

38 Homework Policy You will be expected to produce homework whenever it is asked of you!

39 First Homework task Please do only one of the following: 1. Master Kung Fu 2. Switch religions or argue a totally different view for a day. 3. Wear a fake moustache for 24 hours. 4. End world hunger. 5. Do a good deed. 6. Find your nemesis, earn their trust, then vanquish them (preferably with magic) 7. In the shower use conditioner first then shampoo just to see what would happen. (I'm curious). 8. Pick a song that you think sums up you as a person and how you view life Also everyone should sign up to the Wikispace.

40 RMPS Blog Useful for: - Revision Aids Past Papers Homework Tasks Contacting me lesson notes and ppts in case of absence Video clips.

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