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Dancing the dream 앱 기획 2 차 발표 최영남 백지연 임성근 조은비 강요셉 장수은 한지훈 Dream Team ★

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Presentation on theme: "Dancing the dream 앱 기획 2 차 발표 최영남 백지연 임성근 조은비 강요셉 장수은 한지훈 Dream Team ★"— Presentation transcript:

1 Dancing the dream 앱 기획 2 차 발표 최영남 백지연 임성근 조은비 강요셉 장수은 한지훈 Dream Team ★

2 Index 1. Concept 2. Pre-during-post visit 3. Functions 4. UI / UX

3 Simple Convenient Seamless Concept Fun

4 10 : 50 : 40 PreDuringPost 105040

5 10 : 50 : 40 PreDuringPost Event Map Exhibition FavoritesInfo 기본 구성

6 10 : 50 : 40 Pre - During - Post 검색기능 During - Post Favorites 통한 작품보관 및 공유 Post - Pre Favorites 통한 사전 정보 습득

7 Functions Map Exhibition NavigationVirtual View RFID Talk&Back 3D MAP BookmarkSNS FavoritesTourRanking Tour



10 Natural Portrait Gallery

11 gallery

12 map Natural Portrait Gallery

13 map Natural Portrait Gallery LIST Route Virtual ViewLR V Tour T

14 tours Natural Portrait Gallery list 1. Merce Cunningham 2. Alvin Ailey 3. Judith Jamison 4. Michael Bennett 6. Edward Villella 7. Twyla Tharp 8. Mark Morris 9. Bill T. Jones 10. Rudolph Nureyev 11. Natalia Makarova 12. Mikhail Baryshnikov 13. Elvis Presley 5. Beyonce W

15 list Natural Portrait Gallery route

16 Natural Portrait Gallery virtual view

17 Natural Portrait Gallery tour Forging the New Lights! Camera! Action! Choeographers and lmpresarios Dance in the Cold War Museum’s tour Others’ tour 임성근님의 ‘ 모든 아티스트 ’ 조은비님의 ‘ 남자들만 ^^’ 강요셉님의 ‘ 특이한 보이스 ’ 백지연님의 ‘ 매력적인 아티스트 ’

18 list Natural Portrait Gallery others’ tour 임성근님의 ‘ 모든 아티스트 ’

19 list Natural Portrait Gallery museum’s tour Lights! Camera! Action!

20 Natural Portrait Gallery


22 Bookmark CommentBC SNS S

23 Natural Portrait Gallery

24 - 드림걸즈 주인공

25 Beyonce- Rolling Stone Online Gallery Alex Reside for Beyonce kicks off her "I Am..." Tour at New York City's Madison Square Garden on June 21,2009 Beyonce Knowles is a 'triple threat' who performs perfectly in singing, dancing and acting. more...

26 back... Beyonce Knowles is an American singer, songwriter, record producer, and actress. Born and raised in Houston, Texas, she enrolled in various performing arts schools and was first exposed to sining and dancing competitions as a child. Knolwles rose to fame in the late 1990s as the lead singer of the R&B girl group Destiny's CHild, one of the world's best selling girl groups of all time. During the hiatus of Destiny's Child, Knowles released her debut solo album and became one of the most successful albums of that year, earning her a then record-tying five Grammy Awards. Her third solo album, spawned the hit singles "If I Were a Boy" helped her earn six Grammys in 2010, breaking the record for most Grammy Awards won by a female artist in one night. award

27 Beyonce- Rolling Stone Online Gallery Alex Reside for Beyonce kicks off her "I Am..." Tour at New York City's Madison Square Garden on June 21,2009 Beyonce Knowles is a 'triple threat' who performs perfectly in singing, dancing and acting. more...

28 Beyonce- Rolling Stone Online Gallery Alex Reside for Beyonce kicks off her "I Am..." Tour at New York City's Madison Square Garden on June 21,2009 Beyonce Knowles is a 'triple threat' who performs perfectly in singing, dancing and acting. Video&Audio Photo Quiz A P Q SNS S BookmarkB Comment C Talk&Back T more...

29 comments 조은비 세계적인 팝스타 비욘세언니 ^^ 항상 열심히 하는 모습이 보기 좋네요 임성근 Nice Body! 조은비 : 세계적인 팝스타 비욘세언니 ^^ 항상 열심히 하는 모습이 보기 좋네요 강요셉 : 작년에 콘서트를 다녀왔는데, 괜히 월드스타가 아니더라구요... 백지연 : 저의 롤모델이 비욘세에요 !! 한국 사랑이 굉장하다고 들었는데, 역시 멋져요 ! 임성근 : Nice Body! 백지연 저의 롤모델이 비욘세에요 !! 한국 사랑이 굉장하다고 들었는데, 역시 멋져요 ! 강요셉 작년에 콘서트를 다녀왔는데, 괜히 월드스타가 아니더라구요...

30 talk & back 마이크사진

31 talk & back 마이크사진

32 video & audio Beautiful Liar Listen Crazy In Love Irreplaceable Run The World Halo If I Were A Boy End Of Time Telephone Countdown Baby

33 photo

34 quiz Beyonce caused a sensation in 1950s (2Point)

35 SNS Beyonce- Rolling Stone Online Gallery Alex Reside for Beyonce kicks off her "I Am..." Tour at New York City's Madison Square Garden on June 21,2009 Beyonce Knowles is a 'triple threat' who performs perfectly in singing, dancing and acting. more...

36 SNS

37 TourPointPhotos Natural Portrait Gallery I Others favorites

38 TourPointPhotos Natural Portrait Gallery my favorites

39 TourPointPhotos Natural Portrait Gallery my favorites Exhibitions Photos Tour E P T Ranking RE Events

40 TourPointPhotos my events

41 TourPointPhotos my exhibitions 3 Video 2 Audio 5 Comments 2 Quiz 1 Video 1 Audio 3 Comments 1 Quiz 5 Video 2 Audio 12 Comments 5 Quiz 0 Video 2 Audio 2 Comments 1 Quiz

42 TourPointPhotos my exhibitions - Beyonce 5 Video 2 Audio 12 Comments 5 Quiz Video Audio Comment Quiz Beyoncé - Single Ladies Beyoncé - Run The World 9090909090909090 9090909090909090

43 Natural Portrait Gallery my favorite my photo

44 Natural Portrait Gallery my favorite my tour Tour 제목 정하기

45 Natural Portrait Gallery my favorite my ranking 총 적립 포인트 37 Point 현재 적립 포인트 37 Point 323735 위적립 랭킹 Points Photo Tour 할인받으러 가기

46 Natural Portrait Gallery my favorite my ranking Points Photo 총 등록 사진수 12 개 가장 높은 추천수 130 Like 22557 위추천 랭킹 Tour

47 Natural Portrait Gallery my favorite my ranking Points Photo Tour 총 등록 Tour 수 1 개 가장 높은 추천수 22 Like 122557 위추천 랭킹


49 3 things non-intrusive : user-friendly personalization : all-in-one favorites customization : route & navigation

50 최영남 한지훈 조은비 백지연 장수은 임성근 강요셉 UI/UX 구상 & 키노트 제작 키노트 제작 & 발표 3D Map 제작 Exhibition 기능 구상 Favorite 기능 구상 Seamless 기능 구상 어플리케이션 기능 조사 역할분담

51 감사합니다 Dream Team ★

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