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Link for more reading Jesus Teaching on hell gonhell.html.

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1 Link for more reading Jesus Teaching on hell gonhell.html

2 Read Mark 9:1 Notice that this verse is not about Jesus, but about the Kingdom of God.

3 The kingdom of God embraces all created intelligence, both in heaven and earth that are willingly subject to the Lord and are in fellowship with Him. The kingdom of God is, therefore, universal in that it includes created angels and men. It is eternal, as God is eternal, and it is spiritual—found within all born-again believers. We enter the kingdom of God when we are born again, and we are then part of that kingdom for eternity.

4 A kingdom has a ruler. In this case God is the ruler. If God is the ruler of your life, then you are part of His kingdom right now.

5 In times of darkness we can always rest on the knowledge that the sun will come up in the morning. In the dark times of our lives we can always rest on the knowledge that Christ will return and we will live with Him forever.

6 Since we do not know the timing of Christ’s return, we must be ready at all times. He may return before or after we die. What we do know is that we have to be part of God’s kingdom. What are the steps one has to take to be ready or to be part of God’s Kingdom for when you die or when Christ comes again, whichever comes first?

7 So putting Mark 9:1 into context of the day, people could witness the coming of the Kingdom in three ways 1.The transfiguration of Jesus 2. The resurrection of Jesus 3. The Holy Spirit at Pentecost Also notice that mark only says “some” of you not “all” of you.

8 It appears that there are not any real predictions in the New Testament that Christ will return for the 1 st century Christians. No New Testament writers predicted when Christ will return.

9 What is a possible negative consequence of knowing when Christ will return? Plenty of time to do what we wanted and to repent later. But you might die before that time.

10 Christians living in those days could probably better understand and interpret Revelation that we do because they had a better understanding of the symbols and metaphors being used.

11 Let’s look at the order of events Paul outlines for us when Christ returns.

12 1.Christ returns with his angels and saints 2.Resurrection of the dead and transformation of the living Christians who meet Him in the air as the Kingdom comes on earth as it is in heaven 3.Destruction of all the anti-God powers and rulers on earth 4.Demise of death 5.Christ subjects Himself to the father and turns the kingdom back over to the father.

13 Read 1 Corinthians 15:20-28 What does the term “firstfruits” mean? First Fruits are a religious offering of the first agricultural produce of the harvest. The first fruits were typically the best.

14 Read Mathew 13:24-30 In the last harvest, the weeds are separated from the good fruits.

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