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Simple Layout Class 2 zzz 2011/12/16

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1 Simple Layout Class 2 zzz 2011/12/16
Wireless Sensor Network And Labs fall 2011

2 Today’s Class Last week Create PCB library (footprint) Layout
Introduction Create schematic library Capture schematic Create PCB library (footprint) Layout 2011/12/16 Wireless Sensor Network And Labs fall 2011

3 Through-hole Packages
SIP: single in-line packages DIP: dual in-line packages Through-hole package are old, their number decreased in modern design 2011/12/16 Wireless Sensor Network And Labs fall 2011

4 SMD Packages Chip resistors, capacitors, inductors 0402, 0603, 0805, …
Represent size of the chip 0805 means 0.08” x 0.05” rectangle 2011/12/16 Wireless Sensor Network And Labs fall 2011

5 SMD Packages SO: Small outline QFP: Quad flat package
Usually refer to IC with two rows of leads QFP: Quad flat package 2011/12/16 Wireless Sensor Network And Labs fall 2011

6 SMD Packages QFN: Quad flat package, no-leads
The packages we introduced just now are most commonly used Device datasheet should include the package information You will need it for PCB layout 2011/12/16 Wireless Sensor Network And Labs fall 2011

7 SMD Packages BGA: Ball Grid Array PGA: Pin Grid Array
These two are widely used in high end processor. They allow more pin-out from a single package. We seldom use ICs in these package, it is too difficult to solder by hand BGA: Ball Grid Array PGA: Pin Grid Array 2011/12/16 Wireless Sensor Network And Labs fall 2011

8 Why To Buy Various sources Online retailers Local distributors
Local distributors These are probably two of the world largest online electronic components retailers. If the component you need cannot buy from these two sources, you might want to consider the other component! 2011/12/16 Wireless Sensor Network And Labs fall 2011

9 Block Diagram Taroko Location node Regulator LM317L Taroko
Connector 3-Pin Infrared Connector 3-Pin Infrared 6V Taroko Location node 3.3V Regulator LM317L Taroko Control node 3.3V Battery 4 AA 6V output Connector 3-Pin Motor Connector 3-Pin Motor 6V 2011/12/16 Wireless Sensor Network And Labs fall 2011

10 Components Battery connector: 2-pin, Regulator: LM317L, 8-pin SOIC
Resistor, capacitor Taroko connector Location node: 2x5 pin, 2x3 pin Control node: 2x5 pin, 2x3 pin Infrared connector: 3 pin Motor connector: 3 pin 2011/12/16 Wireless Sensor Network And Labs fall 2011

11 PCB Layout Software Process We are using “Altium Design 6”
There are many other software available Process Initial setup Create schematic library Capture schematic Create PCB library PCB layout Output 2011/12/16 Wireless Sensor Network And Labs fall 2011

12 PCB 1-layer board 2-layer board Multi-layer board
copper 1-layer board 2-layer board copper Multi-layer board (Taroko is 4-layer board) copper 2011/12/16 Wireless Sensor Network And Labs fall 2011

13 Terminologies Top layer: copper on top
Top overlay: white marks on top layer Top paste: paste mask on top layer Top solder: solder mask on top layer Keep out layer: defines the shape of the board pads: holds the IC leads vias: holes Bottom layer: copper on bottom Bottom overlay: white marks on Bottom layer Bottom paste: paste mask on Bottom layer Bottom solder: solder mask on Bottom layer 2011/12/16 Wireless Sensor Network And Labs fall 2011

14 PCB Library Once you have every component you need on the schematic library, you can start create PCB library PCB library defines the footprint of the component LM317L AD7798 2011/12/16 Wireless Sensor Network And Labs fall 2011

15 What Is Footprint AD7798 placed on the board
After finish the layout and get the PCB board. This is how it look like. A footprint created in the software 2011/12/16 Wireless Sensor Network And Labs fall 2011

16 Dimension Must follow the exact dimension
The basic idea is the footprint you defined can fits the chip 6.4mm extra space for soldering Must follow the exact dimension Other wise the component cannot solder on the board Leave some extra space for soldering 2011/12/16 Wireless Sensor Network And Labs fall 2011

17 Simple Calculation 7.7mm 4mm (0.3* 1.85) mm These are pads, they use to hold the lead of the IC. You can define the length you want. You must leave some space for soldering 2011/12/16 Wireless Sensor Network And Labs fall 2011

18 The Footprint You Need LM317L Regurator Power Connector (端子台)
SOIC 8 (Check datasheet) Power Connector (端子台) Pitch 5.08mm Infrared proximity connector Pitch 2.0 mm Connector: 2x5 pin, 2x3 pin, 3 pin Pitch 2.54mm Chip capacitor, resistor 0805 2011/12/16 Wireless Sensor Network And Labs fall 2011

19 LM317L Physical Dimension
2011/12/16 Wireless Sensor Network And Labs fall 2011

20 Create Footprint – By Wizard
By wizard (old version altium) Tool -> IPC Footprint Wizard 2011/12/16 Wireless Sensor Network And Labs fall 2011

21 Step 1 2011/12/16 Wireless Sensor Network And Labs fall 2011

22 Check datasheet for correct number
Step 2 Check datasheet for correct number 2011/12/16 Wireless Sensor Network And Labs fall 2011

23 Step 3 – No Need Thermal Pad
2011/12/16 Wireless Sensor Network And Labs fall 2011

24 Step 4 – Use Default 2011/12/16 Wireless Sensor Network And Labs fall 2011

25 Step 5 – Low Density You can use large Toe Fillet, hand soldering will be easier 2011/12/16 Wireless Sensor Network And Labs fall 2011

26 Use Default 2011/12/16 Wireless Sensor Network And Labs fall 2011

27 Step 7 – Use Default 2011/12/16 Wireless Sensor Network And Labs fall 2011

28 Give It A Name 2011/12/16 Wireless Sensor Network And Labs fall 2011

29 SOIC-8 Footprint 2011/12/16 Wireless Sensor Network And Labs fall 2011

30 X,Y Coordinate (0,5.2) 8 5 1 4 (0,0) (1.27,0) (2.54,0) (3.81,0)
2011/12/16 Wireless Sensor Network And Labs fall 2011

31 Create Footprint Manual edit Place pads Place overlay The white mark
2011/12/16 Wireless Sensor Network And Labs fall 2011

32 Power Connector Create Footprint 2011/12/16
Wireless Sensor Network And Labs fall 2011

33 Infrared Connector millimeters 2011/12/16
Wireless Sensor Network And Labs fall 2011

34 Copy Footprint Copy miscellaneous component’s footprints
In you are using Win 7 Copy “Miscellaneous Connectors.IntLib” and “Miscellaneous Devices.IntLib” to another directory In C:\Program Files\Altium Designer 6\Library Open and extract these two library Copy following footprint Miscellaneous Devices.PcbLib 2012[0805] Miscellaneous Connectors.PcbLib HDR1x2, HDR1x3, HDR2x3, HDR2x5 2011/12/16 Wireless Sensor Network And Labs fall 2011

35 The Footprint You Need LM317L Regurator Power Connector (端子台)
SOIC 8 (Check datasheet) Create by wizard Power Connector (端子台) Pitch 5.08mm Manual create Infrared proximity connector Pitch 2.0 mm Connector: 2x5 pin, 2x3 pin, 3 pin Pitch 2.54mm Copy from miscellaneous component’s footprints Chip capacitor, resistor 0805 2011/12/16 Wireless Sensor Network And Labs fall 2011

36 Link Schematic Library And PCB Library
After create all the footprint need, linking with the schematic library link schematic library and PCB library Update schematic Notes Pins on the schematic library must map to the pins on PCB library, which is identical to real chip. 2011/12/16 Wireless Sensor Network And Labs fall 2011

37 Pin To Pin Mapping 2011/12/16 Wireless Sensor Network And Labs fall 2011

38 Pin To Pin Mapping 2011/12/16 Wireless Sensor Network And Labs fall 2011

39 Check Schematic And Choose Footprint
2011/12/16 Wireless Sensor Network And Labs fall 2011

40 Normal Procedure Is better to follow this one Procedure we took
Create component libraries in the PCB software Schematic library Capture schematic Draw the circuit on the PCB software Create PCB library Link PCB and Schematic library Update schematic Choose footprint Layout Decide the shape of the board Placing components Make connections Make the hardware board Export layout to manufacturer output, send to PCB manufacturer Home made PCB Create component libraries in the PCB software Schematic library PCB library Link PCB and Schematic library Capture schematic Draw the circuit on the PCB software Choose footprint when you place components Layout Decide the shape of the board Placing components Make connections Make the hardware board Export layout to manufacturer output, send to PCB manufacturer Home made PCB 2011/12/16 Wireless Sensor Network And Labs fall 2011

41 Now Create your footprint Choose correct footprint Check schematic
2011/12/16 Wireless Sensor Network And Labs fall 2011

42 Export to PCB Compile the schematic and export the components to PCB design document Compile Project -> Compile Document xxxxx.SchDoc Export the footprints to PCB Design -> Update PCB Document xxxxx.PcbDoc 2011/12/16 Wireless Sensor Network And Labs fall 2011

43 Environment And Keep-Out
Setup the layout environment and defines the keep out layer Environment (optional) (Right click) Option -> Board Options Metric or Imperial Snap grid Define Keep-out Define the shape of your PCB board 2011/12/16 Wireless Sensor Network And Labs fall 2011

44 Component Placing Place the component 01 02
Component placing is important Carefully place the component according to the signal path Frequency used quick key Dragging the component, press “space” to rotate Dragging the component, press “l” to place at the other size Place the bypass capacitor as close to the power pin as possible 01- find similar objects 2011/12/16 Wireless Sensor Network And Labs fall 2011

45 Design Rules Editing design rules
It defines the rules that your PCB board must follow Frequently used rules Clearance – minimum distance between traces Routing Width – minimum and maximum allowable trace width Routing Vias – minimum and maximum via size (diameter and hold size) At least you need to change “routing width” 2011/12/16 Wireless Sensor Network And Labs fall 2011

46 PCB Layout Routing 01 02 03 04 My way
Route the power line first, route them at the edge Make the track width wider for power line Route the signal line on the top layer as much as you can Make the bottom layer as a continuous ground plane 2011/12/16 Wireless Sensor Network And Labs fall 2011

47 Place Some Signature Just for fun
You can put some text on the “Overlay layer” Either “Top Overlay” or “Bottom Overlay” Text can be Team name Members name Date Whatever you want 2011/12/16 Wireless Sensor Network And Labs fall 2011

48 Design Rules Check (DRC)
This function check everything According to the rules you setup Run Design Rules Check (DRC) If errors found, must fix it Clearance Constraint Broken-Net Constraint Fix errors and run DRC again 2011/12/16 Wireless Sensor Network And Labs fall 2011

49 Ground (GND) Polygon Pour
Polygon Pour is a large area of copper Usually use for GND Route signal on one side, place GND polygon pour on the other side Connect every GND through a via to another side Place GND polygon pour And run DRC again 2011/12/16 Wireless Sensor Network And Labs fall 2011

50 Fabrication Outputs Export the layout to fabrication outputs
Export Gerber files Export NCdrill file Pack all files in project output directory Send these files to PCB manufacturer wait for about 1.5 weeks cost about NT4000 ~ NT6000 you will get a professional PCB board 2011/12/16 Wireless Sensor Network And Labs fall 2011

51 Send Files Send me the whole project files Whole project directory
One layout for each team Before next Friday (12/23) I will check the files and send to manufacturer by Wednesday 2011/12/16 Wireless Sensor Network And Labs fall 2011

52 Will it work? We’ll see 2011/12/16
Wireless Sensor Network And Labs fall 2011

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