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Deserts and Wind Action

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Presentation on theme: "Deserts and Wind Action"— Presentation transcript:

1 Deserts and Wind Action
Lecture 15 Deserts and Wind Action

2 Lecture Outline I Deserts II Wind Action A) Erosion III Conclusions
A) Characteristics B) Distribution C) Southwest United States i. The Great Basin ii. The Colorado Plateau II Wind Action A) Erosion B) Transportation C) Deposition III Conclusions Lecture 3 ii

3 Characteristics of Deserts
< 25 cm rain per year sparse rugged vegetation two climatic types arid deserts semiarid steppes

4 Distribution of Deserts

5 Climate Controls Solar Radiation and Heat Transfer

6 Climate Controls Atmospheric Heat Transfer
Three Cell Model Hadley Cell Ferrell Cell Polar Cell

7 Climate Controls Oceanic Heat Transfer

8 Climate Controls Oceanic Heat Transfer – Thermohaline Circulation

9 Distribution of Deserts Controlling Climatic Factors
Atmospheric Circulation Rain Shadow Cold Ocean Currents Continentality

10 Distribution of Deserts Atmospheric Circulation

11 Distribution of Deserts Atmospheric Circulation

12 Distribution of Deserts Atmospheric Circulation - The Sahara

13 Distribution of Deserts Rain Shadow

14 Distribution of Deserts Rain Shadow - The American Southwest

15 Distribution of Deserts
Cold Ocean Currents

16 Distribution of Deserts Cold Ocean Currents - The Namib
Sea Surface Temperature (oC) - 03/17/02 Naval Research Laboratory, Stennis Space Center

17 Distribution of Deserts Cold Ocean Currents - The Namib

18 Distribution of Deserts Continentality - The Gobi

19 Deserts of the American Southwest
The Great Basin (Basin and Range) The Colorado Plateau

20 Deserts of the American Southwest
Water Bodies – Arroyos

21 Deserts of the American Southwest The Great Basin
rugged mountain ranges separated by flat valleys fault-controlled topography

22 Deserts of the American Southwest The Great Basin

23 Desert Landforms of the American Southwest The Great Basin

24 Desert Landforms of the American Southwest Great Basin Landforms - Alluvial Fan
alluvial fan - an outspread, gently sloping mass of alluvium deposited by a stream, particularly in an arid or semi-arid region where a stream issues from a narrow canyon onto a plain or valley floor.

25 Desert Landforms of the American Southwest Great Basin Landforms – Bajada
bajada - a broad, gently inclined detrital surface extending from the base of a mountain range out into an inland basin, formed by the lateral build-up of a series of alluvial fans.

26 Desert Landforms of the American Southwest Great Basin Landforms - Playa
playa - a dry, barren area in the lowest part of an undrained desert basin. playa lake - a shallow, intermittent lake in an arid region.

27 Desert Landforms of the American Southwest Great Basin Landforms - Pediment
pediment - a broad gently sloping erosion surface or plain of low relief, typically developed by running water, in an arid or semiarid region at the base of an abrupt and receding mountain front.

28 Desert Landforms of the American Southwest Great Basin Landforms – Inselberg

29 Desert Landforms of the American Southwest Great Basin Landforms Evolution

30 Deserts of the American Southwest The Colorado Plateau
beds of flat-lying sedimentary rocks >1500m above sea level due to uplift marked by monoclines

31 Deserts of the American Southwest Colorado Plateau Landforms
plateau- a relatively elevated area of comparatively flat land bounded on at least one side by cliffs mesa - a broad flat-topped hill butte - a narrow hill of resistant rock with a flat top and very steep sides

32 Desert Landforms of the American Southwest The Colorado Plateau – Monocline
monocline - a local steepening in an otherwise uniform gentle dip

33 Wind Action Erosion Transport Deposition

34 Wind Action Erosion

35 Wind Action Erosion - Blowout

36 Wind Action Erosion - Deflation

37 Wind Action Erosion - Ventifacts

38 Wind Action Transportation

39 Wind Action Transportation - Dust Storms

40 Wind Action Deposition – Dunes

41 Wind Action Deposition – Dune Migration

42 Wind Action Deposition – Dune Morphology

43 Wind Action Deposition – Controlling Factors on Dune Morphology

44 Wind Action Deposition - Barchan Dunes

45 Wind Action Deposition – Transverse Dunes

46 Wind Action Deposition – Barchanoid Ridge Dunes

47 Wind Action Deposition – Star Dunes

48 Wind Action Deposition – Parabolic Dunes

49 Wind Action Deposition – Longitudinal Dunes

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