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 Lent is a 7 week period (40 days) before Easter  During this time, Christians prepare for the coming of Christ at Easter  It is a time to remember.

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2  Lent is a 7 week period (40 days) before Easter  During this time, Christians prepare for the coming of Christ at Easter  It is a time to remember the passion, death, and resurrection of Jesus  For Catholics it is the holiest time of the year  It is also a time for us to have a conversion  Conversion is taking the good in our lives and making it better or changing from a sinful lift to a holy one

3  Ash Wednesday is the first day of Lent  We receive ashes to remind us that we came from dust and will return to dust after our death  During this season we are asked to make sacrifices  On Ash Wednesday and Good Friday we must fast (only one full meal) and abstain (no meat)  We abstain from meat on all Fridays of Lent  The rules apply only to people between the ages of 14 and 65

4  The last week in Lent is called Holy Week  The important events of this week are:  Palm Sunday:  Jesus rides to Jerusalem and people shower Him with Palms  Spy Wednesday:  Judas arranges to betray Jesus with 30 pieces of silver  Holy Thursday:  Last Supper  Jesus gives us the sacrament of Holy Eucharist, Reconciliation, and Holy Orders  Peter denies Jesus 3 times

5  Holy Week Continued…  Good Friday:  Jesus carries His cross  Jesus dies on the cross  Jesus is buried  Easter Saturday  Easter Sunday:  Also known as the Resurrection  Jesus rises on this day  He stays on Earth for 40 more days  His Resurrection proves He is God

6  Symbols of Lent:  Purple Vestments  Stations of the Cross  Fasting and Abstaining  No Flowers in Church  Ashes

7  The last 3 days of Holy Week are:  Holy Thursday  Good Friday  Holy Saturday

8  Easter is a season of new life, because Jesus will go to a new life in heaven  During Lent we try to go from being good to being better or from being sinful to being good  Resurrection is another name for Easter  Easter is the most important feast of the liturgical year, because it is when Jesus proved he was God

9  After Jesus rose from the dead, he stayed on Earth for 40 days  He appeared to many people during this time  He promised the Apostles, He would send someone to watch over them  He made Peter, Pope, or head of the Church  On the 40 th day, He ascended body and soul back into heaven  This is called Ascension Thursday

10  On the 50 th day after his resurrection, Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to give the Apostle’s courage and strength to go out and preach the gospel  This is known as Pentecost Sunday

11  Symbols of Easter  White Lily  Holy Water (new life)  Paschal Candle  White Vestments

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