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Prayer for the New Evangelization
Lord Jesus Christ, You have given your Church the mission to proclaim the Gospel to all the nations. May our efforts to fulfill this mission be guided by the Holy Spirit so that we might be a leaven of new life, salt of the earth and a light of the world, worthy missionaries and faithful to You. Make us valiant witnesses to the Faith of the Church and inspire us to speak the truth with love. Help us to communicate to others the joy that we have received.
Prayer for the New Evangelization
Permit us to be united, but not closed; humble, but not fearful, simple, but not naïve; thoughtful, but not overbearing contemporary, but not superficial; respectful of others, but boldly Your disciples. May we bear into the world the hope of God, which is Christ the Lord, who rose from the dead and lives and reigns with the Father and the Holy Spirit, one God forever and ever. Amen. Holy Mary, Mother of God, Pray for us! St. Joseph, Patron of the Universal Church, Pray for us! St. Peter and St. Paul, Pray for us! St. Thérèse, Patroness of Missionaries, Pray for us! St Thomas Aquinas, Pray for us!
“Be Ready” – Sharing Our Faith
Our personal story introduces people to Jesus “Go home to your friends, and tell them how much the Lord has done for you.” Mark 5:19 “…even the finest witness will prove ineffective in the long run if it is not explained, justified... proclaimed by the word of life.” Paul VI - Evangelii Nuntiandi 22 “Always be ready to give an explanation to anyone who asks you for a reason for your hope” 1 Peter 3:15 Has anyone had an experience of sharing your faith you’d like to quickly share? I’m not an expert, gap in my life of discipleship Fr Laird to Rediscover parish teams, Mike Maslow, my small group Testimony, witness, martyr Matthew Kelly’s book, he talked about our story, in the large, eg salvation history; story of Jesus, gospel or kerygma; story of saints, our stories, what Christ has done in my life I know some athiests who are pretty good, caring, generous people; we may need to explain the difference
Sharing Our Faith Telling a Story
Before people are willing to hear the Good News of Jesus, the kerygma, they probably need to hear the example of his good news in our life We are Christ-bearers; people can encounter Christ by encountering us People can argue with us about the truths of the Catholic faith and the content of the Good News But it’s hard to argue with our own experience of how Jesus changed our life God is spirit, and he’s chosen to make us his body and act through us, all we really have to offer is to love another as he has loved us, and introduce them to the one we love Encounter We live in subjective culture; they may well say it’s not for me; but at least they’re made aware of possibility; later discover it’s for them too
Obstacles Common obstacles to sharing our faith
What holds me back? Common obstacles to sharing our faith Lack of confidence (self-perception) Lack of courage (fear) Lack of love (self focus vs. open myself up) Lack of know-how and preparation (“I’m Catholic!”) Lack of thankfulness (ingratitude) Lack of commitment (“It’s Father’s job!”) Lack of opportunity (Have I prayed for opportunities?) Does anything hold you back from sharing your faith? Don’t know enough, not holy enough, havent reflected on our relationship with Lord If we can’t point to ways Christ has loved and changed us, we don’t have much to offer me 2nd politically correct; consultant, paid to provide solution, not evangelize 3rd open ourselves up 4th - We’re trying to flex our faith story muscles here Me last, for Lent
Essence of Sharing Our Faith
Opening my relationship with Christ to another Love Am I in a loving relationship with Christ? Am I opening myself to a relationship with the other person? Conversation Am I also listening? Is sharing my life in Christ helping the person to discover their story? Holy Spirit Am I aware of God working in my life in real time? Am I attentive to his promptings for the sake of the other? Not about keeping score, is a person loved by God, that I am called to love Enter into relationship with another, however fleeting, open up my relationship with Lord, allowing another to also encounter Christ in their story I become a bridge to Christ by opening myself and revealing my life with Christ, like introducing a friend Not giving them something, not saving, certain not manipulating them or dumping my story on them We can use our history with Christ, but awareness of what he’s doing now or has done recently is even more compelling to a generation that doesn’t see their need for God
Ways to Share Our Faith Chronological – my salvation history or story
Adapt to the situation Chronological – my salvation history or story My conversion – my decision(s) to respond to Christ’s invitation Smaller stories How have I encountered Christ in a personal way? An example of how Christ has made a difference in my life A reason I love being Catholic Other large or small conversions in my life A (personal) reason why I am a Christian A way Christ has revealed a calling, gift or vocation to me A way I have experienced new life, freedom or resurrection Good to reflect on and have our whole story of salvation available We will likely only be able to share a part of it in a particular situation Could be something large like a major life turn-around, or something smaller, like I realized my selfishness was a bad example for my family Trigger phrases in my head that I use?
I was blind – [Jesus healed me] – Now I can see!
“Blind Man Pattern” A biblical example A scriptural pattern for sharing my faith story I was blind – [Jesus healed me] – Now I can see! John 9 Another approach Every story has a beginning, a middle and an end Might not be “blind” but just in the shadows
Before - Relate – “I was blind”
“Blind Man Pattern” Before - Relate – “I was blind” Describe my spiritual life before committing myself more deeply to Christ. How did that impact me – my priorities, feelings, attitudes, actions, and relationships? How did that work for me?
During - Reveal – “Jesus healed me”
“Blind Man Pattern” During - Reveal – “Jesus healed me” What circumstances led me to want Jesus Christ to be more a part of my life? What did Jesus do? How did I make a deeper commitment to Christ?
After - Rejoice – “Now I can see”
“Blind Man Pattern” After - Rejoice – “Now I can see” How did my life begin to change after I committed myself to Christ? Am I approaching my life differently now than before? How has God’s role in my life changed?
Share your life with JOY!
Tips Share your life with JOY! Avoid negative statements about people Share my story in a conversation, not “at” someone Be aware of exceptionalism – ordinary is OK Share my life Out of my sinfulness, poverty, pain, doubt, fear, sorrow and weakness Out of my, riches, healing, trust, hope, joy and strength in The Lord What I most love about the gift of my faith speaks to people where they are. Trust in the power of the Holy Spirit who is the principle cause of conversion For those of us who are converts, our stories can sound more exciting or significant; but there are many more cradle Catholics than converts; all our stories point to God’s love in Jesus Christ; Pope Francis, joy, not “sourpuss” or judgemental
Opening my relationship with Christ to another
Sharing Our Faith Opening my relationship with Christ to another Love - Relationships with Christ and another Stories - Reflect, refine, refresh Conversation Holy Spirit – Aware of his action in my life and his prompting me when and how to share Summing up Not just my story; the other person has one too, they just may not pay attention to it
Closing Prayer From Psalm 116: How shall I make a return to the Lord
for all the good he has done for me? The cup of salvation I will take up, and I will call upon the name of the Lord Thank you!
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