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1 Johnson Nixon Ford Carter Reagan Bush Clinton Bush.

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1 1 Johnson Nixon Ford Carter Reagan Bush Clinton Bush.

2 2 Comparison 1965 - 2003 United States Budget Discretionary Net InterestEntitlementsNational Defense -58%+136%+14%-64% 43% 28% 7% 22% 18% 66% 8%

3  Provide data to make pollutant risk assessments of adverse effects to natural resources (AQRVs).  Determine compliance with NAAQS standards and critical loads  Determine trends that assist in compliance predictions, policy objectives, and regional assessments at rural parks.  Provide specific answers from special studies that assist modeling, rural pollution transport issues, SIP development, and national control strategies.  Provide timely information to protect public health in the parks ARD Air Quality Monitoring Objectives Air Resources Division

4 Three-tier monitoring: core for trends, baseline, targeted Co-locate monitoring for efficiency and data use Use partnerships to maximize cost sharing Set primary objectives for each site, time frame follows Target the monitoring by defining the information needs Parameters and quality of data to meet the need Monitoring Concept Changes Air Resources Division

5 Layers of Monitoring PurposeCharacteristics Time frame 1. Trend Long-term trends for rural regions Meets policy & performance needs Stable sites that have regional presentation and are not near significant sources; multiple measurements and network monitors collocated; strong park support with an active AQ program. Several decades 2. Compliance Determine exceedances of the NAAQS and non- attainment status; supporting information on critical loads Meets regulatory requirements; significant partnerships with EPA and State agencies. 4 – 15 years 3. Targeted Provide information that supports policies, decisions, plans, or actions that lead to improved air quality Survey monitoring to provide baseline pollutant data and to challenge the model estimates; multiple pollutant monitoring that investigates issues of source apportionment, transport, response to emission control changes, and other policy- relevant research Less than 5 years (timeline specified in proposal) Define Monitoring by a Layered Structure Each monitor must be defined by its layer, purpose, and timeline. Air Resources Division


7 A geographic information system (GIS) and ozone data was used to spatially interpolate the ozone over the US. Air Quality “Air Atlas” Air Resources Division

8 Air Quality Condition – Ozone Trend Air Resources Division

9 Air Quality Scorecard Air Resources Division

10 Cost Saving Cuts - Ozone Monitoring PEFO BADL WICA CASTNet Sites = ozone + dry deposition Station shut down Minor reduction (met, 2 nd site, temp monitors POMS ozone (not shown ) 8 stations not funded by 2011 ZION Air Resources Division

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