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[1] The Role of Behaviour Change in Reducing CO 2 Emissions Liz Ampt Sinclair Knight Merz, Adelaide Written while at Steer Davies Gleave.

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Presentation on theme: "[1] The Role of Behaviour Change in Reducing CO 2 Emissions Liz Ampt Sinclair Knight Merz, Adelaide Written while at Steer Davies Gleave."— Presentation transcript:

1 [1] The Role of Behaviour Change in Reducing CO 2 Emissions Liz Ampt Sinclair Knight Merz, Adelaide Written while at Steer Davies Gleave

2 [2] In the beginning… ____________________________________

3 [3] Supply management

4 [4] Demand management

5 [5] Supply Management ► Growth in demand for utilities or services ●More supplied  Roads  Energy  Water  Space for waste ► Worked well while there were supplies ► Still needed to some extent

6 [6] Demand management ► Changes to reduce the negative impact of a utility or service, without construction of major infrastructure ► Can be designed to ●Reduce the peak load/demand ●Cut the peak load/demand ●Cut the total load/demand

7 [7] Demand management ► 5 main approaches ●Regulation ●Pricing ●Technological changes ●Education and awareness ●Minor infrastructure ► All of these are external to the individual – top down ► Value is in relatively immediate effect ●Problem can be in longevity of change

8 [8] Behaviour change ► People changing because of personal knowledge or understanding ► 2 main approaches ●Both originally at a community level ●Now converted to an individual level ► Social marketing - knowledge ► Community development approach - knowledge + understanding

9 [9] Social Marketing Government/community's problems congestion, emissions, reliance on car etc. People assist in solving problem Tends to need external incentives tell people issues Describes problem in terms of its community effects

10 [10] Community Development Government/community's problems congestion, emissions, reliance on car etc. People's problems costs too much, no time for myself, etc. Describes problem in terms of its personal effects Person solves own problem Self-sustaining At the same time, solve community problems

11 [11] Social marketing ► Offering individuals information and materials that will make change easier, e.g. ●Timetables ●Low flow shower heads ► +ve: gives more wide-spread knowledge ► -ve: generally little regard for fitting in with lifestyles/ abilities

12 [12] Community development ► A conversation to consider which changes are best for the person and household ► +ve: - changes fit lifestyle - changes likely to be self-sustaining - people can work out extra changes - people can diffuse the message ► -ve:takes more time and cost in short term

13 [13] Conversation process Introduction Establishment : Last time in car and didn’t want to be? Hassles getting around town? Conversation Resources to assist change Action Plan Resources sent and behaviour change

14 [14] Unexpected community benefits ► Social benefits ●Get to know other people ●Self-organised change ► Economic development benefits ●Shop locally ► Health outcomes in transport ●Weight loss

15 [15] Behaviour change – community development ► Works because it begins with the individual ●The changes fit around their lives ► Because the individual understands the principles ●They can describe (reinforcement) the changes to others (diffusion) ► There is less need for incentives ► Ideal to add value to top-down demand management


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