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Leveraging NYS Resources to Maintain Your Competitiveness.

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Presentation on theme: "Leveraging NYS Resources to Maintain Your Competitiveness."— Presentation transcript:

1 Leveraging NYS Resources to Maintain Your Competitiveness.
Michael Ridley, Director HPC Program, NYSTAR Text

2 What is NYSTAR? Fund (~$50 Million/year)
Centers for Advanced Technology (CATs) Strategically Target Academic Research Centers (STARs) Advanced Research Centers (ARCs) Technology Law Center HPC Consortium (HPC2) Regional Technology Development Centers(RTDC) Venture Fund (SBTIF) Other University Based Programs

3 How do regional technology clusters form?
Public Most Successful Partnerships Academic Private

4 NYSTAR Technology Clusters

5 NYSTAR’s 15 CATs Future Energy Systems Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy Sensor CAT Stony Brook University, Stony Brook CAT in Medical Biotechnology Stony Brook University, Stony Brook CASE Center Syracuse University, Syracuse Center for Advanced Technology in Nanomaterials and Nanoelectronics University at Albany, Albany Center for Advanced Technology in Biomedical and Bioengineering University at Buffalo, Buffalo CAT for Electronic Imaging Systems University of Rochester, Rochester Center for Advanced Ceramic Technology Alfred University, Alfred Integrated Electronics Engineering Center Binghamton University, Binghamton CAT in Photonics Applications City University of New York, New York City Center for Advanced Materials Processing Clarkson University, Potsdam Center for Advanced Information Management Columbia University, New York City Center for Life Science Enterprise Cornell University, Ithaca CAT in Telecommunications Polytechnic University, Brooklyn Center for Automation Technologies and Systems Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy

6 How is the (PPA) Model Working?
Return on Investment (ROI) Patents Grants Received (non-state) Companies Created New Jobs Many More Some Examples of our ROI Alfred - $36.40 to $1 Binghamton - $21.92 to $1 Clarkson - $29.96 to $1 Overall CAT $41.54 to $1

7 Success Stories NanoDynamics, located in Buffalo, has worked with Clarkson University’s Center for Advanced Technology Materials Processing to develop nanosized copper powder technologies. RESULT - The company has raised over $16 million in private equity funding. Endomedix is an early stage medical device company started in July 2005 at the Long Island High Technology Incubator with the help of the Stony Brook Center for Biotechnology. RESULT - Securing an initial private investment of $325,000. They have negotiated a milestone based licensing agreement with a publicly traded life sciences company worth a total of $1,600,000, with an upfront cash payment of $500,000. WetStone Technologies of Cortland develops digital security technologies including time-stamping, forensic infrastructures, and intrusion detection technologies. CASE has worked with WetStone facilitating the design and commercialization of WetStone's products. RESULT - WetStone credits its collaboration with CASE for creating over 44 new jobs and in excess of $10 million in increased revenues, cost savings, and equity funding.

8 The Next 20 Years The problems to be solved will be huge, multifaceted, multi dimensional requiring numerous collaborations and partnerships. In order to manage and understand complexity, computer modeling and simulation will be key. HPC has only recently reached the level of speed necessary to achieve real world modeling at the nano scale.

9 What is SBES? Simulation-Based Engineering Science (SBES) is defined as the discipline that provides the scientific and mathematical basis for the simulation of engineered systems. Such systems range from microelectronic devices to automobiles, aircraft, and even the infrastructures of oil fields and cities. In a word, SBES fuses the knowledge and techniques of the traditional engineering fields—electrical, mechanical, civil, chemical, aerospace, nuclear, biomedical,and materials science—with the knowledge and techniques of fields like computer science, mathematics, and the physical and social sciences. As a result, engineers are better able to predict and optimize systems affecting almost all aspects of our lives and work, including our environment, our security and safety, and the products we use and export. (Source, NSF, May 2006)

10 (Simulation Based Engineering Science)
SBES Skills (Simulation Based Engineering Science) 21 Century Skills Math Science Domain Computers

11 SBES (Simulation Based Engineering Science) The Root

12 HPC Allocation Program
Allocate super computing resources Business Academia Government Steps to receiving time Online application Sign user agreements from assigned Centers Restrictions Must be a NYS entity (academic or business) Other considerations Costs may be levied on closed research. Some software does not work in these environments. Massive allocations may require cost sharing Proprietary research is handled on a case by case basis by the centers directly.

13 Goals of HPC Assistance Program
Provide assistance in the use of HPC assets in New York Build off of NYSTAR and NY’s substantial research investments Advance the science (academia) Apply the science (business) Create a knowledge repository (build the culture) Code Know how Applications Create a viable self sustaining community Make New York industries more competitive in the global economy through the application of HPC.

14 HPC Allocation Program
HPC Program NYSTAR CATs Develop / Identify NYSTAR High Performance Computing Program HPC2 Apply HPC Allocation Program Use

15 New York State HPC2 NYSERNET U. Buffalo RPI Stony Brook BNL
World Class Networking – Research network assets – Internet2 Toolset User Interface, Bio Related Sciences Physical Sciences, Engineering, and others Energy, Bio Related Sciences

16 Knowledge and Applications
HPC Knowledge Repository BIO Knowledge and Applications HPC HUB Knowledge and Applications Knowledge and Applications INFO NANO

17 Illustrative Examples of HPC in New York (Business Use)
Upstate Biotechnology Company Using supercomputers at CCNI to do analysis on billions of what was seen as unrelated pieces of data to aid in drug discovery. Fortune 50 Company Using HPC at Stony Brook/ BNL to do research on energy transmission and distribution systems to make them more reliable and efficient. Upstate Manufacturer Trying to develop better materials and designs to aid in reducing the power consumed by their product, this will allow them to leap over their competition. Upstate Startup Using CCNI computing facilities to do design work and proof of concept on what they believe will be a breakthrough in generator design. Big Pharma Using facilities at Stony Brook / BNL CCNI and Buffalo to advance their drug discovery and speed up time to market. IBM Using supercomputers at CCNI to solve the complex challenges in new innovative chip design.

18 The Experiment A Statewide Research Cyber-Infrastructure
NYSTAR has funded nearly $500 Million in research instrumentation since 2000. This exercise will begin the process of providing shared resources throughout NYS. All taxpayer funded assets available to everyone. What we do here with this collaboration, portals and conferences will set the stage for these type of practices in other domains and set precedent on how we share instrumentation statewide. We must do this, its much too expensive to build duplicative services throughout the state.

19 Thank You! Michael P. Ridley 518-292-5700

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