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Ecology 6 by: Querico A. Marquez and Patricia Louise S. Regala.

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Presentation on theme: "Ecology 6 by: Querico A. Marquez and Patricia Louise S. Regala."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ecology 6 by: Querico A. Marquez and Patricia Louise S. Regala

2 What is a desert? an area where the rainfall is less than 25 cm (10 in) per year. areas of the world with very low rainfall, and which also experience extremes of heat and cold.

3 Characteristics of a desert : area of land that receives very little rain so dry few plants and animals grow in them areas of extremes temperatures may be hot during the day and cold at night

4 What are deserts generally made of? almost all sand and rocks oasis- spot that has water, where plants and animals mostly live

5 NameLocationApprox. Area sq misq km AtacamaChile50,000129,000 Dasht- KavirIran100,000259,000 GibsonAustralia85,000220,000 GobiMongolia and China500,0001,295,000 Great SandyAustralia150,000388,000 Great VictoriaAustralia250,000647,000 KalahariBotswana, Namibia, and South Africa120,000310,000 Kara KumTurkmenistan140,000363,000 Kyzyl KumUzbekistan and Kazakhstan110,000285,000 NamibNamibia50,000129,000 NefudSaudi Arabia50,000129,000 Rub al KhaliSaudi Arabia250,000647,000 DESERTS OF THE WORLD

6 NameLocationApprox. Area sq misq km Sahara Algeria, Chad, Egypt, Mali, Mauritania, Morocco, Niger, Sudan, and Tunisia3,500,0009,000,000 SimpsonAustralia60,000155,000 SonoranMexico and the United States120,000310,000 SyrianSyria, Jordan, Iraq, and Saudi Arabia100,000259,000 TaklimakanChina120,000311,000 TharIndia and Pakistan80,000207,000 continuation …

7 The four major types of desert : Cool Coastal Desert Cold Winter Desert Polar Desert Subtropical Desert

8 Dry Tropical Climate : Temp Range 16 degrees Celsius Annual Precipitation: 0.25 cm. All months less than 0.25 cm ( 0.1 in ) Latitude Range: 15 degrees to 25 degrees N and S Global Range: Southwestern United States and northern Mexico, Argentina. North Africa, south Africa, central part of Australia.

9 Organisms found in deserts : plants like cactus animals like camels, pack rats, horned toads and rattle snakes

10 Means of survival of organisms in the desert : Existence of oasis Most animals sleep by day & hunt for food by night. Cactus is a source of food and water for animals and plants.

11 Desert Trivia : driest desert - Atacama Desert, in Chile, is the driest place on earth. No rain had fallen from 1570-1971. largest desert - The Sahara, in Chile, is about the same size as the entire United States. Sahara’s past - Millions of years ago it was covered in grasslands & forests. Cave paintings confirm that 4,000 years ago running rivers and animal life existed.

12 Some pictures of deserts :

13 More pictures of deserts : Granite Mountain in the Great Basin Desert Zabriskie Point in Death Valley California.

14 ( continuation ) Death Valley California kind of cold desert

15 What is a chaparral? An ecological community especially of Southern California composed of a dense impenetrable thicket of shrubs or dwarf trees.

16 Characteristics of a chaparral : forest-like growth of stunted trees and hard leaved- shrubs covering mountain slopes in warm, arid regions of the world thick growth of bush and small trees that occur mostly in southern California In California, includes such plants as chamise, manzanita, scrub oak and wild lilac. Most chaparral plants have small, hard leaves that do not fall off in winter.

17 Organisms found in chaparral : deer foxes quail rabbits chipmunks Scrub Jays Acorn Woodpecker

18 Chaparral Climate: In the winter, the temperature range is between 30 and 100 degrees Fahrenheit. Chaparrals can be found 30-50 degrees N and 30-40 degrees S latitudes.

19 Mediterranean Climate ave. annual temp- 59 degrees Fahrenheit highest temp- 91 degrees Fahrenheit lowest temp- 37 degrees Fahrenheit ave. temp for winter- 46 degrees Fahrenheit ave. temp for summer- 71 degrees Fahrenheit ave. temp for spring- 56 degrees Fahrenheit ave. temp for fall- 65 degrees Fahrenheit

20 References: Young People’s Encyclopedia The Children’s Pictorial Book of Knowledge Junior Encyclopedia The Merriam Webster Dictionary Two-Can First Encyclopedia The World Book Encyclopedia Collier’s Encyclopedia

21 The End

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