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This PowerPoint presentation segment is designed to be shown with narration. Extra text has been excluded in this presentation and narration is required.

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Presentation on theme: "This PowerPoint presentation segment is designed to be shown with narration. Extra text has been excluded in this presentation and narration is required."— Presentation transcript:

1 This PowerPoint presentation segment is designed to be shown with narration. Extra text has been excluded in this presentation and narration is required to explain each point. Showing phases and costs

2 Coming together for the children in our changing world Families for Orphans ™

3 Initial funding What we need now is – your support as we raise capital commitments for $5 million for groundbreaking and implementation of the prototype 2 Families for Orphans™ - The Orphans' Dream

4 Moving forward-implementation Proof-of-concept 3 Families for Orphans™ - The Orphans' Dream Obtain funds for implementation Staging in USA

5 Moving forward Proof-of-concept 4 Families for Orphans™ - The Orphans' Dream Obtain funds for implementation Staging in USA Mexico state selected Land offered (Agricultural)

6 Moving forward Proof-of-concept 5 Families for Orphans™ - The Orphans' Dream Obtain funds for implementation Staging in USA Mexico state selected Land offered (Agricultural) Site testing Title transfer

7 Moving forward Proof-of-concept 6 Families for Orphans™ - The Orphans' Dream Obtain funds for implementation Staging in USA Mexico state selected Land offered (Agricultural) Site testing Title transfer Build new sustainable businesses with 100 new jobs

8 Moving forward Proof-of-concept 7 Families for Orphans™ - The Orphans' Dream Obtain funds for implementation Staging in USA Mexico state selected Land offered (Agricultural) Site testing Title transfer Initiate community Services Build new sustainable businesses with 100 new jobs

9 Moving forward Proof-of-concept 8 Families for Orphans™ - The Orphans' Dream Obtain funds for implementation Staging in USA Mexico state selected Land offered (Agricultural) Site testing Title transfer Build homes Begin adoptions Initiate Community Services Build new sustainable businesses with 100 new jobs

10 Use of funds ($5M) 9 Families for Orphans™ - The Orphans' Dream Obtain funds for implementation Staging in USA Mexico state selected Land offered (Agricultural) Site testing Title transfer Months 1 to 6 $200,000

11 Use of funds 10 Families for Orphans™ - The Orphans' Dream Build homes Begin adoptions Initiate Community Services 18 months $4.8 Million Build new sustainable businesses with 100 new jobs Months 6 to 12 Infrastructure/Irrigation Cattle-Sheep-Hogs-Goats Volunteer workgroups Contract w/local farmers = cash flow w/in 6 mo

12 Use of funds 11 Families for Orphans™ - The Orphans' Dream Site testing Title transfer Build first 4 homes Begin adoptions Initiate Community Services 18 months $4.8 Million Build new sustainable businesses with 100 new jobs Months 13 to 24 Aquaculture/Greenhouse Parents = Workers

13 Use of funds 12 Families for Orphans™ - The Orphans' Dream Build new sustainable businesses Build first 4 homes Begin adoptions Initiate Community Services Months 13 to 24 Parents involved in building homes. Parents & children find each other. (Expanding to approximately 30 homes) 18 months $4.8 Million

14 Just 10 of many outcomes… 24 months from now - an economically self-sustaining community - 1.Debt free businesses 2.100 direct jobs ($150,000 wages/month) 3.100 indirect jobs 4.Tourism and visitors and… 13 Families for Orphans™ - The Orphans' Dream

15 10 of many benefits… 5.Four rental homes occupied 6.Job skills training 7.Micro-enterprise development 8.Paying taxes to government 9.Net profit $35,000/month and number ten… 14 Families for Orphans™ - The Orphans' Dream

16 and… …parents working in the community will be adopting orphans into their families 15 Families for Orphans™ - The Orphans' Dream Giving more children a better today and a chance at a brighter future

17 As a capital partner… 16 Families for Orphans™ - The Orphans' Dream We want you – your active involvement…

18 As a capital partner… 17 Families for Orphans™ - The Orphans' Dream We welcome your active involvement Board of directors

19 As a capital partner… 18 Families for Orphans™ - The Orphans' Dream We welcome your active involvement Board of directors plans/mileposts/report requirements/draw schedule

20 As a capital partner… 19 Families for Orphans™ - The Orphans' Dream We welcome your active involvement Board of directors plans/mileposts/report requirements/draw schedule criteria for accounting reports/financial controls

21 As a capital partner… 20 Families for Orphans™ - The Orphans' Dream We welcome your active involvement Board of directors plans/mileposts/report requirements/draw schedule accounting reports/financial controls SITE VISITS

22 To do that… (8 pieces) Providing capital commitments for: 1. HQ office, staff & business meetings/travel to Mexico $ 150,000 2. 3. 4. 21 Families for Orphans™ - The Orphans' Dream Several opportunities for you to participate

23 What you can do… Providing capital commitments for: 1. HQ office, staff & business meetings/travel to Mexico $ 150,000 2. Site testing & title transfer of land, filing fees 50,000 3. 4. 22 Families for Orphans™ - The Orphans' Dream

24 What you can do… Providing capital commitments for: 1. HQ office, staff & business meetings/travel to Mexico $ 150,000 2. Site testing & title transfer of land, filing fees 50,000 3. Initial infrastructure, irrigation 600,000 4. 23 Families for Orphans™ - The Orphans' Dream

25 What you can do… Providing capital commitments for: 1. HQ office, staff & business meetings/travel to Mexico $ 150,000 2. Site testing & title transfer of land, filing fees 50,000 3. Initial infrastructure, irrigation 600,000 4. Livestock, farm buildings, temp. housing/admin 400,000 24 Families for Orphans™ - The Orphans' Dream

26 What you can do… Providing capital commitments for: 5. Aquaculture/Greenhouse commercial business 3,000,000 6. 7. 8. 25 Families for Orphans™ - The Orphans' Dream

27 What you can do… Providing capital commitments for: 5. Aquaculture/Greenhouse commercial business 3,000,000 6. Home construction & infrastructure (4 homes) 400,000 7. 8. 26 Families for Orphans™ - The Orphans' Dream

28 What you can do… Providing capital commitments for: 5. Aquaculture/Greenhouse commercial business 3,000,000 6. Home construction & infrastructure (4 homes) 400,000 7. Basic administration/management/security 350,000 8. 27 Families for Orphans™ - The Orphans' Dream

29 What you can do… Providing capital commitments for: 5. Aquaculture/Greenhouse commercial business 3,000,000 6. Home construction & infrastructure (4 homes) 400,000 7. Basic administration/management/security 350,000 8. Adoptions of orphans 50,000 28 Families for Orphans™ - The Orphans' Dream

30 What you can do… Providing capital commitments for: 5. Aquaculture/Greenhouse commercial business 3,000,000 6. Home construction & infrastructure (4 homes) 400,000 7. Basic administration/management/security 350,000 8. Adoptions of orphans 50,000 Total of the 8 commitments = $5 million 29 Families for Orphans™ - The Orphans' Dream

31 Immediate needs… 1. HQ office, staff & business travel/meetings Business meetings/trips to obtain support/land/title $2,000/per trip HQ office w/utilities/vehicle expense $2,000/month Staff (One) Office manager/volunteer coordinator/bookkeeper $3,400/month 30 Families for Orphans™ - The Orphans' Dream The breakdown of immediate needs:

32 What do you think? 31 Families for Orphans™ - The Orphans' Dream Which parts of this sustainable Families for Orphans™ project are most interesting to you?

33 Contact information Our Family Orphan Communities, Inc. Nuestra Familia Comunidades de Huérfanos, A.C. P. O. Box 906, Alamosa, CO 81101 U.S.A. P.O. Box 16742, Denver, CO 80216 U.S.A. Office Tel: 303-514-6858 Fax: 435-228-2298 Executive Director: Robert (Bob) Miller Board Chairman: Cliford Pepper You can assist us to make the Orphans’ Dream to have a family come true. We will be happy to provide you with a copy of our implementation plan upon request. 32 Families for Orphans™ - The Orphans' Dream

34 The beginning! 33 Families for Orphans™ - The Orphans' Dream

35 If we did it in the USA… 34 Families for Orphans™ - The Orphans' Dream To build a community with 100 jobs & 4 homes… Three estimates of job creation investment per job (2007 to 2011) $51,649 $92,000 Average investment = $114,549 per job created $200,000 So, to create 100 jobs here in the USA would take: 100 x $114,549 = $11,454,900

36 35 Families for Orphans™ - The Orphans' Dream Risk Considerations Problem prevention and contingency planning

37 Use of funds 36 Families for Orphans™ - The Orphans' Dream Site testing Title transfer Build first 4 homes Begin adoptions Initiate Community Services Build new sustainable businesses with 100 new jobs 18 months $4.8 Million Months 13 to 24 Training of parents/grandparents.

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