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Hosted By For more information visit us at

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1 Hosted By For more information visit us at

2  Participatory  Your input is highly valued and always welcome  Respectful discussions are encouraged  FUN!

3 For more information visit us at: For more information visit us at

4 WHAT IS EMPLOYMENT SERVICES?? MANAGING CHAOS The business of doing business with businesses

5 History and Values Funding

6 History of Employment Services -understanding the foundation helps contribute to our values -very medical model at first and has slowly moved to inclusion, employment, individualized and competitive -parents spearheaded the evolution -we need to move beyond integration and move to inclusion -employment started the inclusion model History- Understanding the evolution of employment services serves as the foundation of how we got where we are and the importance of why we are here

7 Categories1960’s & 1970’s1980’s1990’s2000’s ModelMedicalDevelopmental Community-Based Integration Driven by Individual Characteristics Custodial Treatment Deprivation Continuous, Get Ready Slots Networking, Civil Rights, Relationships, Natural Supports Choice, Self-Determination, Economic Power Society RolePatientClientConsumer, Customer Social Inclusion Social Expectations Citizenship Employment Isolation No Work Work Activity Segregation Work Activity Sheltered Workshops Supported Integration Supported Employment Enclaves/Crews Inclusion Competitive Employment ResidentialInstitutionGroup Living Supported Living Integration Home Ownership Community Inclusion

8 Ones judgment of what is important Principles of standards for behavior What you value drives what you should be going Hard to teach- you can communicate and model but to teach is difficult

9 fundamental beliefs of a person or organization the guiding principles that dictate behavior and action can help people to know what is right from wrong they can help companies to determine if they are on the right path and fulfilling their business goals create an unwavering and unchanging guide

10 “Employment First means “expecting, encouraging, providing, creating, and rewarding integrated employment in the general workforce as the FIRST and Preferred option of youth and adults with disabilities”

11 Waiver Funding

12 Division of Vocational Rehabilitation

13 – Common Myths/Stereotypes: Many people with disabilities are scared to work because they think they might loose their disability benefits. This is not true! Social Security has many work incentives that allow people who are receiving Social Sectary Disability benefits to work while still receiving benefits. SSDI-Social Security Disability Insurance: a monthly benefit paid to individuals under full retirement and who have paid enough quarters into the system, have worked 5 out of the last 10 years and meet SSA definition of disability. SSI- Supplemental Security Income: this is based on financial need. Monthly benefits are paid to low income individuals who are disabled, blind, or over the age of 65

14 Work Incentives specific to SSI: -Earned income exclusion, Student earned income exclusion, impaired related work expense (IRWE), Federal Rule 1619(b), PASS plans Work Incentives specific to SSDI: Trial work period, Extended period of eligibility, Subsidy or Special condition, Expedited reinstatement of Benefits For more information contact Wyoming Centrum 268-4407

15 Discovery and Career Planning

16 - getting to know the individual -holistic process -identifying skills -process of “seeking answers” -career planning is a part of discovery

17 Bullets

18 Career Planning -Person centered -Not a formal process but -Time consuming -Discovery is a part of career planning

19 Discovery -It is the loose process of who what and how -It is not a strict model and never ending --”hanging out with intent” -Using past experiences --”Discovery Guide”

20 Four Aspects of Discovery: -Conditions -Preferences -Contributions -Support Needs

21 Conditions -things you must have in a job in order to accept it -these are non-negotiable

22 Preferences -things an individual would like to have in a job -individual will still accept job but it is not a deal breaker -Preferences are negotiable

23 Contributions -skills, abilities, talents, attributions to bring to a job -add value to the business Examples: already owning a car/espresso maker/item for job

24 Support Needs -things you will need to be successful in your job -job accommodations, technology, skills, -job coaching (often jump to this too quickly, remember plan to fade)

25 Key Strategies in Discovery -Interviews -Observation -record review

26 Interviews -formal-one on one, set up in office, interview with employer-planned -informal –visiting with parents, walk in park, spending time with individual -Interviews and observation are the best method of Discovery

27 Observation -make observations in all environments -observing in natural environments -observing in workplace

28 Record Review personal files attendance records medical information

29 Assessments -a part of the discovery process -used to help individuals get insights into their talents, skills, interests -done over a broad time frame, not a snap shot in time

30 Assessment Strategies: -Interest Inventories -test -DVR Assessments - Work experience

31 Action Plans -derived from the discovery and career planning process -taking all steps and putting them into action -you will find what jobs make sense



34 Name so many ideas and sometimes the last ones are the best.. Keep naming jobs theme of death…

35 Building Business Partnerships

36 EMPLOYMENT FLOW Referral High Quality Assessment of Wants and Needs Plan Initial Contact Relationship Building Proposal Service After the Match Follow Up Job Match Job Match Network

37 Mission Products Services Audience(s) Needs Message(s) Tools Evaluation Continuous Improvement

38 Our lingo Supported Employment Job Coach Community Based Employment Task Analysis Workplace Modifications ADA

39 Initial Contact The first call to an employer should not be to ask for a job.

40 Elevator Speech

41 Informational Interview What does the business do How do they recruit & their experiences Past connections to the disability community Remember the ancillary jobs How can you help them

42 After the interview is complete Create a business profile How are you going to share with your team Remember to store and update USE IT

43 INITIAL CONTACT GOALS 43 Appear professional Be concise and to the point Assess needs Be welcomed back

44 EMPLOYMENT FLOW Referral High Quality Assessment of Wants and Needs Plan Initial Contact Relationship Building Proposal Service After the Match Follow Up Job Match Job Match Network

45 Relationship Building WIIFM Qualified candidates Supplemental Training Retention Support On going customer service

46 Relationship Building Informational interview with job seeker Mock interviews Tours Mentoring Internships Search for opportunities not openings

47 EMPLOYMENT FLOW Referral High Quality Assessment of Wants and Needs Plan Initial Contact Relationship Building Proposal Service After the Match Follow Up Job Match Job Match Network

48 Networking Board of Directors Chamber members Vendors Past employees Where you spend your money

49 PROPOSAL GOALS 49 Know the person Know the job Know the resources Present a clear plan

50 EMPLOYMENT FLOW Referral High Quality Assessment of Wants and Needs Plan Initial Contact Relationship Building Proposal Service After the Match Follow Up Job Match Job Match Network

51 On the Job Supports

52 Service after the match Job Analysis Job Restructuring Modification Gap Analysis

53 Job Analysis Core Work TasksEpisodic work tasks Job related TasksImportant Cultural Aspects

54 Change the rules of the job requirements and expectations Add or deleting a task ex- taking telling the time out of the job More of a push on the employer This is a retraining for the employee Change of the sequence of the tasks

55 Jig- piece of adaptive equipment Most permanent of the interventions This is giving someone a tool Modifying the environment- change lighting, add a desk, etc, Example- clock telling time, scale Assistive technology

56 Case Study #1 Case Study #2

57 Tool for anyone attempting to increase a person’s performance Structures the proposal and follow up Documentation that manages the relationship with all stakeholders


59 EXAMPLE: Job requirement: job requires telling time to the minute Person/status: tells time to hour Intervention: job modification- talking clock (many different types of interventions) Progress:


61 The right intervention is the one that works for the person and the employer We need to know the job in order to determine the type of intervention Intervention is also the job proposal 3 types of Interventions: Job Modifications, Job Restructuring, and Training/Teaching These are important because we need to look at all possibilites, often a combination of all interventions

62 Least effective method of Intervention Least permanent Subject to great error Time intensive Evaluate training before using- needs to have consistantency and time to do this, what type of training and who will be providing

63 What is my job? How do I do it? How will you measure? How well did I do it? How do I improve?

64 Keys to Success Clear Expectations TrainingSupport Socially Connected FeedbackRecognition GrowthAdvancement

65 How Did These Happen for You? Clear Expectations TrainingSupport Socially Connected FeedbackRecognition GrowthAdvancement What is my job? How do I do it? How will you measure? How well did I do it? How do I improve? Think about one of your first jobs… 1.Each person list 3-5 for each 2.Discuss then list group’s top 5 How were expectations communicated and/or how did you figure them out, who? Who trained you, how did you learn, who supported you? How did you connect with co- workers, how did you learn about and/or observe activities/rituals?

66 Job/Employment Supports Job Match Support Plan Natural Support InclusionSocial/Culture TrainingDirect/Indirect Problem Solving Fading Follow Along Advancement

67 On The Job Supports Required Knowledge PerformanceExpectations Social Expectations WorkplaceCulture

68 To effectively support a new employee, what do we need to know about the…? PersonJobCulture 1.Each person develop 3-5 things for each 2.Each person shares with group (record all responses) 3.As a group, discuss and select 5 most critical for each area

69 To effectively support a new employee, what do we need to know about the…? Person Learning Style Skills/Abilities Attributes Interests/hobbies Comm./Social Skills Conditions PreferencesJob Performance Expectations New employee training procedures Supervision/reporting Job/Task Analyses Job Supports Feedback/evaluationCulture Workplace rituals Dress/appearance Socialization Cliques Relationships Initiation Unwritten rules

70 How we get this information… Person Career Planning DiscoveryJob Job Analysis Task AnalysisCulture Worksite Analysis Observation Time/ Experiences

71 Job Analysis Responsibilities/TasksSalary, Benefits, ScheduleSupervision, standards/expectations, evaluationWork LocationWork environmentCo-worker, customers interactions and relationshipsTools, equipment usedPersonnel policies/procedures

72 Helping the employee “fit in” Social Activities Celebrations Language Stories Production expectations Cliques Relationships Humor Teasing Informal Comm Teasing Informal Comm. Orientation Initiation Territory Unwritten Rules Cultural Analysis Most jobs are kept or lost due to Social Skills and Fitting in with the Culture of that workplace

73 1.What are the 3 most critical expectations you will have for the job coach? 2.How would you measure/evaluate their performance? Scenario: You are a business owner and have just hired a person who will receive supports on the job Sample Activity: Role/Responsibility/Expectations

74 Assist employer to facilitate, enhance, or expand existing strategies and resources for support Assist employer to facilitate, enhance, or expand existing strategies and resources for support. Assist employee to become a valued member of the workplace to maximize ongoing co-worker support and inclusion Natural Support InclusionSocial/Culture TrainingDirect/Indirect Problem Solving Expectations

75 Natural Support InclusionSocial/Culture TrainingDirect/Indirect Problem Solving Supervisor & Co-Worker Support Introductions Orientation TrainingSupport

76 Natural Support InclusionSocial/Culture TrainingDirect/Indirect Problem Solving Job Coach Support Facilitate Introductions Provide information to Supervisor Co- workers Supplement Training only if needed Facilitate Relationships

77 Natural Support InclusionSocial/Culture TrainingDirect/Indirect Problem Solving Familiarity Personal Touches Shared Interests Work/Social Customs Humor Teasing Facilitating Relationships

78 Natural Support InclusionSocial/Culture TrainingDirect/Indirect Problem Solving Natural Supports Intensive Supports (Systematic Instruction)

79 Intensive vs. Natural or better yet…intensive and natural It’s not one or the other but a blend of both Our job is to figure out when more intensive supports are needed…and necessary Natural is always best

80 Our Role To figure out the natural processes and means of training in the work environment Support the natural processes/training (orientation, new employee training, etc.) Evaluate effectiveness Supplement only when needed Day One Fading begins Day One

81 The 7 Phase Sequence Determine Natural Ways Determine Natural Means Enlist Natural People Facilitate/T rain Support/Assist/ Supplement Reconsider Natural Means Adapt/Modify/C hange Natural Ways Callahan-Marc Gold Assoc.

82 When Natural is not Enough You still must remember the “Public” nature of business and work environment

83 Natural Support InclusionSocial/Culture TrainingDirect/Indirect Problem Solving Physical Model Gestural Direct Verbal Indirect Verbal Preferred Level Teaching Strategies

84 When Natural is not Enough Develop a plan for training Support the person to become competent Focus on supporting the person to become part of the team Look for natural cues, reinforcers and other natural supports missed up front Remember to fade more and more each day Job coaching is time limited so you must have an….

85 S TRATEGY The more hours of direct support provided by job coaches the poorer the work outcomes are, unless co-workers have been trained and involved in support. Mank, et al.

86 Fading in Proximity: Most all tasks are mastered but there are some things that require you to remain onsite Focus on strategies that will allow you to fade out on all remaining tasks i.e. teaching strategies, supervisor/co-worker support, accommodations, technology, etc. If you developed an exit strategy with the employer, there should be no surprises When you have faded in proximity

87 Scenario: You are scheduled at a worksite for 4 hours but the support you are providing to the person only takes two. Since you have to be onsite, what are some things you can/should do? What things shouldn’t you do? 1.Each person make a list of 5 can/should dos and 5 shouldn’t dos. 2.Each person share with group (make list of all) 3.Group makes list of top 5 in each category What do you do when there seems there’s nothing to do?

88 Focus on strategies to fade completely Complete worksite/job analyses Observe/document workplace culture/rituals Observe/analyze other jobs Determine skills/process for advancement Notes/logs, etc. Just sit there Jump on cell phone (talk, facebook, games, etc.) Get in the way Draw attention Distract, hinder employees A few more

89 Final Thoughts on Training/Fading The biggest mistake we make is creating dependency (both employee and employer) Communicate the expectation that fading will occur day one (to both the employer and employee) Go with natural first, then more intensive/intrusive Foster competence in the employee

90 Natural Support InclusionSocial/Culture TrainingDirect/Indirect Problem Solving Most performance issues tend to be a result of faulting teaching strategies Use the GAP Analysis for problem solving Standard/ Expectation Present Level of Performance Plan Progress Re-evaluate

91 Job Coach role is to facilitate the process Natural Supports Inclusion Training Problem Solving “ Assist employer to facilitate, enhance, or expand existing strategies and resources for support” “Assist employee to become a valued member of the workplace to maximize ongoing co worker support and inclusion”

92 “Do you ever see a coach on the court playing?” Fading begins day one- very important, start looking at how you will set this person up for success and be independent in job

93 Is this actually creating inclusion? Do other employees have one on one job coaches? Does this create boundaries? Does it allow the employer to rely on job coach?

94 Mom and Pop store just opened up, what jobs would the people you serve be able to do here?

95 What should be in a job coaching agreement/expectations? -what can we do and what cant we do? -look at exit strategy with employer -set up follow up agreements - this is not a formal agreement but a conversation What are we offering now? Are we offering too much?

96 Follow-Along Advancement


98 Advancement/Next Job

99 Our Sponsors

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