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 Questions will be asked to each grade level one at a time with each grade level rotating per question.  1 minute maximum per question  Kids = Write.

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Presentation on theme: " Questions will be asked to each grade level one at a time with each grade level rotating per question.  1 minute maximum per question  Kids = Write."— Presentation transcript:


2  Questions will be asked to each grade level one at a time with each grade level rotating per question.  1 minute maximum per question  Kids = Write OutParents = Choose from multiple choice  4 th Grade Kids & Parents  Indiana Facts, History, & Geography  5 th Grade Kids & Parents  United States Facts, History, & Geography  6 th Grade Kids & Parents  World Facts, History, & Geography

3  Where did Christopher Columbus think he landed in 1492?  Asia

4  Identify an American Indian group that lived in the Northwest. Describe its type of Housing.  Chinook – Built houses with trees

5  Which Indian group was the greatest mound building civilization?  The Mississippians

6  Francisco Vasquez de Coronado set out from Mexico City in 1540 and explored much of the southwest. The route he followed later became known as what?  The Southwest Passage

7  Why did those in favor of the Bill of Rights think it was needed?  To protect the personal freedoms of people

8  Why did the colonists feel that The Stamp Act was unfair?  It taxed goods made in the colonies

9  What was the first plan of government called?  Articles of Confederation

10  What was agreed upon in the Mayflower Compact?  To have just and equal laws

11  List TWO of the freedoms included in the First Amendment in the Bill of Rights.  Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Religion

12  What people are elected in a LOCAL election?  The mayor and school board members

13  Who is apart of the legislative branch of the government?  House of Representatives and the Senate

14  Who is chosen in a primary election?  The candidates that will run in the November election

15  What does the continental divide follow in the United States?  The crest of the Rocky Mountains

16  The Great Basin in the United States includes most of which state?  Nevada

17  What economic factor motivated the Spanish to explore the Southwest?  Gold

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