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Native Americans. How did they get here? migrated on foot from Siberia (in Asia), to Alaska across a land bridge that no longer exists.

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Presentation on theme: "Native Americans. How did they get here? migrated on foot from Siberia (in Asia), to Alaska across a land bridge that no longer exists."— Presentation transcript:

1 Native Americans

2 How did they get here? migrated on foot from Siberia (in Asia), to Alaska across a land bridge that no longer exists.

3 Native Americans' View of the Land They lived in harmony with the land; Didn't believe you could own the land as a personal property

4 Native Americans of California Food Sources: salmon; shellfish; rabbits; ducks; roots, berries; acorns Shelter: simple homes covered with reeds or bark Clothing: simple aprons/skirts from grass (warm) animal hides during the colder months

5 Native Americans of the Great Basin Food: migrating ducks and their eggs; snakes, grasshoppers, mostly ate plants Shelter: temporary shelters (migrated from place to place) clothing: during the cold months they made robes from rabbit hides (about 100 rabbit hides)

6 Native Americans of the Plateau Food: hunters/gatherers - relied mainly on fish and plants Shelter: build villages along rivers, houses made of driftwood Clothing: hides for winter, weaving clothes and hats

7 Native Americans of the Southeast Food: farming Shelters: built towns around earthen mounds Clothing: deerskin skirts and cloth

8 European Exploration and Settlement Europeans interested in lands that lay to the east. For example, China The Americas were found as explorers were trying to locate a new trade route the China because of the travels of Marco Polo to Asia

9 Spain As the printing press made books more available, more and more people read about Marco Polo's time in China/Asia

10 Spain Christopher Columbus Believed shortest route to Indies was west, across the Atlantic Ocean He needed $ for the trip He convinced King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain to pay for the trip.

11 Spain In August 1492, Columbus sailed west with 3 small ships. After a month they found what they thought were the Indies, but it was really the Caribbean Islands. He called the new people he encountered Indians.

12 Spain The "Indians" were fascinated by these new people; Columbus claimed the land for Spain. He returned to Spain for more ships and supplies. He returned four more times, finding more islands he would claim for Spain.

13 Columbia Exchange

14 Native Americans get a raw deal

15 Slavery, had been around since ancient times

16 The Conquistadors


18 Spanish Borderlands


20 New France

21 English Colonies

22 Jamestown

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