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DuraSpace, Fedora and DuraCloud Thorny Staples Director, Community Strategy and Alliances ESIP Meeting, July 8, 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "DuraSpace, Fedora and DuraCloud Thorny Staples Director, Community Strategy and Alliances ESIP Meeting, July 8, 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 DuraSpace, Fedora and DuraCloud Thorny Staples Director, Community Strategy and Alliances ESIP Meeting, July 8, 2009

2 DuraSpace, Inc. Combined Fedora Commons, Inc. and DSpace Foundation 501-(c)3 private, non-profit company 4-year project funded by Moore Foundation to become self-sustaining Misson-driven, products evolve to follow community needs Moving towards community-based software development

3 Scholarly and Scientific Collections Preservation and Archiving Education, Knowledge Spaces The world we work in… Data Curation, Linking, Publishing blog and wiki and more …

4 DuraSpace Products Fedora Dspace Akubra – storage plug-in module with tranactional file system Mulgara – RDF indexing engine Topaz – core semantic knowledgebase components DuraClould

5 Solution Communities Community group that creates and maintains the vision for solution bundle in an area Gathers resources to create software for solution Coordinates development with DuraSpace technical staff Smaller group that gets things done will emerge

6 Solution Areas Data Curation Open Access Publishing Integration Services Preservation and Archiving Small Archives Scholars’ Workbench

7 Other Possible Community Groups Other software development groups News and Publications Outreach group that works with our Communications Director Issue/advocacy groups that work on standards important to the community

8 The Flexible Extensible Digital Object Repository Architecture A set of abstractions that can be used to represent different kinds of data A repository management system A foundation for many information management applications Designed to make data “durable” over the long term

9 165 Current Known Users Broadcasting and media – 1 Consortia – 9 Corporations – 14 Government agencies – 8 IT- Related Institutions – 10 Medical Centers and Libraries – 4 Museums and Cultural Organizations – 5 National Libraries and Archives – 16 Professional Societies – 2 Publishing - 4 Research Groups and Projects – 18 Semantic and Virtual Library Projects - 6 University Libraries and Archives - 68

10 Community-built Applications Fez Muradora Islandora (Drupal-based) Arrow VITAL (vendor software from VTLS) eSciDoc Hydra

11 Making complex digital information “durable” is a very hard problem The existence and meaning of content needs to be verifiable as technologies change A history of the changes to the encoding and state of content must be reliably provided A meaningful context for any unit of content may be one of many and must be sustained Complex resources will increasingly be dispersed across institutional boundaries.

12 The Fedora abstractions provide a durability framework. Content is “unitized” as information objects that combine data, metadata, policies, relationships and the history of the object. Complex digital resources are formally defined graphs of related objects. The public view of the content is presented as abstract behaviors. The web services orientation of Fedora provides the basis for repository federation.


14 DC Persistent ID RELS-EXT AUDIT 1 1 2 2 n n Reserved Datastreams Custom Datastreams (any type, any number) A data object is one unit of content POLICY

15 Object Properties “Data or Service Definition orService Deployment “A”, “I”, or “D” (Active, Inactive, Deleted)‏ “Any string” “2007-04-30T19:59:03.000Z” (UTC, ISO8601 format)‏ “Any string” ‏ System generates value Either way Client provides value LEGEND “namespace:name PID Object Type State Label Content Model Created Date Last Modified Date Owner ID PID

16 Managed Fedora stores and manages the content bytestream. Content located via internal ID Fedora stores a reference (URL) to the content and mediates access to the content Fedora stores a reference (URL) to the content, but will not mediate access to content. Fedora stores a name-spaced block of XML content within the Fedora digital object XML wrapper file. Datastreams hold or represent the content External External Redirected Inline XML

17 Datastream Properties Version Any XML “NCName” unique within the object “X”, “M”, “E”, or “R” (Inline XML, Managed, Externally Referenced, or Redirected)‏ “A”, “I”, or “D” (Active, Inactive, Deleted)‏ “true” or “false” 1 or more System generates value Either way Client provides value LEGEND Datastream Datastream ID State Control Group Versionable

18 Relationships Among Objects Describes adjacency relationships among objects, among units of content RDF data of the form: PID – typeOfRelationship – relatedObjectPID Can used to assemble aggregations of objects Can build graphs of relationships to feed into user interfaces

19 Optional Object Behaviors Data objects can have different views or transformations Sets of abstract behaviors that different kinds of objects can subscribe to Corresponding sets of services that specific objects can execute The business logic is hidden behind an abstraction

20 Content Access Content Management


22 Content Models Create classes of data objects Expressed as Cmodel objects A Cmodel object defines the number and types of data streams for objects of that class A Cmodel object binds to service objects to enable appropriate behaviors to be inherited by data objects

23 Persistent ID (PID) Service Definition Metadata SystemMetadata Datastreams Cmodel Object Persistent ID (PID) Service Binding Metadata (WSDL) SystemMetadata Datastreams Web Service service contract service subscription data contract Persistent ID (PID) RDF data Datastreams System Metadata Service Mechanism Object Service Definition Object Persistent ID (PID ) System Metadata Datastreams Data Objects

24 Other components include: - Parameter values used by the method - Datetime stamp for earlier version A behavior call has the form : Object PID + SDef Name + Method Name

25 Objects Representing Aggregations Creating parent objects for complex resources Representing explicit collections Representing implicit collections Creating digital surrogates for physical entities


27 Fedora Repository Service GSearch OAI Ingest Simple JMS Simple JMS Fedora Framework Service Integration More… repository publishes events services listen and consume events or other messages

28 Current Work… early seeds for DuraCloud concept Shared Storage Abstraction Plug-in 1Plug-in 2Plug-in … Amazon University SAN/Fabric Local Storage

29 DuraCloud - basics Replicate to multiple storage providers Replicate to multiple geographic areas Monitor and audit digital assets Compute services in cloud next to content Hosted by DuraSpace not-for-profit org Partnerships with cloud providers “Pay for use” for services and storage

30 DuraCloud Trusted management of and access to durable digital assets in the cloud DuraSpace Mediating Service Sun EMC Amazo n Microsoft


32 Examples Text, images only Art and Architecture Quantitative data Aggregation objects

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