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JESUS, THE KING (ALL HAIL THE POWER OF JESUS) All hail the power of Jesus' name Let angels prostrate fall.

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Presentation on theme: "JESUS, THE KING (ALL HAIL THE POWER OF JESUS) All hail the power of Jesus' name Let angels prostrate fall."— Presentation transcript:



All hail the power of Jesus' name Let angels prostrate fall

4 Bring forth the royal diadem And crown Him Lord of all

5 Bring forth the royal diadem And crown Him Lord of all

6 Hail Jesus, You're my King (Hail Jesus, You're my King)
(VICTORY CHANT) Hail Jesus, You're my King (Hail Jesus, You're my King)

7 Your life frees me to sing (Your life frees me to sing)

8 I will praise You all my days (I will praise You all my days)

9 You're perfect in all Your ways (perfect in all Your ways)

10 Hail Jesus You're my Lord (Hail Jesus You're my Lord)

11 I will obey Your word (I will obey Your word)

12 I want to see Your kingdom come (I want to see Your kingdom come)

13 Not my will, but Yours be done (Not my will, but Yours be done)

14 Glory, glory to the Lamb (Glory, glory to the Lamb)

15 You take me into the land (You take me into the land)

16 We will conquer in Your name (We will conquer in Your name)

17 And proclaim that Jesus reigns (And proclaim that Jesus reigns)

18 Hail, hail Lion of Judah (Hail, hail Lion of Judah)

19 How powerful You are (How powerful You are)

20 Hail, hail Lion of Judah (Hail, hail Lion of Judah)

21 How wonderful You are (How wonderful You are)

22 How powerful You are (How powerful You are)

23 How wonderful You are

24 You are my King, You are the Lamb Lion of Judah, Seed of Abraham
(THE KING OF WHO I AM) You are my King, You are the Lamb Lion of Judah, Seed of Abraham

25 The holy One, God’s only Son You are the King of who I am
Slide number 25


Oh, for a thousand tongues to sing, praises unto Thee

28 Oh, for a thousand hands to raise, in honor to the King

29 Oh, for a thousand hands to raise, in honor to the King


31 The holy One, God’s only Son You are the King of who I am
Alternate Ending: To end this medley with The king of Who I Am, switch this slide (#31) with slide number 25

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