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Lake Superior Stewardship Initiative engaging the communities and schools in Houghton and Baraga Counties Expertise & Opportunities offered by Community.

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Presentation on theme: "Lake Superior Stewardship Initiative engaging the communities and schools in Houghton and Baraga Counties Expertise & Opportunities offered by Community."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lake Superior Stewardship Initiative engaging the communities and schools in Houghton and Baraga Counties Expertise & Opportunities offered by Community Organizations & Agencies to Meet the Needs of Schools Lake Superior Stewardship Initiative March 2008

2 Community Resources Calumet Township Carnegie Museum Copper Country Audubon Club Copper Country Trout Unlimited The Forestland Group Green Timber Consulting Isle Royale National Park Isle Royale Institute Keweenaw Economic Development Alliance Keweenaw Nat’l Historical Park & Heritage Sites Keweenaw Land Trust Lake Superior Huron River Restoration Michigan Nature Association Michigan Tech Center for Water & Society Plum Creek Timber Porcupine Mountains Wilderness State Park USDA Forest Service Northern Research Station USDA Forest Service–Ottawa NF USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service

3 Calumet Township Contact: Paul Lehto Phone: 337-2401 Email: Our Mission: serve the people of Calumet Township Geographic area we work in: Calumet Township Types of projects/needs that we need help with: - Community outreach What we can offer students and teachers - Logistical support and some supplies. Lake Superior Stewardship Initiative

4 Carnegie Museum Contact person: Elise Nelson Phone: 482-7140 Email: Website: Our Mission: To preserve the history, arts and cultural heritage of the Copper Country. Geographic area we work in: The museum is located in Houghton and serves the Western Upper Peninsula. Lake Superior Stewardship Initiative

5 Carnegie Museum Types of projects/needs that we need help with: 1. Volunteers/interns to help assemble and disassemble exhibits 2.Exhibit production 3.Volunteers or “explainers” during open hours 4.Help creating exhibits for the science center What we can offer students and teachers: 1. Field trips 2. Guided tours 3.Opportunities for student volunteers (as “science room explainers,” exhibit development, internships, etc.) 4.Opportunities for student’s to exhibit Lake Superior Stewardship Initiative

6 Copper Country Audubon Contact person: Dana Richter (Forestry, MTU) Phone: 487-2149Email: dlrichte@mtu.ed Website: Our Mission: encourage the care and appreciation of birds and work to protect their habitat. Geographic area we work in: Houghton & surrounding counties. Lake Superior Stewardship Initiative Barred Owl

7 Copper Country Audubon What we can offer students and teachers 1.Knowledge of the local birds and how to observe and enjoy birds 2. Field trips, bird walks, trails, put up bird houses, bird feeders 3. Presentations in science classes; field guides 4. Wildlife Sanctuaries in Keweenaw Co. Lake Superior Stewardship Initiative

8 Copper Country Chapter of Trout Unlimited Contact person: Jim Baker / Shawn Hagan Phone: 487-3459 / 288-3380 Email: / Website: Our Mission: CCCTU is dedicated to conserving, protecting, and restoring the Copper Country's coldwater fisheries and their watersheds. Our Vision: CCCTU envisions coldwater sport fisheries of self-sustaining wild, native fish stocks prospering, in restored and maintained habitats within Copper Country lakes and streams. Lake Superior Stewardship Initiative

9 Copper Country Chapter of Trout Unlimited Founded in 1997 as a local grass-roots chapter of National Trout Unlimited Approximately 100 local members including fishing enthusiasts as well as non-fishing conservationists Geographic area we work in: Baraga, Houghton, Keweenaw and Ontonagon Counties Lake Superior Stewardship Initiative

10 Copper Country Chapter of Trout Unlimited Types of projects/needs that we need help with: 1. Habitat projects (getting wet and dirty). 2. Fund-raising to meet our mission. 3. Maintain and grow the Membership. Lake Superior Stewardship Initiative

11 Copper Country Chapter of Trout Unlimited What we can offer students and teachers 1. Field visits to streams and riparian areas to discuss cold water conservation, fish habitat and fishing techniques. 2. Classroom presentations and demonstrations (fly- tying & spin/fly-fishing). 3. Support for Salmon in the Classroom. Lake Superior Stewardship Initiative

12 The Forestland Group, LLC Contact: Shawn Hagan Phone: 288-3380 Email: Website: The Forestland Group, LLC (TFG) acquires and manages timberland investments for institutions, families, and individuals. TFG emphasizes naturally regenerating hardwood and pine forests primarily in the eastern U.S. Lake Superior Stewardship Initiative

13 The Forestland Group, LLC There are currently 2,704,433 acres under management in 20 states plus Belize, Costa Rica and Quebec. Lake Superior Stewardship Initiative

14 The Forestland Group, LLC What we can offer students and teachers: 1. Field visits to areas under management to discuss forestry, timber harvesting, certification and other land management topics. 2. Classroom presentations and demonstrations. Lake Superior Stewardship Initiative

15 Contact person: Justin Miller, President Phone: 353-8584Email: Website: Our Mission: To assist landowners in achieving their goals while ensuring proper forest management Geographic area we work in: Lake Superior Stewardship Initiative

16 How we can help schools: 1. Forest Management Planning 2. Forest Management Implementation a. Trail or Boundary Mapping & Layout b. Forest Health Improvements c. Tree Planting d. Cost-Share Programs e. Carbon Trading f. Environmental Education 3. Tree Farm Group a. Third Party Forestland Certification Lake Superior Stewardship Initiative

17 Isle Royale National Park Contact: Katie Nessly and Valerie Bowen Phone: 906-482-0984 Website: Our Mission: The National Park Service preserves unimpaired the natural and cultural resources and values of the national park system for the enjoyment, education, and inspiration of this and future generations. Geographic area we work in: Education programs for Copper Country ISD schools Lake Superior Stewardship Initiative

18 Isle Royale National Park What we can offer students and teachers 1. Spring 2008 Assembly programs for K-6 2. Spring 2008 Classroom programs for 2-4 3. Coming Winter 2008: Wolf/Moose traveling trunk Lake Superior Stewardship Initiative

19 The Isle Royale Institute Contact person: Ann Mayo-Kiely Phone: 487-4335 Email: Website: also: Our Mission: Fostering education and science at Isle Royale and on the waters of Lake Superior Geographic area we work in: Lake Superior Watershed Lake Superior Stewardship Initiative

20 The Isle Royale Institute We especially need help with: 1. Protecting vulnerable resources and preventing the spread of exotic species (plants, aquatic critters) and VHS. 2. Increasing public understanding about Isle Royale and the global significance of the park’s wolf-moose and other long-term research. 3. Using the park’s wealth of information on natural and cultural resources to develop more web-based and printed materials. 4. Fundraising to run more youth trips to the park Lake Superior Stewardship Initiative

21 The Isle Royale Institute What we can offer students and teachers 1. Trips to Isle Royale (teacher workshops, assistance with student trips—logistics, gear and leaders) 2. Student projects on the mainland and island (developing educational materials or work projects) 3. Resources for teachers (lesson plans, videos, science publications, island data to compare to the mainland)– a wealth of research information relevant to teaching science, math, and social studies. 4. Possibly class speakers or project assistants (biologists, park rangers, MTU students) Lake Superior Stewardship Initiative

22 Keweenaw Economic Development Alliance Contact: Phil Musser Phone: 906-482-6817 Website: Our Mission: KEDA creates an economic environment in which entrepreneurs, companies and employees can thrive. Geographic area we work in: Baraga, Houghton and Keweenaw Counties Lake Superior Stewardship Initiative

23 Keweenaw Economic Development Alliance Types of projects/needs that we need help with: 1. Communicating interconnectedness of economic and natural environment/quality of life to attracting and retaining companies and employees 2. Instilling sense of entrepreneurship at K-12 level 3. Promoting social entrepreneurship What we can offer students and teachers 1. Connections to local companies, organizations 2. Presentations 3. Introduction to companies which may be willing to donate equipment, supplies. Lake Superior Stewardship Initiative

24 Keweenaw National Historical Park & Keweenaw Heritage Sites Contact person: Kathleen Harter Phone: 906-337-3168 ext. 230 Email: Website: Our Mission: To preserve, protect, and interpret the natural and cultural resources relating to the copper mining industry for the enjoyment and benefit of current and future generations. Geographic area we work in: Keweenaw Heritage Sites exist from Porcupine Mountains Wilderness State Park to Fort Wilkins Historic State Park while Keweenaw National Historical Park exists as two units – Quincy Hill and Calumet Village.

25 Keweenaw National Historical Park & Keweenaw Heritage Sites Types of projects/needs that we need help with: 1.Development of captivating student-focused activities that are accessible to other schools and national parks across the United States via the internet. 2.Development of educational and interpretive materials (site bulletins, brochures, web pages, audio tours, etc.) that are well researched, documented, and of interest to multiple audiences and learning styles. Lake Superior Stewardship Initiative

26 Keweenaw National Historical Park & Keweenaw Heritage Sites What we can offer students and teachers: 1. Access to park service archival collections (historic photos, letters, documents) by appointment. 2. Access to Keweenaw Heritage Site archival collections and exhibits during operating hours and by appointment. 3. Regularly scheduled ranger-led programs during the summer months. 4. Group tours available by appointment at Keweenaw Heritage Site locations. 5. Professional park staff may be available to do presentations through scheduled appointments.

27 Contact person: Evan McDonald Phone: 482-0820 Email: Website: Our Mission: The Keweenaw Land Trust is a community partner protecting land, water and quality of life through conservation, stewardship and education Geographic area we work in: Western U.P. Lake Superior Stewardship Initiative What we can offer students and teachers: 1. Outdoor ‘classrooms’ at nature preserves and conservation projects. Diverse habitats including forests, wetlands, ponds, streams, beaver dams, etc. 2. Marsin Nature Retreat Center on Portage Waterway, with meeting facilities, nature preserve, water access and canoes/row boats 3. Historic cabins at Lightfoot Bay Coastal Wetlands Preserve in Baraga County 4. KLT presentations on conservation/stewardship topics 5. Networking opportunities with resource professionals

28 Types of projects/needs that we need help with: 1.Survey/inventory of amphibians, reptiles, mammals, birds, insects and plants at KLT nature preserves or Mouth of Swedetown Creek 2. Develop natural resource/land use history content and design interpretive signs for KLT nature preserves 3. Habitat improvements & site clean-up at Lightfoot Bay Wetlands, Baraga Co. 4. Design and build bridges at Paavola Wetlands 5. Sampling for fish management, e.g. Boston Pond 6. Develop community outreach for importance and functions of coastal wetlands 7. Assessment and planning for community benefits of US-41 National Scenic By- way “Copper Country Trail” from Houghton to Copper Harbor Lake Superior Stewardship Initiative

29 Marsin Nature Retreat Center Paavola Wetlands Preserve Copper Country Trail – Scenic Byway Lightfoot Bay Coastal Wetlands Preserve

30 Lake Superior’s Huron River Restoration, Inc. Contact person: Dave or Marcy Cella Phone:906-524-5241 Email: Our Mission: to cultivate sustained stakeholder involvement with the protection, education, and enhancement of Lake Superior’s Huron River. In partnership with landowners, interested citizens, government agencies and private enterprise, we work to foster education, understanding, sustainable land management, along with ecosystem and water quality restoration and conservation. Geographic area we work in: Huron River Watershed Lake Superior Stewardship Initiative

31 Lake Superior’s Huron River Restoration, Inc. Types of projects/needs that we need help with: 1.River studies What we can offer students and teachers 1.When our study is completed in Oct. 2008, we can make presentations in schools. Lake Superior Stewardship Initiative

32 Michigan Nature Association Contact: Charlie Eshbach Phone: 906.281.3500 Email: Website: Mission: to acquire, protect and maintain natural areas that contain examples of Michigan endangered and threatened flora, fauna, including habitat for fish, wildlife and plants of Michigan, and to conduct research and conservation education. Geographic area: 164 sanctuaries and 8500 acres statewide Lake Superior Stewardship Initiative

33 Michigan Nature Association Types of projects/needs that we need help with: 1. Boardwalk Building 2. Trail Maintenance 3. Boundary marking 4. Sanctuary Cleanup What we can offer students and teachers 1. Fieldtrips and hands-on experience at our 20 nature sanctuaries in Keweenaw, Houghton & Baraga counties. 2. Research opportunities 3. Volunteer opportunities Lake Superior Stewardship Initiative

34 CWS consists of ~90 faculty, staff, and students interested in water-related research, education, and outreach. CWS participants come from many disciplines Geological & Mining Engin’g & Sciences School of Business & Economics Social Sciences Western Upper Peninsula Center Biological Sciences Chemistry Civil & Environmental Engineering Educ. Opportunity Fine Arts Forest Resources & Environmental Science sciences social studies math computers art etc. Alex Mayer, Director 906-487-3372

35 CWS can offer: –inclusion of students and teachers into ongoing research and education projects that have a local, stewardship orientation –technical assistance for stewardship projects –classroom lectures, demonstrations –bridging with other MTU organizations, especially student groups Example: Huron Creek watershed management plan –focus on restoration & protection of local, highly-impacted creek –school involvement could include: water quality and erosion monitoring stormwater management projects removal/control of invasive species restoration of Houghton Waterfront Park education & interpretation projects collecting and analyzing climate data

36 Plum Creek Timber, Inc. Contact: Matt Gelston Phone: (906) 524-2040 x17 Website: Our Mission: Growing value from exceptional resources Geographic area we work in: West Central UP – 650,000 acres in Michigan – 8 Million Acres Nationwide Lake Superior Stewardship Initiative

37 Plum Creek Land in Michigan Plum Creek Property Plum Creek Offices Lake Superior Stewardship Initiative

38 Plum Creek Timber, Inc. What we can offer students and teachers 1. Field Trips (Tree ID, Water Quality Management or Intro to Timber Harvesting) 2. Plum Creek Foundation 3. Company-owned lands open to public under CFA 4. Demonstrations of a “working forest.” Lake Superior Stewardship Initiative

39 Porcupine Mountains Wilderness State Park Bob Wild Tel:885-5206Email: Website: Mission: The Michigan Department of Natural Resources Parks and Recreation Division’s mission is to acquire, protect and preserve the natural, historic and cultural features of Michigan's unique resources and provide public recreation and education opportunities. Geographic area we work in: Ontonagon, Gogebic, Houghton, Baraga, & Keweenaw Lake Superior Stewardship Initiative

40 What we can offer students and teachers 1. Access to 35,000 acres of old-growth Northern Hardwoods forest, the highest range of mountains in the Midwest, complex geology (volcanic, sedimentary, glacial & rifting processes), numerous water resources, and several sites of historic significance all to use as a living laboratory. 2. Materials, resources and personnel to help interpret or study these features. 3. Guided field trips and outreach programs that focus on the park’s natural resources and other topics by request. Lake Superior Stewardship Initiative Porcupine Mountains Wilderness State Park

41 Examples of current programs available: Bear Den Hike Michigan Gray Wolf Programs* Astronomy Giants of the North* Calls of the Wild* Aquatic Macro Invertebrates Mine Hikes Geology Hikes Michigan Mammals* Old-growth Forest hikes Other topics available by request. School groups are always welcome but sometimes a non-guided visit is necessary. This allows teachers the utmost freedom to design their own visit. Support materials for your trip are available by request. Transportation Grants may be available. *These programs available as outreach programs Lake Superior Stewardship Initiative Porcupine Mountains Wilderness State Park

42 USDA Forest Service - Northern Research Station Contact person: Erik Lilleskov Phone: 482-6303 ext 22 Email: Website: Our Mission: Improving Lives and Protecting Our Earth Through Research Geographic area we work in: Entire U.S., especially north-central states, majority of work in North Woods Lake Superior Stewardship Initiative

43 USDA Forest Service - Northern Research Station Types of projects/needs that we need help with: 1. Monitoring – phenology (record timing of seasonal occurrences of plants and animals in different locales) 2. Demonstration projects 3. Research - focused on understanding how global change will influence the fungi that control soil food webs. What we can offer students and teachers: 1. Visits to our Rhizotron to view underground processes. 2. Research opportunities for qualified students. 3. Ideas for classroom and field activities. 4. Expertise on mycorrhizae, the symbiotic fungi that are critical to the health most plants, soil food webs, edible fungi Lake Superior Stewardship Initiative

44 Contact persons: Andrea Durham, Katie Koch & Jeff Mell Phone: (906) 852-3500 Email:,, Website: Our Mission: COURAGEOUS CONSERVATION Protecting Ecosystems across Boundaries Connecting Citizens to the Land Walking the Talk for Sustainability Revolutionizing Effectiveness and Efficiency Being an Employer of Choice Geographic area we work in: One million acres in Baraga, Gogebic, Houghton, Iron, Marquette, & Ontonagon counties. Lake Superior Stewardship Initiative USDA - Ottawa National Forest

45 Ottawa National Forest Types of projects that we need help with: 1.Wilderness Stewardship to meet the Forest Service Chief’s 10-Year Wilderness Challenge 2.Baraga Plains Integrated Resource Project data collection and project monitoring 3.Pelkie Hunter Walking Trails Reinvention 4.Deer Marsh Water Quality Monitoring Project 5.Inventory, monitoring, and management of Non-native Invasive Species 6.Out-planting of native plants and trees Lake Superior Stewardship Initiative

46 Ottawa National Forest What we can offer students and teachers 1. Camp Nesbit & the Ottawa Visitor Center 2.Specialists in the fields of Botany, Aquatics, Soils, Fisheries, Wildlife, Recreation, Wilderness, Trails, Fire, Forestry, & GIS expertise 3.One million-acre laboratory 4.Project and learning opportunities during all four seasons 5.Help students and teachers make a direct connection of how our actions affect the land and its natural resources. Lake Superior Stewardship Initiative

47 USDA Natural Resource Conservation Service Contact: Bruce Petersen Tel: 906.353.8225 Ext.108 Email: Website: Our Agency Mission: “Helping people Help the Land” Geographic area we work in: The USDA - NRCS has a presence in almost every county in the US. The Baraga Service Center service area is: Houghton, Keweenaw, Baraga and Ontonagon Counties. Lake Superior Stewardship Initiative

48 USDA Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) What we can offer students and teachers 1. Watershed & Sub Watersheds Sizes/Delineations 2. Soil Maps & Interpretations 3. Watershed & Stamp Sand Site Tours 4. Various Aerial Photo Images 5. Forestry, Wetlands & Wildlife Information Lake Superior Stewardship Initiative

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