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Space Activities in Saudi Arabia Turki Bin Saud Al-Saud VP for Research Institutes King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology 1 ASE Prague 2009 - XXII.

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Presentation on theme: "Space Activities in Saudi Arabia Turki Bin Saud Al-Saud VP for Research Institutes King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology 1 ASE Prague 2009 - XXII."— Presentation transcript:

1 Space Activities in Saudi Arabia Turki Bin Saud Al-Saud VP for Research Institutes King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology 1 ASE Prague 2009 - XXII ASE Congress of Space Explorers

2  Saudi National Science, Technology, Innovation Plan  National Science and Technology Policy  Elements of the National Policy  Programs and Technology Priorities  Plan Implementation  Space Technology Strategy  Highlights on Activities Overview

3 National Science and Technology Policy: Origins and Achievements KACST was directed by its charter of 1986 –to “propose a national policy for the development of science and technology and to devise the strategy and plans necessary to implement them.” –to coordinate with government agencies, scientific institutions and research centers in the Kingdom for enhancing research; exchanging information and expertise; and avoiding duplication of efforts

4 KACST-Ministry of Planning Collaboration National Science and Technology Policy: Origins and Achievements The Kingdom is the first in the region to embark on a national S&T policy Three years of intense deliberations with stakeholders Over 500 participants from research, academia, industry, government and non- governmental organizations The Council of Ministers approved the comprehensive National Science and Technology Policy on the 8th of July 2002

5 Join the advanced knowledge-based economies with highly competitive economies with highly competitive STI ecosystem by 2025 Transform to a knowledge-based economy and society, joining the advanced industrial nations 4th 5y Plan (2025) Become a leading country in STI in Asia 3rd 5y Plan (2020) Become a leading country in STI in the region 2nd 5y Plan (2015) Establish infrastructure for science, technology and innovation 1st 5y Plan (2010) Long-term Vision

6 Elements of the National Policy: Goals, Objectives and Strategic Bases Strategic Basis # 1: A comprehensive vision for the development of the Kingdom’s science, technology and innovation system and catalyzing productive interactions among all system componentsStrategic Basis # 1: A comprehensive vision for the development of the Kingdom’s science, technology and innovation system and catalyzing productive interactions among all system components Strategic Basis # 2 : Enabling education andStrategic Basis # 2 : Enabling education and training so as to create and absorb scientific and training so as to create and absorb scientific and technological advancements technological advancements Strategic Basis # 3 : Developing national capabilities in science and technology to address sustainable development and other societal needsStrategic Basis # 3 : Developing national capabilities in science and technology to address sustainable development and other societal needs Policy Highlight Create an integrated and effective National Innovation System that moves the Kingdom into a knowledge-based economy

7 Strategic Basis # 4: Addressing national security priorities through competitive science and technologiesStrategic Basis # 4: Addressing national security priorities through competitive science and technologies Strategic Basis # 5 : Promotion, development and diversification of sources of financial support for scientific research and technology developmentStrategic Basis # 5 : Promotion, development and diversification of sources of financial support for scientific research and technology development Strategic Basis # 6 : Continuation and expansion of various forms of technology transfer, and enhancement of competitiveness of productive sectors through appropriate technologiesStrategic Basis # 6 : Continuation and expansion of various forms of technology transfer, and enhancement of competitiveness of productive sectors through appropriate technologies Policy Highlight Increase research and development funding from various sources to reach 1.6% of national GDP by 2020 Elements of the National Policy: Goals, Objectives and Strategic Bases

8 Strategic Basis # 7: Supporting and fostering human capabilities for creativity and innovationStrategic Basis # 7: Supporting and fostering human capabilities for creativity and innovation Strategic Basis # 8 : Development and enforcement of necessary regulations for efficient governance and improved management of scientific and technical institutionsStrategic Basis # 8 : Development and enforcement of necessary regulations for efficient governance and improved management of scientific and technical institutions Strategic Basis # 9 : Orchestrating scientific and technological cooperation at the Gulf, Arab, and Islamic region, and international levelsStrategic Basis # 9 : Orchestrating scientific and technological cooperation at the Gulf, Arab, and Islamic region, and international levels Strategic Basis # 10 : Making scientific information available and facilitating access to such informationStrategic Basis # 10 : Making scientific information available and facilitating access to such information Elements of the National Policy: Goals, Objectives and Strategic Bases

9 Governments often intervene in the marketplace to address market failures in STI investmentsGovernments often intervene in the marketplace to address market failures in STI investments Governments can support the development of self- sustaining clusters of high growth industries through strategic initial investmentsGovernments can support the development of self- sustaining clusters of high growth industries through strategic initial investments Throughout the world, virtually all major universities are supported at least in part by government or philanthropic funding (Harvard, Oxford etc.)Throughout the world, virtually all major universities are supported at least in part by government or philanthropic funding (Harvard, Oxford etc.) South Korea, Finland, India, Ireland, Malaysia, and Singapore, are all noteworthy for the emphasis they have placed on education and researchSouth Korea, Finland, India, Ireland, Malaysia, and Singapore, are all noteworthy for the emphasis they have placed on education and research Elements of the National Policy: The Roles of Government and the Private Sector Investment in Science, Technology and Innovation

10 Transfer, development and localization of technology Scientific and technical human resources Diversifying financial support resources Institutional structures for science, technology and innovation Science, technology and society Science, technology and innovation system Strategic and advanced Technologies Scientific research and technical development capabilities Programs and Technology Priorities

11 Petrochemicals Biotechnology Information Technology Energy Environment Nanotechnology Electronics and Communications Oil and Gas Advanced Materials Water Technology Priorities for the Kingdom

12 Plan Implementation Progress in the NSTI Plan Implementation Supervisory Committee for the National STI Plan Formed Comprising KACST, Ministry of Higher Education Ministry of Planning Ministry of Industry Ministry of Finance Six Leading Universities Highest Level of Policy Commitment Attained SR 7.9 Billion ($2.1 Billion) approved for the next five years Policy and Governance Alignment of NSTI Plan With Five-Year Economic Development Plan National interventions being designed Program Design And Implementation NSTI Detailed Plans Technology Innovation Centers (TICs) BADIR For Technology Incubation R&D Management Training Intellectual Property Management System International Cooperation Peer Review Process Reengineering Technology Development Fund National Innovation Ecosystem Outreach and Awareness

13 Strategic Intent  Develop detailed plans for 11 advanced technologies of strategic importance to the Kingdom  Initiate cross-institutional interactions to identify technology priorities and implementation strategies  Generate excitement in the research community Beneficiaries  Research community at large  Academia  Industry  Public research-performing organizations Implementation Partners  KACST  Ministry of Planning  All major stakeholders from academia, industry and government  International panel of advisors Progress Till Date  12 science, technology and innovation plans completed  Plans for Healthcare, Agricultural and Building and Construction technologies underway  Major breakthroughs achieved in collaborative planning Plan Implementation National Science, Technology, and Innovation Plans

14 Process Highlights Strategic planning team formed and key stakeholders identified Technical consultations with stakeholders and international experts Stakeholder workshops for KSA requirement and SWOT analysis Strategic goals identified; vision, mission and technology targets developed Strategic plan Formalized Analysis of current status of technology and other countries’ experiences Plan Implementation National Science, Technology, and Innovation Plans

15 Strategic Intent  Promote university-industry research collaboration and technology transfer  Strengthen university research and education  Address selected economic and social goals of the Kingdom  Implement best practices - structure, incentives, and requirements of successful programs in countries similar to KSA Beneficiaries  Private Sector (Large Companies as well as SMEs)  University Researchers  Students Implementation Partners  Universities  Ministry of Higher Education  Ministry of Finance  KACST Progress Till Date  TIC Design Completed by International Panel  Program to be Launched Formally at the ATF 2009  Implementation Underway, First 3 TICs to be Funded in 2009 Plan Implementation Technology Innovation Centers

16  Strategic planning is practiced and is an important ingredient  Strong center leadership is evidenced  Co-investment by state or local government units is common  Co-investment by universities is also present  Enjoy financial support from industry  Student involvement is strong in most center programs  Include substantial numbers of permanent research staff  Show a strong role by the funding program or agency in the program design Informed by Global Best Practices  Focus on research in fields that are linked to national priorities  Strong emphasis on research, strong or moderate stress on technology transfer and industrial or user relevance

17 Strategic Intent  Promote technology entrepreneurship in the Kingdom  Transfer technologies from research labs to market  Create high-wage, value-added employment  Stimulate economic growth through knowledge-based industries Beneficiaries  Individual entrepreneurs with creative ideas  Researchers with technologies (from universities, private or public research organizations)  Students Implementation Partners  KACST  Saudi Credit Bank  Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Commerce and Industry, SAGIA  Mawhiba  Private and Public Sector Organizations Progress Till Date  BADIR – ICT launched and operational  BADIR – Biotech under implementation  BADIR – Advanced Manufacturing Incubator design completed  Incubation Policy for KSA drafted Plan Implementation BADIR: Program for Technology Incubation

18 BADIR-ICT Highlights  Incubator launched in Jan 2008 First tenant accepted in Nov 2008  Currently, number of client companies: 12 10 on-site + 2 off-site  Total Incubator Space: 5,800 Sqm (over 75% reserved for client firms)  Incubator focuses on ICT and ICT-related enterprises, supporting both technology and service companies, with flexible services suited to each segment  Major stakeholders include Saudi Telecom Company (STC), Saudi Credit and Savings Bank, Mawhiba, Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Saudi Arabian Government Investment Authority (SAGIA) and other major private sector and government institutions. Plan Implementation BADIR: Program for Technology Incubation

19 Strategic Intent  Reengineer peer review process for scientific research proposals  Inject international best practices in peer review  Create a fair, transparent and efficient review system Beneficiaries  Researchers at  Universities  Public research-performing organizations  Private sector participants in collaborative research Implementation Partners  KACST  International panel of advisors Progress Till Date  International models reviewed  AAAS (American Association for the Advancement of Science) selected as review partners  Digital infrastructure under assessment Plan Implementation Scientific Peer Review Process Reengineering

20 Strategic Intent  Catalyze the flow of knowledge, technology and information across all stakeholders  Provide a platform for dialog and cross-institutional collaboration  Leapfrog Saudi Arabia towards a knowledge economy within a reasonable timeframe Beneficiaries  The Kingdom as a whole  Individuals  Industry  Society at large Implementation Partners  KACST  Al Aghar Group  Ministry of Planning  A host of leading minds from industry, academia and government  International panel of mentors and advisors Progress Till Date  Platform for cross-institutional dialog developed  Consensus built around vision, mission and strategic goals  NIE frameworks compared with intellectual rigor  Analysis of gaps and design of interventions underway Plan Implementation National Innovation Ecosystem

21 IP Management Focus is on process Fast decisions on IP protection IP policies and organizational systems Technology Development Fund Funding options under study Scope to cover all strategic technologies R&D Management Training Purpose is to prepare “good” R&D managers Training by professionals International best practices Outreach and Awareness International Technology Incubation Forum (ITIF 2009) Advanced Technologies Forum (ATF 2009) International Cooperation International cooperation with the EU and the US Technology partnerships with IBM, Intel and others Alliance with Stanford Research Institute (SRI International) Plan Implementation Other Key Initiatives

22  Saudi National Science, Technology, Innovation Plan  National Science and Technology Policy  Elements of the National Policy  Programs and Technology Priorities  Plan Implementation  Space Technology Strategy  Highlights on Activities Overview

23 AreasAreas –Earth observation –Navigation –Telecommunications –Geodesy –Space science ApplicationsApplications –Satellite System Development –Space Services –Science Missions Space Technology Strategy: Priority Areas in Space Platforms

24 AreasAreas –Monitoring and change detection –Natural hazards –National spatial data infrastructure ApplicationsApplications –Urban development –Vegetation –Pattern recognition –Dust storms –Flood –Fires (forest, brush-fires) –Regulations –Standards –Networking –Intelligent transport systems Space Technology Strategy: Priority Areas in Remote Sensing and GIS

25  Saudi National Science, Technology, Innovation Plan  National Science and Technology Policy  Elements of the National Policy  Programs and Technology Priorities  Plan Implementation  Space Technology Strategy  Highlights on Activities Overview

26 Nano Satellites 2

27 Remote Sensing Satellites 3

28 Images from SaudiSat-3 4

29 Geostationary Satellites 5

30 Scientific Collaborations Texas A&M University –Near Earth Object studies –Currently working on developing a Low Earth Orbit (LEO) mission to validate an asteroid mitigation method –Advanced optical systems research –Joint offer of course in space systems design 6 Launch mission by ~2022 Rendezvous with Apophis after ~ 5 month travel time Maintain ~ 400 m standoff distance from Apophis for 4 years Relay data to ground stations on Earth to determine mitigation effectiveness Deploy albedo altering experiment during mitigation

31 Scientific Collaborations Stanford University –Gravity Probe B data analysis –UV LED flight experiment Spacecraft Bus design and launch –Angular Grating flight experiment Spacecraft Bus design and launch –Space Time Anisotropy Research (STAR) 7

32 Scientific Collaborations NASA –NASA Lunar Science Institute (NLSI) Saudi Lunar and Near Earth Object Center to become an affiliate research center –NASA Ames Research Center STAR in collaboration with Stanford University UV LED Angular Grating LEO science and technology demonstrator missions 8

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