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Published byMariah Floyd Modified over 9 years ago
Goals for This Week Brief SQL refresh New SQL in Oracle 9i
Overview of Oracle Architecture Basic Oracle Administration Performance Tuning Schema Design Back-end Tools
Switch to SQL Intro
Role of Database Server
Results SQL or Procedure Call SQL or Procedure Call Results HTTP: GET HTML Client
Role of Database Server (4 tier)
Results App. Server SQL or Procedure Call Proc./ Trans Call Results HTML HTTP: GET Client Web Server
Logical Objects
Logical Objects Database consists of Schemas own Objects Tables
Indexes Sequences Views Procedures Triggers Etc Objects
Schema Types Application Schemas Database consists of User Schemas
Payroll Student records Financial Reporting Nascar Hollywood User Schemas Joe Fred Dave Database consists of Schemas own Objects (tables, indexes, etc)
Schema Attributes Application Schemas User Schemas
Usually referred to as a “schema object” Contains a set of closely related tables and associated objects Typical Object Reference: Hollywood.Movies User Schemas Often referred to as a “User” or “Account” object. May or may not contain personal tables (Joe.Contacts). May or may not have the right to even create objects. Are generally granted privileges to objects in application schemas.
LAB Create a user schema And an application schema Using dba studio
Note security weakness: System (pw: manager) Sys (pw: change_on_install) Scott (pw: tiger) Sysman (pw: oem_start)
Caution Creating a user schema from SQL:
LAB Creating a user schema from SQL:
CREATE USER CALVIN IDENTIFIED by HOBBES DEFAULT TABLESPACE USERS TEMPORARY TABLESPACE TEMP QUOTA 100M on users QUOTA 100M on temp QUOTA 100M on rbs; quota on RBS not necessary on 9i GRANT CONNECT TO CALVIN; let him log in GRANT RESOURCE TO CALVIN; -- let him create tables and other objects
Oracle vs. SQL Server Database SQL Server Software Instance defines
consists of Schemas Users own Databases own contain Objects (tables, indexes, etc) Objects (tables, indexes, etc)
Oracle vs. SQL Server Database SQL Server Software Instance defines
consists of Schemas (users) Users own Databases contain Granted Privileges to own Objects (tables, indexes, etc) Granted Privileges to Objects (tables, indexes, etc)
Controlling Application Access
Each User is given an Oracle Account and control is maintained by granting privileges to tables, procedures and other objects. (e.g. DESIGN) All users connect ominously to a web site. The Web or Application server connects to Oracle in the context of a particular user. Although the Web or Application server connects to Oracle in the context of a particular user, individuals connecting to the web site must still authenticate for the interface to determine what they should be allowed to do: Oracle Authentication Local “user” table in application Network authentication
Roles and Profiles Role Profile
Functions similar to NT Groups Specific Object and System Privileges are granted to the Role That Collection of Privs can be quickly granted to a USER by granting them the Role (Example: GRANT DBA to HOMER) Profile Provides default values for USER attributes such as Number of Concurrent Sessions Password complexity
LAB Creating a role Create ROLE trainee;
Grant connect to trainee; -- right to log on Grant resource to trainee; -- right to create objects Grant select_catalog_role to trainee; -- dictionary privs
Creating user schemas from PL/SQL:
LAB Creating user schemas from PL/SQL: DECLARE v_sqlstatement varchar2(200); v_newclass newclass%rowtype; CURSOR newclass_cursor IS SELECT * from newclass; BEGIN DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('****************** begin account creation'); OPEN newclass_cursor; FETCH newclass_cursor into v_newclass; WHILE newclass_cursor%found LOOP DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE (v_newclass.userid); v_sqlstatement := 'create user ' || UPPER(v_newclass.userid) || ' identified by oracle '; v_sqlstatement := v_sqlstatement || 'DEFAULT TABLESPACE USERS '; v_sqlstatement := v_sqlstatement || 'TEMPORARY TABLESPACE TEMP '; v_sqlstatement := v_sqlstatement || 'QUOTA 100M on users '; v_sqlstatement := v_sqlstatement || 'QUOTA 100M on temp '; v_sqlstatement := v_sqlstatement || 'QUOTA 100M on rbs '; -- rbs quota not needed in 9i execute immediate v_sqlstatement; -- this is dynamic SQL needed because of early binding v_sqlstatement := 'GRANT trainee TO ' || v_newclass.userid; execute immediate v_sqlstatement; END LOOP; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('****************** end account creation'); CLOSE newclass_cursor; END; /
Oracle’s Architecture
Instance vs. Database Instance Database (memory structures)
(disk structures)
Multiple Instances for 1 Database
Instance A (memory structures) Instance B (memory structures) Database 1 (disk structures)
Multiple Databases for 1 Instance
Instance A (memory structures) Database 1 (disk structures) Database 2 (disk structures)
Instance to Instance Communication
Instance A (memory structures) Instance B (memory structures) Via client Or replication process Database 1 (disk structures) Database 2 (disk structures)
Key structures and Processes
CLIENT ORACLE INSTANCE CLIENT CLIENT Database Buffer Cache Redo Log Buffer Shared Pool Library Cache LSTNR Network Data Dictionary Cache SERVER SERVER SERVER DBWR SMON PMON CKPT LGWR ARCH Background Processes On-line Redo Log Files Data Files (Inc. RB Segments) Control Files On-line Redo Log Files Data Files (Inc. RB Segments) Control Files On-line Redo Log Files
Database Buffer Cache Number of Buffers determined by
Initialization File Parameter: DB_BLOCK_BUFFERS (8i) DB_CACHE_SIZE (9i) Block Size is a multiple of OS Block. Block Size if fixed in Oracle 8i. Block Size is not fixed in 9i except for the system, rollback, and temp tablespaces. LRU algorithm used to determine buffered data. DBWR Data Files (Inc. RB Segments) Data Files (Inc. RB Segments) Free block Used block Dirty block
Buffer Hit Ratio Consistent Gets + DB Block Gets - Physical Reads * 100 Consistent Gets + DB Block Gets Generally, a hit ratio below 80% indicates too many physical reads and suggests that DB_Block_Buffers should be increased.
Hit Ratio Since Instance Startup
LAB Hit Ratio Since Instance Startup Select sum(decode(NAME, 'consistent gets',VALUE, 0)) "Consistent Gets", sum(decode(NAME, 'db block gets',VALUE, 0)) "DB Block Gets", sum(decode(NAME, 'physical reads',VALUE, 0)) "Physical Reads", round((sum(decode(name, 'consistent gets',value, 0)) + sum(decode(name, 'db block gets',value, 0)) - sum(decode(name, 'physical reads',value, 0))) / (sum(decode(name, 'consistent gets',value, 0)) + sum(decode(name, 'db block gets',value, 0))) * 100,2) "Hit Ratio" from v$sysstat Next: change number of buffers, bounce service, large query, check hits
Shared Pool Library Cache Holds parsed SQL statements
Interrogate via v$sqlarea & v$librarycache CURSOR_SHARING = FORCE Data Dictionary Cache Holds table and column definitions and privileges Shared Pool Library Cache Data Dictionary Cache
LAB Shared Pool Hit Ratios Library Cache Hit Ratio
Select (sum(pins) / (sum(pins) + sum(reloads))) * 100 “Lib. Hit Ratio” from v$librarycache Dictionary Hit Ratio Select (sum(gets) / (sum(getmisses) + sum(gets))) * 100 “Dict. Hit Ratio” from v$rowcache Also look at v$sqlarea
Oracle Processes Background Processes Listener Process
run on server as separate processes on UNIX (ps –ef | grep <ORA_SID>) As separate threads in single service on NT Listener Process one or more per server listens for connection requests hands off to server process (on diff. Port) Server Processes Run on server Typically one process to support each connected user (unless MTS) Client (“User”) Process runs on client machine communicates with a server process on server
Oracle Background Processes
DBWR Writes dirty blocks from the buffer pool back to disk. SMON Checks for consistency, initiates recovery PMON Cleans up resources if process fails CKPT Updates database status after commits and other key events. LGWR Writes before and after images of changed rows into the on-line redo log files ARCH Numbers and archives on-line redo log files
LAB Start and stop the instance And listener services using
Various methods
LAB Who is logged in? Look at v$session
Alter system kill session ‘sid, serial’;
Oracle Commit Processing
Database Buffer Cache Redo Log Buffer DB-7F3 FRED DB-7F4 JANE Data requested might or Might not be in the buffer. DBWR On-line Redo Log File C Data Files (Inc. RB Segments) Update Emp Set Sal = 40000 Where name=‘FRED’ On-line Redo Log File B Data Files (Inc. RB Segments) On-line Redo Log File A
Oracle Commit Processing
Database Buffer Cache Redo Log Buffer DB-7F3 FRED DB-7F4 JANE BEGIN SCN 412 LGWR May or may not Have written at this point. DBWR On-line Redo Log File C Data Files (Inc. RB Segments) Update Emp Set Sal = 40000 Where name=‘FRED’ On-line Redo Log File B Data Files (Inc. RB Segments) On-line Redo Log File A
Oracle Commit Processing
Database Buffer Cache Redo Log Buffer DB-7F3 FRED DB-7F4 JANE RB-65B BEGIN SCN 412 LGWR May or may not Have written at this point. DBWR On-line Redo Log File C Data Files (Inc. RB Segments) Update Emp Set Sal = 40000 Where name=‘FRED’ On-line Redo Log File B Data Files (Inc. RB Segments) On-line Redo Log File A
Oracle Commit Processing
Database Buffer Cache Redo Log Buffer DB-7F3 FRED DB-7F4 JANE OLD:7F3 FRED 30000 RB-65B NULL OLD:RB-65B BEGIN SCN 412 LGWR May or may not Have written at this point. DBWR On-line Redo Log File C Data Files (Inc. RB Segments) Update Emp Set Sal = 40000 Where name=‘FRED’ On-line Redo Log File B Data Files (Inc. RB Segments) On-line Redo Log File A
Oracle Commit Processing
Database Buffer Cache Redo Log Buffer DB-7F3 FRED DB-7F4 JANE NEW:RB-65B FRED 30000 OLD:DB-7F3 FRED 30000 RB-65B FRED 30000 OLD:RB-65B BEGIN SCN 412 LGWR May or may not Have written at this point. May or may not Have written at this point. (rollback segs. First) DBWR On-line Redo Log File C Data Files (Inc. RB Segments) Update Emp Set Sal = 40000 Where name=‘FRED’ On-line Redo Log File B Data Files (Inc. RB Segments) On-line Redo Log File A
Oracle Commit Processing
Database Buffer Cache Redo Log Buffer DB-7F3 FRED NEW:7F3 FRED 40000 DB-7F4 JANE NEW:RB-65B FRED 30000 OLD:DB-7F3 FRED 30000 RB-65B FRED 30000 OLD:RB-65B BEGIN SCN 412 LGWR May or may not Have written at this point. May or may not Have written at this point. (rollback segs. First) DBWR On-line Redo Log File C Data Files (Inc. RB Segments) Update Emp Set Sal = 40000 Where name=‘FRED’ On-line Redo Log File B Data Files (Inc. RB Segments) On-line Redo Log File A
Oracle Commit Processing
Database Buffer Cache Redo Log Buffer DB-7F3 FRED COMMIT SCN 412 NEW:7F3 FRED 40000 DB-7F4 JANE NEW:RB-65B FRED 30000 OLD:DB-7F3 FRED 30000 RB-65B FRED 30000 OLD:RB-65B BEGIN SCN 412 Definitive write through commit record LGWR May or may not Have written at this point. (rollback segs. First) DBWR On-line Redo Log File C Data Files (Inc. RB Segments) Update Emp Set Sal = 40000 Where name=‘FRED’ On-line Redo Log File B Data Files (Inc. RB Segments) On-line Redo Log File A
LAB Simulate Server Failure after update But before commit
GO BACK Go Back 2 slides And discuss “consistent gets”
Logical to Physical Mapping (controlling where objects are stored)
Database Oracle Tablespace is similar to SQL Server File Group. Stores objects in Tablespaces Made Persistent via DataFiles
Why multiple Tablespaces?
Reduce Disk Contention by spreading disk I/O over multiple spindles. We control which TS objects are stored on We control physical location of TS datafiles Even if all disks are in use currently, the best practice is to keep major apps on different tablespaces to more easily allow for future movement. Reduce performance degradation during on-line physical backups. Allows different applications to have different physical parameters block size Fragmentation level etc
Typical OFA segregation
Oracle software System tablespace System indexes RBS tablespace Data tablespace Data Indexes TS Temp tablespace Tools tablespace inc. index Online redo log 1 Online redo log 2 Online redo log 3 Control file 1 Control file 2 Control file 3 Application software User Tablespace inc. indexes Archive log dest
RAID: Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks
Volume Set: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 C: Stripe Set (Raid Level 0) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
RAID: Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks
Mirror set (Raid level 1): = Drive Controller
RAID: Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks
Stripe Set with Parity (Raid Level 5) + + = = parity = data
RAID: Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks
Stripe Set with Parity (Raid Level 5) + + = = parity = data
RAID: Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks
Mirrored Stripe Set (Raid Level 0 + 1) Data container 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Mirror container 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
RAID: Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks
Stripe Set of Mirrors (Raid Level 1 + 0) Stripe Set Mirror Set Mirror Set Mirror Set 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
Large Scale RAID dependent Oracle Installation
Cabinet 1 (9 Containers, 42 drives) Log 1 Ndx 3 Log 2 Ndx 4 Log 3 Intf 1 c1 c3 c2 Data 1, Cntrl 1 Data 2, Cntrl 2 Sys, Rbs, Temp Cabinet 2 (9 containers, 42 drives) Log 4 Ndx 1 Log 5 Ndx 2 Log 6 Intf 2 c4 c6 c5 Data 3, Cntrl 3 Data 4, Cntrl 4 Archived Logs RAID 1 (Log 1) RAID (Ndx 3) Controller 1 (c1) Details: RAID (Data 1, Cntrl 1) Source: Oracle Performance Tuning 101, Oracle Press
Datafiles, INIT, and Control Files
Small Scale RAID dependent Oracle Installation optimized for read/write operations. Redo Log Files Arch Log Files Datafiles, INIT, and Control Files Raid 1 Raid 1 RAID 1 + 0
LAB Directly Examine: dba_tables dba_tablespaces V$datafile
Or indirectly: @\\neelix\oracle\scripts\admin\datafiles @\\neelix\oracle\scripts\admin\usertabs Look at Same using DBA studio Create a new tablespace And related datafile(s).
Creating Indexes and Tables in specific tablespaces.
Each user is assigned a default tablespace. Don’t create tables when logged in as system or sys unless instructed to do so when installing Oracle tools. Override defaults when necessary through extended DDL syntax. CREATE TABLE GLACCOUNTS ( AccountNum char(6) Name varchar2(30), Balance number(12,2)) TABLESPACE FINANCIALS;
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