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UNESCO INSTITUTE for STATISTICS New Initiatives and Challenges UIS Education Statistics Programme Douglas Lynd, Senior Programme Coordinator.

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Presentation on theme: "UNESCO INSTITUTE for STATISTICS New Initiatives and Challenges UIS Education Statistics Programme Douglas Lynd, Senior Programme Coordinator."— Presentation transcript:

1 UNESCO INSTITUTE for STATISTICS New Initiatives and Challenges UIS Education Statistics Programme Douglas Lynd, Senior Programme Coordinator

2 UNESCO INSTITUTE for STATISTICS Framework for Education Indicators Student background characteristics Students: motivation, attitudes, behaviour Distribution of knowledge and skills Teacher background characteristics Teaching and learning practices Community and school characteristics Learning environment at school Institutional performance and quality of instruction National context: educational; social; economic System-wide policies: resource allocation; types of schools; organization Overall quality: system performance Individual learner Instructional setting Education service provider Country/system level Antecedents that constrain policy Policy levers that shape outcomes Outputs/ Outcomestcomes Impact of learning

3 UNESCO INSTITUTE for STATISTICS Framework for Education Indicators Outputs/ Outcomes Impact of learning Policy levers that shape outcomes Antecedents that constrain policy Country/system level Overall quality of system performance System-wide policies: resource allocation; school organization National context: educational; social; economic Education service provider Institutional performance and quality of instruction Learning environment at school Community and school characteristics Instructional setting Teaching and learning practices Teacher background characteristics Individual learner Distribution of knowledge and skills Students: motivation, attitudes, behaviour Student background characteristics Literacy Assessment and Monitoring Programme

4 UNESCO INSTITUTE for STATISTICS Framework for Education Indicators Outputs/ Outcomes Impact of learning Policy levers that shape outcomes Antecedents that constrain policy Country/system level Overall quality: system performance System-wide policies: resource allocation; types of school; organization National context: educational; social; economic Education service provider Institutional performance and quality of instruction Learning environment at school Community and school characteristics Instructional setting Teaching and learning practices Teacher background characteristics Individual learner Distribution of knowledge and skills Students: motivation, attitudes, behaviour Student background characteristics WEI - Survey of Primary Schools

5 UNESCO INSTITUTE for STATISTICS Framework for Education Indicators Outputs/ Outcomes Impact of learning Policy levers that shape outcomes Antecedents that constrain policy Country/system level Overall quality of system performance System-wide policies: resource allocation; school organization National context: educational; social; economic Education service provider Institutional performance and quality of instruction Learning environment at school Community and school characteristics Instructional setting Teaching and learning practices Teacher background characteristics Individual learner Distribution of knowledge and skills Students: motivation, attitudes, behaviour Student background characteristics l Improving Data & Indicators SCB Indicator development

6 UNESCO INSTITUTE for STATISTICS Literacy Assessment and Monitoring Programme (LAMP)

7 UNESCO INSTITUTE for STATISTICS LAMP Objectives l To develop survey instruments and a survey methodology that will measure the literacy levels of adults in developing countries… ….that will be readily adaptable in national contexts ….that will be reasonably inexpensive to administer ….that will provide cross-nationally comparable data as well as local, sub-national and national data for developing evidence-based policies re: the development and delivery of literacy programmes

8 UNESCO INSTITUTE for STATISTICS Why is LAMP needed? l Because literacy is essential to human and economic development… l …literacy is at the top of the development agenda (EFA, MDGs, HDI)… l …and we need to know how literacy is distributed in order to take actions… l …yet existing measures of literacy are inadequate.

9 UNESCO INSTITUTE for STATISTICS Quality of current literacy data l Lack of comparability è A wide range of definitions and measurements è Self-declaration; education attainment as a proxy è Some dubious data l Gaps in the data: è Intercensal years è No census, or no literacy question in the census è 1 in 5 countries that have no data since 1975 è Not always broken down by age group

10 UNESCO INSTITUTE for STATISTICS LAMP Challenges l Defining literacies to be measured: reading; numeracy; oral comprehension; other l In what languages? l Measurement of the lowest literacy levels l Adapting items to cultural context l Operations: length of interviews; willingness to respond or let respond; etc. l Ownership of the data l Availability and quality of population data

11 UNESCO INSTITUTE for STATISTICS LAMP status l Developing conceptual/analytical framework l Developing test instruments and survey methodology l Selecting pilot countries l Preparing training materials l Pilot testing Nov. 2003 – Nov. 2004

12 UNESCO INSTITUTE for STATISTICS World Education Indicators (WEI) Survey of Primary Schools

13 UNESCO INSTITUTE for STATISTICS World Education Indicators (WEI) l Project start - 1997 l Objective – set of policy relevant education indicators l Composition »Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Jamaica, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay »Egypt, Jordan, Russia, Tunisia, Zimbabwe »China, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand

14 UNESCO INSTITUTE for STATISTICS Accomplishments l 5 annual data collections l Supplementary surveys è E.g. Decision-making, Teaching conditions, Hours of instruction l Special Projects è Finance comparability study l Outputs è Recent publications: »Teachers for Tomorrow’s Schools; »Financing Education – Investments and Returns

15 UNESCO INSTITUTE for STATISTICS Survey of Primary Schools (WEI-SPS) l Objective è to obtain cross-national information from teachers and administrators on the functioning of schools, including teaching and learning processes, in order to satisfy information needs related to equity and quality issues in education. l Schedule è 2003 – develop content and methodology è 2004 – conduct survey, analyze results

16 UNESCO INSTITUTE for STATISTICS WEI-SPS l OECD/UIS leading developmental work with World Bank support l Steering Committee l Country participation in planning l Voluntary participation for conducting the survey l National modules allowed with approval process

17 UNESCO INSTITUTE for STATISTICS WEI-SPS Parameters l Survey Frame: è primary schools with grade 4 l Respondents: è head teacher/principal è grade 4 teachers l Proposed methodology è Drop-off, pick-up

18 UNESCO INSTITUTE for STATISTICS WEI-SPS Status l Questionnaire content: è June 2003 – priority rating of analytical framework è Sept 2003 – First draft of questionnaires è Oct 2003 – Final questionnaire and country adaptation; national modules for approval è Jan-June 2004 – Survey implementation l Sampling methodology è Disproportionate stratified sample of schools (5 strata) è May 2003 – distribution of schools by strata è July 2003 – subdivisions for analysis, over-sampling plans, sample size

19 UNESCO INSTITUTE for STATISTICS Improving Education Data and Indicators

20 UNESCO INSTITUTE for STATISTICS Challenges l Data quality è Relevance è Coverage of programmes è Coverage of topics è Accuracy è Coherence è Timeliness è Use

21 UNESCO INSTITUTE for STATISTICS Statistical Capacity Building: Our aim is to move countries up to the next level towards better data … SELF- SUSTAINING BASIC INTERMEDIATE Lacking statistical infrastructure; Little government commitment and use of data; less need for internatl. comparable data Basic data channels in place; some commitment to data use; data fragmented across ministries; coverage and relevance; regional comparisons Stable information system, good links between users and producers of data, responsive to relevant policy issues, but the demands are more complex. Internatl comparisons used widely

22 UNESCO INSTITUTE for STATISTICS Statistical Capacity Building l Technical assistance è Data management è Data interpretation and dissemination è Data plans è ISCED mapping è Cross-national benchmarking and assessment

23 UNESCO INSTITUTE for STATISTICS National Policy Data needs CollectionProcessing Analyses International Policy Data needsAnalyses CollectionProcessing Interpreting Integrating Int’l Standards Data plans

24 UNESCO INSTITUTE for STATISTICS Indicator development l Primary completion rates è Data collection è Bilateral review è Analytical review l Teacher data è Assessment of current data to improve cross-national comparability è Additional data for supply projections

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