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Our success is based on the success of our sports men and women.

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Presentation on theme: "Our success is based on the success of our sports men and women."— Presentation transcript:

1 Our success is based on the success of our sports men and women

2 Mission Statement Our mission is to offer an one stop service to scientific sport performance enhancement to athletes from multiple sporting backgrounds through data management enabling: scientific talent identification scientific development & training programs national database ensuring accurate norms access to providers of multiple services support to service providers w.r.t. client base as well as latest technology support to coaches, teachers and franchisees training of event organizers and sport administrators make a difference in the lives of the less fortunate Our vision is to become a global recognized leader in sport talent identification, data management and performance enhancement services for multiple sports at different levels while supporting and developing the community. Our aim is to support service providers to improve their level of sport scientific service by offering access to a national database with national norms to reduce the administrative load of record keeping and performance reporting while improving the standard of living in the general community.

3 Business Concept Proposed business concept: Manage data Generate reports instantaneously to improve the level of service Easy evaluation of performance and comparisons to improve service Reduce the time required per test SS can focus on fundamental sport scientific service activities Combine with high-tech testing equipment to increase volumes and reduce turnaround Talent identification Nutrition and supplementation to improve performance Skills Development South African sport does not reflect high quality training of sport scientists Main reason - Sport scientists leave their field of excellence due to insufficient jobs and funding

4 Job Creation Junior sport scientists mentored by experienced personnel enrolled in PPSSS skills development program guided in developing self-sustaining businesses Identified assistants given accredited training to assist sport scientists Identified individuals enrolled in a skills development program Other numerous other jobs created servicing PPSSS.

5 Social Engagement Service teams travel to identified schools and or areas to service the community in: talent identification, sports coaching and development, performance measurement, relevant training programs, distribution of meal packs Motivational talks by uplifted sportsmen/women from similar communities Skills development Generic low cost diets will be available on-line or in print to assist families in following a balanced diet within budgetary constraints

6 Skills Development Formal skills are developed by enrolling of identified individuals in accredited skill development programs. These can include coaches, administrators, players and even members from the community. It includes numerous skills required for different positions/activities associated with sport e.g. Events management Sports administrator Sports facilitator Sport organizer 2 Levels of skills development i.e. Formal Skills and Life Skills Life skills are developed in the following ways: players – exposed to mentorship of experienced service teams, accredited sport scientists and well trained coaches junior sport scientists – exposed to life skills of senior sport scientists as well as sport psychologists team building events camps Sport scientific skills of student sport scientists are developed through involvement in sponsored service teams

7 Business Concept Features/Services already available Accreditation workshops - Quality assurance of data Training workshops on latest technology Access levels dependent on subscription Access to data for research purposes dependent on access level Source of data confidential Controlled access to data ensures safety of sensitive intellectual property Visual presentation of gym exercises on customized DVDs guide players through the correct execution thereof Skills development Nutrition Gym and training programs

8 Business Concept Future additions: Service Teams Talent identification Dietary software - monitor daily intake to enhance performance Specialized personal diet obtainable via an accredited dietician Supplementation awareness Supplementation advice Internet communication facility for coaches and athletes Other services such as vision, physiotherapy, sport psychology etc. Access to service providers Special package deals such as insurance, medical etc.

9 The aim of the proposed concept is to improve the scientific approach to all sports at all levels to produce highly competitive athletes at national level while developing various life skills and impacting on the community as a whole. Although the basic sport scientific services can be provided, the aim is to enable junior sport scientists to develop as sport scientists while HPSSS manages the data for both service provider as well as athlete. Service providers can maintain their competitive edge by combining tests, training and other services differently in co-operation with the coaches to the maximum advantage of their client. However, accreditation ensures scientific execution of tests and continuous development in the latest techniques. The concept is not limited to a single sport or country. If marketed well this concept can easily grow globally as the need has been identified by potential users in other countries as well. For this purpose a patent has also been registered. Business Concept

10 Collaboration in the program has already been discussed with: HPC at University of Pretoria – scientific support base and access to sport scientists Department of Sports & Recreation – via HC for implementing program at schools for development and talent identification Camp Discovery – sports camps in collaboration with University of Pretoria Rodney Seale – Life skills development program Cassie Carstens – Sport coaches in Africa Diensjaar vir Christus – Evangelical teams in Southern Africa - Rassie Collaboration

11 Market Summary Service includes: performance measurement immediate reporting comparative studies (different players in different positions at different levels in different sports) data management talent identification gym program technique improvement monitoring rehabilitation dietary advise and intake monitoring supplementation Market: Athletes/players at academies, schools, clubs, unions and leagues Individuals Service providers and coaches Researchers Selectors at provincial and national level Government via HPSSS for talent identification and upliftment Companies for community engagement Sponsors

12 Opportunities The intended services will create an opportunity for: junior sport scientists to become involved in a system that will guide them to ensure that they offer the best possible service while developing their own businesses. Mentoring increases personal development. service providers to reduce their administrative load in generating performance reports thus focusing on improving their service, capitalize on increased market potential and gain access to improved methods through research and training coaches to identify potential players, monitor and improve performance through training programs based on scientifically proven test results and compare players in different positions based on different aspects captured in sport specific information teachers obtain access to certified users of standardized tests to monitor and improve performance and identify potential talent athletes to identify relevant service providers for improving and monitoring specific performance areas and build a sport CV researchers to perform studies based on data captured for different sports at different levels sport bodies to generate norms for different groups at different levels for different sports

13 Competition The aim is to supply service providers with a tool to improve their level of service to the sporting industry by managing their data en generating various reports. The aim is not to act in competition with them, but to develop an environment in which their turn-over can be increased. The main focus is to support sport scientists as well as other service providers in developing their own businesses to improve sport in general in South Africa. Controlled access will ensure the quality of the data at different levels for different sports. Involvement of accredited researchers will ensure the scientific development of the sport specific tests and protocols to which accredited users will gain access. It therefore is merely a tool enabling service providers to supply an improved service. Users maintain the freedom to adjust their protocols and tests on- line in order to outperform their competition. To our knowledge there is currently no such service available locally, and definitely none that can offer the reports immediately. This will be a first for South Africa, but the edge can only be maintained through continuous development and creative inputs from all contributing parties. The profile of the parties involved offers very strong competition should anybody want to try to develop a similar package.

14 Goals & Objectives The objectives are to: offer a sport scientific service to assist teams in developing their scientific approach to conditioning and skills development train personnel to become accredited users to enable them to improve their level of coaching and the development of their players mentor users through training and support to improve their level of service support junior sport scientists in creating self sustaining private concerns offering sound scientific sport services. create a network of interacting accredited sport scientists and coaches locally obtain government support for talent identification in financially strickened communities obtain sponsors to aid in supporting the services and nutrition being offered create a network of accredited service providers locally as well as internationally increase the sport related research output create a national database with relevant norms for different groups at different levels in different sports develop a national asset impacting on sport development globally. become the leader in taking sport and nutrition to the less privileged to improve their quality of living

15 Rewards The major rewards for sport science are: national database generating norms together with lists of athletes, coaches and accredited service providers, comparative studies potential contribution to sports development potential contribution to personal development of athletes, coaches and service providers potential contribution to the development of the sport science industry availability of athletes with increased performance global visibility of a South African initiative creation of a network of service providers potential income through multiplication The major rewards for community engagement are: skills development nutrition building self esteem through sport job creation

16 Why be involved Direct advantages include: Ensure the most scientific testing and feedback currently available Professional service to athletes and coaches Coaches can focus on training/coaching directly after testing Coaches can monitor commitment to rehabilitation Develop norms for different sports in South Africa Compare norms with other countries In addition involvement also assists in: Helping develop a concept unique in the world First in SA to effectively implement Smartspeed system Sharing in the development/improvements to come from other sports Generating data for improving performance measurement and research purposes

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