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The Pudong Coffee Shop 3Z --from SHUFE 1.

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Presentation on theme: "The Pudong Coffee Shop 3Z --from SHUFE 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Pudong Coffee Shop 3Z --from SHUFE 1

2 Outlines Balanced Scorecard Case Overview Tactics Background
Financial Forecast Tactics Conclusion Background Current Situation

3 Case overview 1 The Pudong coffee shop is located in Pudong area which is surrounded by several large office buildings and a business school. Li, the owner of the coffee shop, puts much attention on the quality of food and service, which he believes will lead to the consumers’ loyalty. 2 3 The coffee shop suffered a loss in 2009 even though it had a net cash inflow. And Li wants to find someone to help him to improve his coffee shop.

4 Current situation The revenue and net profit
1. The coffee shop’s revenue is 915,000 in 2008,and 930,000 in 2009, which is a slight increase. 2. But the net profit is totally different. It’s 32,300 in 2008 and in 2009. Conclusion: The revenue is not the only reason that affects the loss.

5 2008 2009 After a detailed analysis, we find that cost of sales increased a lot from 2008 to 2009, which caused a loss in the end.

6 why? problems The customer’s growth rate is below the average
The coffee shop’s customer’s growth rate is 1.64% which is lower than average rate of approximately 10% in China. problems The large part of employees are part-time There are only two full-time employees, others are part-time unskilled employees. This would impose a negative impact on the quality of service, which would eventually increase the customer attrition rate. Text The inventories is in a high level It has a inventories of in 2009,higher than that of 2008, which is too much as a coffee shop and causes a higher fee of garbage collection

7 Problem 1 customer’s growth rate is low
The text tells us that the average spend per customer is 50, thanks to the revenue, we can calculate the number of the customers in the whole year. It can be seen that only 300 more customers in 2009, the growth rate is 1.64%. However, the coffee consumption in China is growing at a double-digital rate.

8 Compare the promotion costs as a % of the revenue between the local coffee shops and the Pudong coffee shop Conclusion: This indicates that comparing with other coffee shops, the Pudong coffee shop spend less in promotion. And this may explain why its customer’s expanding rate remains low.

9 Low wages and remuneration The system of the recruitment
Problem The service ? Low wages and remuneration The system of the recruitment

10 Problem The service EMPLOYMENT SYSTEM: Two full-time employees and several part-time employees would probably influence the quality of service. Bad service will cause customer dissatisfaction and reduce the amount of the customers as well as destroying the reputation of the shop. The increasing rate of losing customers would result a decline in revenue as well as profit.

11 Problem 3 Too much inventory
Conclusion: As is shown in the chart ,the inventory increases in 2009, it’s unwise to keep such a high level of inventory, for as a coffee shop, the drink and the food need to stay fresh to ensure the quality.

12 Relationship among the 3 problems
Low customer expanding rate High level of inventory Bad service Low quality of the food and drink

13 Let’s see how to solve these problems.
Customer Loyalty To provide excellent service and achieve high customer satisfaction Strategic Objectives High Profitability To attain high profits, by increasing sales revenue and controlling costs 13

14 Balanced Scorecard —From strategy to actions Strategic Objectives
· Gross/Net profit Margin · Operating expenses ratio · Increase in sales, COS etc · Inventory turnover period Financial Perspective · Customer expanding rate · COS/Gross profit per customer · Customer satisfaction · Customer waiting time · Wastage · Customer complaining times Strategic Objectives Customer Perspective Internal Operations Perspective Innovation and Leaning Perspective · Employee satisfaction · Employee turnover · Training times 14

15 Financial perspective Compared to the previous year
Low Profitability y/e 31 Dec 2009 y/e 31 Dec 2008 Increase (decrease) ROCE 1.47% 4.19% -2.72% Gross Profit margin 5.48% 5.75% -0.27% Operating Expenses ratio 53.8% 50.8% 3% Net Profit margin -1.47% 3.53% -5% For the year ended 31 Dec 2009 · 2,000 cash inflow from Cash Flow Statement · 13,710 loss from Income Statement Why did the coffee shop generate cash inflow, but also suffered a loss?

16 Financial perspective Why did the coffee shop generate cash inflow, but also suffered a loss?
ATTENTION: Control costs Reason Sales increase by 1.64%, COS (paid on credit) increase by 8%, operating expenses increase by 7.5% IS- Accrual basis CFS- Cash basis

17 Financial perspective Cost Analysis
Purchasing price increases and excess the average level. As a % of sales 2008 2009 Increase (decrease) Average in local regions GAP (2009 vs. Average) Cost of sales 42.5% 45.2% 2.7% 40% 5.2% Utilities 4.3% 0.9% 5% 0.2% Depreciation 9.0% 8.8% -0.2% 3.8% Advertising and promotion 3.2% 0.5% -1.8% Be way above the average level. Need to better utilize the furniture and fittings. Need more promotion to attract more customers.

18 PROBLEM: Inventory turnover period(2009)=36 days
Financial perspective Cost control—Inventory Management PROBLEM: Inventory turnover period(2009)=36 days · Too long for a food service industry · Inventory may get obsolescence and go bad easily SOLUTIONS · Better relationship with suppliers - Obtain trade discount - Deliver in time · EOQ and JIT - Keep safety stock and order in time when the stock is down to that level - JIT purchase 18

19 Customer satisfaction
Customer perspective Five-star service at fair price 1.6% compared to the estimated expanding rate in China of 10% Customer expanding rate COS/Gross profit per customer Increase of 1.3%/Decrease of 1.1% compared to 2008 Customer satisfaction Customer return rate 19

20 Customer perspective How to explore new customers?
Market segmentation · Businessman— espresso · Office lady— non-fat coffee · Student— blended coffee Take-away service · Call order · Mail order 20

21 Customer perspective How to improve customer return rate?
Quality of food 1 Quality of service 2 Various choices of food 3 21

22 Customer perspective How to improve customer return rate?

23 Customer perspective How to improve customer return rate?
Staff training Provide intensivies More full-time staff Quality of service

24 Customer perspective How to improve customer return rate?

25 Internal operation perspective
1 Customer waiting time Staff Training -Economy -Efficiency -Effectiveness 2 Wastage 3 Customer complaining times Also via training 25

26 Innovation and learning perspective
Employee satisfaction · Provide bonus for good performance · Offer rewards to “star of the month” · Issue employee satisfaction survey Employee turnover · More full-time employees · Treat employees equally and equally Employees Training times · Orientation Training · Frequent training per quarter · Depth of training

27 Financial forecast 1 Income statement 2 Cash flow statement 3
Pudong Coffee Shop 1 Income statement 2 Cash flow statement 3 Balance sheet 27

28 Financial forecast Assumptions Pudong Coffee Shop 1 2 3 4 5 6
Sales prices will increase by 3% 1 Sales volume will increase by 5% 2 Discretionary cash expenses increase by 4% 3 Suppliers will extend trade credit by 4% 4 Inventory turnover rate will be unchanged 5 6 No investing or additional financing activities 28

29 These 4 numbers are (1+4%)times of the numbers in 2009
Income statement for 2010 524,527.5=485,000*(1+5%)*(1+3%) 481,267.5=445000*(1+5%)*(1+3%) 1,005,795=930,000*(1+5%)*(1+3%) Income Statement for year ended: 31st December 2010 31st December 2009 Revenue (beverages/drinks) 524,527.5 485,000 Revenue (food sales ) 481,267.5 445,000 Total revenue (food and beverages) 1,005,795 930,000 Cost of sales (458,640) (420,000) Gross profit 547,155 510,000 Less Operating expenses: Depreciation of tangible assets (82,000) Wages and remuneration (135200) (130,000) Rental (200,000) Utilities (lighting and heating etc.) (49,920) (48,000) Garbage collection (10,400) (10,000) Advertising and promotions (31,200) (30,000) Total operating expenses (508,720) (500,000) Operating profit for year 38,435 10,000 Interest payable on loans (18,370) (23,710) Profit (loss) for year 20,065 (13,710) 458,640=420000*(1+5%)*(1+4%) These 4 numbers are (1+4%)times of the numbers in 2009

30 Repayment of loan including interest
Financial forecast Pudong Coffee Shop Bank loan’s computation process Year Interest rate Interest payable Bank loan payable Repayment of loan including interest 7% 410,000 28,700 338,700 100,000 23,710 262,410 18,370 180,780 12,650 93,430 6,570 0﹡ Note: In order to rationalize the computational process, we assume that at the end of 2012, the balance of the bank loan payable is exactly 0. 30

31 Cash flow statement for 2010
Summarised cash Flow statement for year ended: 31st December 2010 31st December 2009 Operating cash flow Operating profit (loss) for year 38,435 10,000 Add: depreciation 82,000 120,435 92,000 Changes in working capital: Less: Increase in inventories (1,544) (6,000) Add: Increase in trade payables 19,044 16,000 137,935 102,000 Investing activities: NIL Financing activities: Repayment of loan including interest (100,000) = Overall cash flow (deficit) for year 37,935 2,000 Add: Opening bank balance 198,000 196,000 Equals: Closing bank balance 235,935 No investment

32 Balance sheet for 2010 Summarised Balance Sheet at: Goodwill
31st December 2010 31st December 2009 Goodwill 400,000 Furniture and fittings (net) 164,000 246,000 Inventories 45,544 44,000 Cash at bank 235,935 198,000 Total assets 845,479 888,000 Owner’s equity 438,655 418,590 Bank loan payable 180,780 262,410 Trade payables 226,044 207,000 Total liabilities and owner’s equity 226,044=207,000*(1+5%)*(1+4%)

33 Financial forecast Pudong Coffee Shop Inventory’s computation process
Take the inventory in 2010’s Balance sheet for example Formula: Inventory Turnover Rate = Cost of sales / Average inventory Year 2010 2009 Cost of sales 458,640 420,000 Opening inventory 44,000 38,000 Closing inventory X Average (44,000+X)/2 41,000 458,640 / [( 44,000 + X ) / 2] = 420,000 / 41,000 X = 45,544 33

34 Break-even point Pudong Coffee Shop Analysis:
Year Total revenue The average spend per customer The quantity Of customers Cost of sales cost per expenses Break-even point 2009 930,000 50 18,600 420,000 22.58 523,710 19,100 2010 1,005,795 51.5 19,530 458,640 23.48 527,090 18,814 51.5=50*(1+3%) 23.48=22.58*(1+4%)=458640/19530 Analysis: In year 2009,The Pudong coffee shop had not reached the break-even point, so it had a loss. According to the forecast, in year 2010, the Pudong coffee shop will reach the break-even point, and finally gets a profit.

35 Cost-volume-profit chart
Break-even point Pudong Coffee Shop Cost-volume-profit chart 2009 and 2010 the quantity of customers cost loss profit 18,814 19,530 FC 2010 break-even point the quantity of customers cost loss profit 18,600 19,100 FC 2009 break-even point Loss Gain However, still low profitability

36 Overall evaluation Pudong Coffee Shop Assumptions
1、We use the Enterprise's valuation model. 2、We use six assumptions in the financial forecast. 3、We use the loan interest rate 7% as the discount rate. 4、Because of the depreciation and bank loan payables, we can only get the data of year 2008 to 2012, so the period for evaluation is from 2010 to 2012. 36

37 Overall evaluation Balance sheet of three years’ forecast
Pudong Coffee Shop Balance sheet of three years’ forecast Year 2010 2011 2012 Goodwill 400000 Furniture and fittings (net) 164000 82000 Inventories 45544 51300 53435 Cash at bank 235935 306934 422263 Total assets 845479 840234 875698 Owner’s equity 438655 499964 606149 Bank loan payable 180780 93430 Trade payables 226044 246840 269549 Total liabilities and owner’s equity 37

38 Overall evaluation Income statements of three years’ forecast
Pudong Coffee Shop Income statements of three years’ forecast Year 2010 2011 2012 Revenue (beverages/drinks) 524,527.5 567,276 613,510 Revenue (food sales ) 481,267.5 520,491 562,911 Total revenue (food and beverages) 1,005,795 1,087,767 1,176,420 Cost of sales (458,640) (496,019) (536,445) Gross profit 547,155 591,748 639,976 Less Operating expenses: Depreciation of tangible assets (82,000) Wages and remuneration (135,200) (140,608 ) (146,232) Rental (200,000) (20,0000) Utilities (lighting and heating etc.) (49,920) (51,917) (53,993) Garbage collection (10,400) (10,816) (11,249) Advertising and promotions (31,200) (32,448) (33,746) Total operating expenses (508,720) (517,789) (527,220) Operating profit for year 38,435 73,959 112,755 Interest payable on loans (18,370) (12,650) (6,570) Profit (loss) for year 20,065 61,309 106,185 38

39 Overall evaluation Cash flow statements of three years’ forecast
Pudong Coffee Shop Cash flow statements of three years’ forecast Year 2010 2011 2012 Operating cash flow Operating profit (loss) for year 38,435 73,959 112,755 Add: depreciation 82,000 120,435 155,959 194,755 Changes in working capital: Less: Increase in inventories (1,544) (5,756) (2,135) Add: Increase in trade payables 19,044 20,796 22,709 137,935 170,999 215,329 Investing activities Nil Financing activities: Repayment of loan including interest (100,000) = Overall cash flow (deficit) for year 37,935 70,999 115,329 Add: Opening bank balance 198,000 235,935 306,934 Equals: Closing bank balance 422,263 39

40 From the cash flow statements of 2010, 2011 and 2012.
Enterprise's valuation model From the cash flow statements of 2010, 2011 and 2012. Year Base period 2010 2011 2012 Total cash flow 37,935 70,999 115,329 Discount rate 7% Discount factor 0.9346 0.8734 0.8163 Expected present value 191,608 35,454 62,011 94,143 Perpetual growth rate 4.15%﹡ Present value for year ended 3,303,266﹡ 4,046,632﹡ Overall value 3,494,874﹡ Note: Perpetual Growth Rate 4.15% = (1+5%)*(1+3%)-1-4% Final value 4,046,632 = 115,329 / (7%-4.15%) 3,303,266 = * 3,494,874 = 3,303, ,608 40

41 Action Plans Objectives hierarchy Expand to other areas Three-year
Achieve average customer growth rate One year Three months Reverse loss and attain profit 41

42 Action Plans 1. Control costs Three-year
· Better relationship with suppliers - Obtain trade discount - Deliver in time · EOQ and JIT - Keep safety stock and order in time when the stock is down to that level - JIT purchase One year Three months 42

43 Provide discounts for both.
Action Plans 2. Market Segmentation & Take-away service Three-year Market segmentation · Businessman— Espresso for most successful businessmen. · Office lady— Non-fat coffee for office ladies who care more about their slimness. · Student— Blended coffee for the students who love multiplied tastes. Take-away service · Call order · Mail order One year Provide discounts for both. Three months 43

44 Action Plans 3. Improve quality of food Three-year
· Shorten purchasing period to make food more fresh · Develop featured coffee and special coffee of the day · Provide various kinds of coffee to satisfy different customers‘ requirements One year Three months 44

45 Action Plans 4. Improve quality of service Three-year
· More staff training, including orientation training and frequent training per quarter. · Offer rewards to the “star of the month”. · Employee more full-time employees to enhance loyalty and decrease employee turnover rate. One year Three months 45

46 Thank you ! 46

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