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How to find a great project idea Randy Guthrie – Microsoft Academic Developer Evangelist.

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Presentation on theme: "How to find a great project idea Randy Guthrie – Microsoft Academic Developer Evangelist."— Presentation transcript:

1 How to find a great project idea Randy Guthrie – Microsoft Academic Developer Evangelist

2 Elements of a great project Problem domain expertise or passion Personal experience Compelling story? Know someone with personal experience Knowledge of possible solutions Mentor that can provide guidance Solves a small part of the problem well Generalizes well to larger groups of people Has a self-sustaining cost structure

3 Step One: Find a problem Local problems better than world problems – Hungry people in your community vs. Africa Look at your own challenges or of people close to you Understand the problem processes: could technology improve the process? How? – Is there a local agency you can talk to? – Is there faculty / lab working on a problem? Are existing solutions out there? How are they inadequate?

4 Pick a part of the process to improve Ask domain experts: If you had a magic computer program that could do anything, what do you with it would do to improve this problem? – Where are current cost drains? – What takes too long? – Where are the errors & inaccuracies – Where do they need more people & why? – What doesn’t the current tech do that they wish it did? – What information would help people deal with this problem? – Could persuasive tech change people attitudes and make a difference?

5 Storyboard the solution Write a scenario (story) of the process improved by your solution – No black boxes ie: …”and then the United Nations does this part….”

6 Identify candidate technologies Start very simple – Web app? – Mobile app? – Client app? Does hardware need to part of the solution? – Mobile phone? – Embedded device, sensors or servos? – Other hardware platform? Existing projects are okay; keep in mind team size limit

7 Build Wireframe / Prototype Mock up app very quickly Get feedback from domain experts Make minor mods and lock down initial spec Start building real tech

8 Build Your Tech Start with interfaces Simulate data sources at first – Unless you have access to live data feed APIs Keep iterating

9 Sell your idea Write business plan – How much to develop? – What is potential revenue / cash flows? – Goal is to be self-sustaining Know competing technologies and their strengths and weakness compared to yours Get external validation of your assumptions

10 Create Video Video is a 3-5 minute commercial Includes the following – Description of the problem – Description of who is impacted and how many – Clear description of how your tech solves the problem – Brief screen demo showing the use of your tech

11 Keep improving Get your tech into the hands of users for alpha testing – Incorporate feedback – Repeat Update your documentation/video


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