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2 2 Impact Likelihood (next ten years)

3 Community based Washington consensus Virtual connections Geography matters Long HandMany Hands Second Hand Visible Hand 3

4 Which of the WEF risks is most likely to cause a break down of the Washington consensus? –Scarcity driving geopolitical conflict –Cyber attack –Severe income disparity – civil unrest –Complacency – not a WEF risk –Failure of global governance –Climate change –Food scarcity – implications for energy & food –Ocean governance 4

5 How could you innovate to deal with these? –Security forces expanding into resource management –Water shortages? Crops?humans? use salt water? –Self-sustaining mega-communities – disruptive change in governance – risk of anarchy –Innovations in food supply chain could reduce wastage and disparity, c.f. Water –Energy use as leverage point Education, health, reduce waste, etc –Innovation needs a context of informed population –THIS IS A TIME OF DISRUPTION 5

6 6 If you would like to get our monthly enewsletter eSAMI ---- please go to The Report “In Safe Hands? The future of Financial services” is on the Long Finance web site Or latest book follows on from “Beyond Crisis” and is called “Here be Dragons” – for details see And we run Futures Coaching for the UK Government Office for Science, see

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