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Business plan template For community members, who want to begin their own business COMTOUR, final conference, June 4-9, 2012, Finland.

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Presentation on theme: "Business plan template For community members, who want to begin their own business COMTOUR, final conference, June 4-9, 2012, Finland."— Presentation transcript:

1 Business plan template For community members, who want to begin their own business COMTOUR, final conference, June 4-9, 2012, Finland

2 Summary Location of the company Company’s founding time Profile of the company Target market Owner of the company Business objectives Company’s advantages over other companies COMTOUR, final conference, June 4-9, 2012, Finland

3 Company and its management Founding idea Manager of the company Stock capital COMTOUR, final conference, June 4-9, 2012, Finland

4 Characterization of the production Type of the company’s action Volume of the sale Assortment Qualitative indices Form of the distribution COMTOUR, final conference, June 4-9, 2012, Finland

5 Market analysis Topicality of the business’ direction Target market Competitors’ analysis COMTOUR, final conference, June 4-9, 2012, Finland

6 Competitors’ analysis CompaniesPriceAdvantagesFlaws Company 150,00Good qualityDisadvantageous geographical position Company 240,00Big assortmentBad service Company 330,00Low priceBad quality Company “X”35,00Good qualitySmall assortment COMTOUR, final conference, June 4-9, 2012, Finland

7 Strategy Start of the action Loan’s utilization Planned income on months Payment for products or service Co-financing Management and staff of the company COMTOUR, final conference, June 4-9, 2012, Finland

8 Profile of the branch Short-term aimsLong-term aims Contract signing with suppliers Getting credit to start the company(or to expand) Employement of qualified workforce Collaboration partners in foreign countries Strong pointsWeak points Small investment Known suppliers Similar companies in Jekabpils’ district Poor roads OpportunitiesThreats Collaboration partnersInconsistent market COMTOUR, final conference, June 4-9, 2012, Finland

9 Strategy of the marketing Customer Realization of the production Establishment of the production’s price Price establishment’s aim Advertisement Risk COMTOUR, final conference, June 4-9, 2012, Finland

10 Risk Decreasing the risk Financial risk ( inflation, taxes’ changes, unplanned expenses) Founding of the reserve fund, planning Planned business’ changesMore thorough selection of the suppliers The risk of sale (why the production is not bought) More thorough selection of the production Social risk (political changes, economic activities) Developing of the company’ side branch Human risk (illness, accidents)Insurance Unfavourable economic policy, market crisis Branch’s study, developing of the side branch COMTOUR, final conference, June 4-9, 2012, Finland

11 Financial analysis Financial plans Short description of the realization process Acquisition of the capital assets and depreciation Financial analysis Prognosis of the sale volume Planning of the company’s daily, monthly and annual net turnover Prognosis of the income and the expenses Total predicted annual company costs Account of the cash flow Calculation of the predictable profit Balance Profitability Repayment of loan and interest rate COMTOUR, final conference, June 4-9, 2012, Finland

12 Thank you for your attention! Ilvija Daņiļeviča COMTOUR, final conference, June 4-9, 2012, Finland

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