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Cold War Review 2 Vietnam War What Cold War policy resulted in American involvement in Vietnam? Containment.

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2 Cold War Review 2 Vietnam War

3 What Cold War policy resulted in American involvement in Vietnam? Containment

4 What American president said, “Ask not what Your country can do for You, but what You can do for Your country? John F. Kennedy

5 What president said Americans should “pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship…to assure the survival and success of liberty”? John F. Kennedy

6 What European colonial power controlled Indochina after World War II? (Indochina included Vietnam.) France

7 Who was the leader of the Vietnamese independence movement? Ho Chi Minh

8 Why did the United States support France’s efforts after World War II to keep Indochina as a colony? Ho Chi Minh was a communist.

9 What type of government did North Vietnam have? communist

10 What type of government did South Vietnam have? Non-communist or anti- communist

11 What was the name of the South Vietnamese communists who tried to overthrow the South Vietnamese government? They were guerilla fighters. Vietcong

12 What was the official name of the Vietcong? The National Liberation Front

13 What president gave economic and military aid, money and weapons, first to the French and then to the government of South Vietnam? Dwight D. Eisenhower

14 What president began the American military buildup in South Vietnam? John F. Kennedy

15 What president was assassinated in 1963? John F. Kennedy

16 What president escalated (increased) American military involvement in the Vietnam War? Lyndon B. Johnson

17 What anti-communist policy did the United States follow in Vietnam? containment

18 How many American troops did the United States have stationed in Vietnam in 1968? More than 500,000

19 What was the center of anti-war feeling in the United States? College campuses

20 Who won the 1968 presidential election? Richard M. Nixon

21 What was Nixon’s pledge in the 1968 presidential campaign regarding the Vietnam War? “Peace with Honor.”

22 What did Nixon call his policy to turn over the war to the South Vietnamese army and simultaneously withdraw American troops? Vietnamization

23 Did Vietnamization succeed or fail? Failed

24 What country supplied the North Vietnamese Army? The Soviet Union

25 What political scandal forced President Nixon to resign from office? Watergate

26 Who became president when Nixon resigned as President? Gerald Ford

27 What happened in Vietnam? In other words, how did the Vietnam War end? Communist North Vietnam took over South Vietnam and reunited the country under communist rule.

28 Who was president when the Vietnam War ended? Gerald Ford

29 What type of government did Vietnam have when it was reunified in 1975? Communist

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