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Twenty Questions. 20 Questions 12345 678910 1112131415 1617181920.

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Presentation on theme: "Twenty Questions. 20 Questions 12345 678910 1112131415 1617181920."— Presentation transcript:

1 Twenty Questions

2 20 Questions 12345 678910 1112131415 1617181920

3 Question 1 Vietnam War Vietnam is in _______ Asia a.Northeast b.Southeast c.Northwest

4 The Answer is… Vietnam is in Southeast Asia

5 Question 2 Vietnam War In 1954 ___ was divided into two countries a.Vietnam b.Russia c.The United States

6 The Answer is… In the 1954 Vietnam was divided into two countries.

7 Question 3 Vietnam War The United States did not want _____Vietnam to become communist nation. a.North b.South

8 The Answer is… The United States did not want North Vietnam to become a communist nation.

9 Question 4 Vietnam War The United States gave _____to South Vietnam. a.Books and movies b.Weapons and planes c.Ships and flags

10 The Answer is… The United States gave weapons and planes to South Vietnam.

11 Question 5 Vietnam War Almost 58____ Americans died in Vietnam a.Hundred b.Thousand c.million

12 The Answer is… Almost 50 thousand Americans died in Vietnam.

13 Question 6 Vietnam War The Viet Cong were South Vietnamese who supported the a.Democrats b.Republicans c.Communists

14 The Answer is… The Viet Cong were South Vietnamese who supported the Communists.

15 Question 7 Vietnam War Fighting the Viet Cong was not easy because the Viet Cong used a.Honest warfare b.Guerrilla warfare c.Dishonest warfare

16 The Answer is… Fighting the Viet Cong was not easy because the Viet Cong used guerrilla warfare.

17 Question 8 Vietnam War The North Vietnamese sent supplies to the Viet Cong along the a.Appalachian Trail b.Ho Chi Minh Trail c. Rocky Trail

18 The Answer is… The North Vietnamese sent supplies to the Viet Cong along the Ho Chi Minh Trail.

19 Question 9 Vietnam War U.S. forces were sent to Vietnam at the request of a.President Obama b.President Kennedy c.President Johnson

20 The Answer is… U.S. forces were sent to Vietnam at the request of President Johnson.

21 Question 10 Vietnam War Why was the Vietnam War Memorial build?

22 The Answer is… A memorial was build in Washington, D.C., to honor the Americans who died in Vietnam.

23 Question 11 Civil Rights When was Martin Luther King, Jr., born? a.1950 b.1929 c.1930

24 The Answer is… Martin Luther King Jr., was born on January 15, 1929, in Georgia.

25 Question 12 Civil Rights What is one law that King did not like? a.Jim Craw law b.Restaurant law c.Bus law

26 The Answer is… Martin Luther King Jr., did not like Montgomery bus law that kept black people and white people separate on buses.

27 Question 13 Civil Rights Why was Rosa Parks taken to jail?

28 The Answer is… Rosa Parks was a black woman who refused to give up her seat to a white person on Montgomery bus.

29 Question 14 Civil Rights When was the bus law in Montgomery changed? a.1954 b.1950 c.1956

30 The Answer is… In 1956 the bus law was changed because the city’s buses lost a lot of money due to boycott.

31 Question 15 Civil Rights What was the one thing that the Civil Rights Act of 1964 said?

32 The Answer is… Black and white children can go to the same school. Black and white people can sit together in restaurants and buses.

33 Question 16 Civil Rights Why was King given the Nobel Peace Prize?

34 The Answer is… Nobel Peace Prize was given to Martin Luther King Jr., because he worked very hard for all Americans to live in peace.

35 Question 17 Civil Rights _____ said, “I have a dream” a.John F. Kennedy b.Martin Luther King, Jr. c.Cesar Chevez d.Rosa Parks

36 The Answer is… Martin Luther King, Jr. said, “I have a dream”

37 Question 18 Civil Rights The Supreme Court case called Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas helped end _____ law. a.Communist b.Veteran c.Segragation

38 The Answer is… The Supreme Court case called Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas helped end segregation law.

39 Question 19 Civil Rights Cesar Chavez and Dolores Huerta started a union________. a.To help migrant workers b.To get equal rights for women, African Americans, and veterans c.To tell the United States government to fight in Vietnam

40 The Answer is… Cesar Chavez and Dolores Huerta started a union to help migrant workers.

41 Question 20 Vietnam War Some Americans believed America should not fight in Vietnam because________. a.Japan needed more help b.Too many Americans soldiers were being killed c.The weather was very cold in Vietnam

42 The Answer is… Some Americans believed America should not fight in Vietnam because too many American soldiers were being killed.

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