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Stick a Computer on it: How to Embed a Microcontroller into Anything WatITis 2011 Presentation December 6 th, 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Stick a Computer on it: How to Embed a Microcontroller into Anything WatITis 2011 Presentation December 6 th, 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Stick a Computer on it: How to Embed a Microcontroller into Anything WatITis 2011 Presentation December 6 th, 2011

2 What is a microcontroller It’s a computer Most of you probably already know that It’s a self-contained computer on a microchip, just add code and electricity 2011

3 What is a microcontroller “a small computer on a single integrated circuit containing a processor core, memory, and programmable input/output peripherals” - wikipediaintegrated circuitinput/output 2011

4 What is a microcontroller They have made huge leaps in technology in the past 20 years This is where I show my age (I’m not THAT old) 2011

5 (my) History of microcontrollers Mid-90’s you had to do the following to get a microcontroller working: Plot out your circuit, plan your inputs and outputs Refer to pre-ordered information sheets to find the microcontroller model that you think will work best for your application 2011

6 (my) History of microcontrollers Order and read the user manual Know the chip like the back of your hand Find and install the development environment If you were lucky, the dev. env. came with a debugger, if not, find a 3 rd -party debugger, learn it and use it 2011

7 (my) History of microcontrollers Code in assembler Test the code on the debugger, hit the space bar a lot Sell your soul, get it to work in theory Buy a programmer ($200 - 1000) Buy your chip(s) ($30+ each) Program your chip 2011

8 (my) History of microcontrollers Test it out Doesn’t work? Throw it out. Or spend 2-3 times more on a reprogrammable chip Re-learn everything Gouge out your eyes in frustration But when it works, its better than sex 2011

9 Why they didn’t take off Expensive (initial set up cost and waste) Difficult to use and learn (variety) –Frequently had to re-learn things between manufacturers, product lines, years Lengthy development time (very stepwise) 2011

10 Microcontrollers today Easy peasy lemon squeezy 2011

11 Microcontrollers today Recent explosion in the past 5 years Cheap Easy to learn (Java and.NET) Rapid prototyping 2011

12 Microcontrollers today PICAXE System BasicX NETduino Arduino 2011

13 Shake hands with the Arduino 2011

14 Arduino Cheap (<$30) development model –Ardweeny costs $7 Easy to use –Java-based languages Quick prototyping –Reprogrammable in situ 2011

15 Arduino Very active and healthy community 100% Open-source project –Development environment is Open-source –Libraries are Open-source –The physical board is Open-source Eagle files are available to download and modify 2011

16 Arduino Microcontroller: ATmega328 Operating Voltage: 5V Input Voltage (recommended): 7-12V Input Voltage (limits): 6-20V Digital I/O Pins: 14 (of which 6 provide PWM output) Analog Input Pins: 6 DC Current per I/O Pin: 40 mA DC Current for 3.3V Pin: 50 mA Flash Memory: 32 KB (ATmega328) of which 0.5 KB used by bootloader SRAM: 2 KB (ATmega328) EEPROM: 1 KB (ATmega328) Clock Speed: 16 MHz 2011

17 Arduino - Expansion Many companies have grown that create custom “shields” or add-on attachments that piggyback onto an Arduino board. 2011

18 Arduino - Expansion Motor Wifi/Bluetooth/Cell/IEEE 802.15.4 Networks LCD Displays Ethernet Networking GPS SD Card 2011

19 Arduino - Community Home automators E-textiles CNC/3D printing Robotics Interactive art Drones 2011

20 Arduino - Community Many companies have formed that make their own custom Arduino boards for very specific applications 2011

21 Arduino - Community Ardupilot ( 2011

22 Where to start Buy an Arduino ($30) – – Dig up a USB cable Buy the following books: –Getting started with Arduino ($10) –Getting Started in Electronics (?) 2011

23 Where to start Buy a soldering iron ($15 - 40), learn to solder – Y Y Buy/salvage parts, and start building –KW Surplus –Princess Auto –Old electronics 2011

24 Where to start If you are frugal and do your research, you can buy an Ardweeny for about $7, soldering iron for $15, and salvage parts for free. If you are not careful you can easily spend your paycheque on lots of parts that will sit in your basement unused and your wife complain about it. Possibly. 2011

25 Embedding in anything Arduinio Fio 2011

26 Embedding in anything Arduino Fio is one of the custom Arduino boards, developed by the Arduino team Built-in IEEE 802.15.4 support so you can control, reprogram, and send information wirelessly Powered by Li-Po battery 2011

27 Embedding in anything Hack a kids toy car, now it’s a remote controlled-car Combine a sprinkler system with a motion sensor, now it’s a squirrel-drencher Add it to a cat toy, cat now tweets every time it hits the toy Add a thermal printer, display tweets in old-timey ticker-tape format 2011

28 Really. Ticker tape twitter. 2011

29 Not-so-useful embedding Twitty kitty 2011

30 Useful embedding Bakery 2011

31 Useful embedding Internet cat feeder 2011

32 Be creative A lot can be done quickly if you have the $ A lot can be done quickly for (almost) free if you are creative 2011

33 Thank-you I always like to chat and share new ideas ( @jwgoertz 2011

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