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Describe the people and events that led to the start of the Vietnam War Key Terms: -Dien Bien Phu -Ho Chi Minh -Vietminh -Geneva Accords -Ngo Dinh Diem.

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Presentation on theme: "Describe the people and events that led to the start of the Vietnam War Key Terms: -Dien Bien Phu -Ho Chi Minh -Vietminh -Geneva Accords -Ngo Dinh Diem."— Presentation transcript:

1 Describe the people and events that led to the start of the Vietnam War Key Terms: -Dien Bien Phu -Ho Chi Minh -Vietminh -Geneva Accords -Ngo Dinh Diem -Domino Theory -Ho Chi Minh Trail -Gulf of Tonkin Resolution Opening Activity -What is containment? -What war did the US fight to contain communism in Asia? HW: Moving toward Conflict

2 The Vietnam War Early War Years 1945-1963 Objective: Analyze the people and events that led to the start of the Vietnam War


4 France in Vietnam Before World War II, it was a French colonyBefore World War II, it was a French colony During World War II, Japan controlled VietnamDuring World War II, Japan controlled Vietnam –In 1941, a communist group called the Vietminh were formed to fight for Vietnam’s independence Group was led by Ho Chi MinhGroup was led by Ho Chi Minh Vietminh fought with the United States against the JapaneseVietminh fought with the United States against the Japanese

5 After WWII, Vietminh declared Vietnam independent, but France wanted its colony backAfter WWII, Vietminh declared Vietnam independent, but France wanted its colony back –The Soviet Union recognized the Vietminh’s communist government in the North –The US recognized the French government in the South Why did the US refuse to support the Viet Minh?Why did the US refuse to support the Viet Minh? –1949 China became communist –1950 North Korea became communist

6 War Begins France vs. the Viet MinhFrance vs. the Viet Minh –The US paid $3 billion to try and help the French win. –In 1954, the French are forced to surrender at Dien Bien Phu


8 Switzerland 1954: Geneva Convention Nine nations create the Geneva AccordsNine nations create the Geneva Accords –It temporarily divides Vietnam at the 17 th Parallel Communist North led by Ho Chi MinhCommunist North led by Ho Chi Minh Democratic South led by Ngo Dinh DiemDemocratic South led by Ngo Dinh Diem –It stated that the there would be elections in 1956 to reunite Vietnam War continued between the North and South after the conventionWar continued between the North and South after the convention




12 Eisenhower and Vietnam Believed in Domino Theory- if one country in Southeast Asia fell to communism then they all wouldBelieved in Domino Theory- if one country in Southeast Asia fell to communism then they all would US sends 760 military advisorsUS sends 760 military advisors Diem was a corrupt leaderDiem was a corrupt leader –Took away freedom of religion –He was establishing himself as a dictator 1956, Diem refused to hold the elections1956, Diem refused to hold the elections –Supported by the US –Ho Chi Minh would have won

13 Communists Gain Power in the South 1959, South Vietnamese communist group called the Vietcong gain power1959, South Vietnamese communist group called the Vietcong gain power –Waged war against the South –Supported by Ho Chi Minh through the Ho Chi Minh Trail- ran through Laos and Cambodia

14 Kennedy and Vietnam (1961- 1963) Kennedy increased aid to South VietnamKennedy increased aid to South Vietnam Increased military personnel to 16,000Increased military personnel to 16,000 Nov. 1963, Diem lost US support Nov. 1963, Diem lost US support –Diem was assassinated on the first of November –Three weeks later Kennedy was assassinated –Vice President Lyndon Johnson takes over


16 Drill: Complete the follow phrasesComplete the follow phrases –After WWII, the US supported ________ against the Vietminh. –__________ lost to the Vietminh. –Then Vietnam was ___________. –The US supported _________ Vietnam against the Vietcong.

17 Explain the strategies used to fight the Vietnam War. Key Terms: Use your chart from today’s lesson. Opening Activity -Why was the Gulf of Tonkin Incident important?

18 Explain strategies used to fight the Vietnam War. Key Terms: -Gulf of Tonkin Incident -Gulf of Tonkin Resolution -Use your chart from today’s lesson. -fragging Opening Activity -Who controlled Vietnam before it was divided into a North and South? US Enters into Combat HW

19 10 Best Word Strategy Purpose: Learn about America strategies in fighting the Vietnam War. 1.Take 7 minutes to read about US strategies. a.As you read underline key terms (could be people, names of strategies, characteristics about strategies that describe US policies) b. b.

20 10 Best Terms Cont. 2. Now with the person next to you narrow down or expand your search terms to 10. a. Fill in the terms column on your chart.

21 VC’s Strategy The Vietcong and North Vietnam realized very quickly that it could not compete with the United States’ well trained and technologically superior army. As a result the Vietcong used their knowledge of the jungles to wage guerilla warfare. Guerilla warfare involves using hit and run tactics.


23 The VC’s knowledge of the jungle also allowed them to set up booby traps for soldiers on search and destroy missions. Another characteristic of guerilla warfare is that soldiers did not always wear uniforms, this way they could blend in with the normal civilians. American soldiers had no idea who were allies of the VC.


25 The Vietcong also waged wars not just in the jungle, but took the war to cities. The element of surprise was important to their success. To make it possible for the VC to survive they built elaborate tunnels throughout South Vietnam. Tunnels were important because they supplied protection against America’ air war, they provided an escape route for attacks, and served as bases.

26 The VC were able to make surprise attacks on US soldiers and then retreat into tunnels. This fighting created a stalemate in the war and lowered the morale of US soldiers.

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