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SMART(er) Goals Smarter Goals Copyright © 2013 Stuart B. Fields and 2002-2010 by GC Franchising Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved Presented by: Stuart.

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Presentation on theme: "SMART(er) Goals Smarter Goals Copyright © 2013 Stuart B. Fields and 2002-2010 by GC Franchising Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved Presented by: Stuart."— Presentation transcript:

1 SMART(er) Goals Smarter Goals Copyright © 2013 Stuart B. Fields and 2002-2010 by GC Franchising Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved Presented by: Stuart B. Fields

2 “The starting point of all achievement is desire. Keep this constantly in mind. Weak desires bring weak results, just as a small amount of fire makes a small amount of heat.” – Napoleon Hill Smarter Goals 2 Copyright © 2013 Stuart B. Fields and 2002-2010 by GC Franchising Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved

3 Objectives – Agenda - Roadmap Smarter Goals 3 Copyright © 2013 Stuart B. Fields and 2002-2010 by GC Franchising Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved

4 You Are 100% Responsible Good, bad and ugly, your business is what it is and how it is because of you – period! For your business to change and improve, you must change and improve! You must change beliefs to change behavior You must re-engineer your mindset and escape old habits You must challenge some cherished assumptions You must try new strategies and approaches Quarter One Copyright © 2002-2010 by GC Franchising Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved 4

5 How Do I Define Success: _______________________ Happiness: _______________________ Know Thyself Quarter One Copyright © 2002-2010 by GC Franchising Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved 5 Make Sure These are Truly Your Definitions!

6 What Would I Do? Know Thyself Quarter One Copyright © 2002-2010 by GC Franchising Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved 6 With more free time? ______________________________________________ With more money?______________________________________________

7 My Top 5 Dreams in Life 1.________________________________________________________ 2.________________________________________________________ 3.________________________________________________________ 4.________________________________________________________ 5.________________________________________________________ Know Thyself Quarter One Copyright © 2002-2010 by GC Franchising Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved 7

8 Vision & Goals “Cherish your visions and your dreams as they are the children of your soul; the blue prints of your ultimate achievements.” -- Napoleon Hill 8 Quarter One Copyright © 2002-2010 by GC Franchising Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved

9 Vision Impact Vision/Goals Tactics Vision Direction Priorities Goals Strategies 9 Quarter One Copyright © 2002-2010 by GC Franchising Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved

10 How Do I Want My Personal Life to Look … Vision/Goals 10 Quarter One Copyright © 2002-2010 by GC Franchising Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved In 1 year? In 3 years?

11 How Do I Want My Business to Look … Vision/Goals 11 Quarter One Copyright © 2002-2010 by GC Franchising Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved In 1 year? In 3 years?

12 Goals – Power of Clarity and Simplicity Get crystal clear on what you really want and why -- name it and claim it! Only establish goals and action plans for important wants – don’t major in minor things Set priorities among competing demands – use discrimination Stop wasting time and energy on low-priority, low-value activities – remove clutter and distractions – use discipline Concentrate focus, energy and efforts on high-priority, high-value activities – those that move you closer to your vision Bottom line, with clarity of focus, you can do less and achieve more. You are tackling the right things -- effectiveness. Vision/Goals 12 Quarter One Copyright © 2002-2010 by GC Franchising Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved

13 Personal Goals Vision/Goals 13 Quarter One Copyright © 2002-2010 by GC Franchising Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved Financial Goals (income, savings, debt reduction, investments) : 1. ____________________________________________________________ 2. ____________________________________________________________ 3. ____________________________________________________________ Health Goals: 1. ____________________________________________________________ 2. ____________________________________________________________ 3. ____________________________________________________________

14 Personal Goals Vision/Goals 14 Quarter One Copyright © 2002-2010 by GC Franchising Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved Family/Marriage/Relationship Goals: 1._____________________________________________________________ 2._____________________________________________________________ 3._____________________________________________________________ Mental/Educational/Skills/Knowledge Goals: 1._____________________________________________________________ 2._____________________________________________________________ 3._____________________________________________________________

15 Personal Goals Vision/Goals 15 Quarter One Copyright © 2002-2010 by GC Franchising Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved Fun/Play/Social Goals: 1.____________________________________________________________ 2.____________________________________________________________ 3.____________________________________________________________ Character Goals: 1.____________________________________________________________ 2.____________________________________________________________ 3.____________________________________________________________

16 Personal Goals Vision/Goals 16 Quarter One Copyright © 2002-2010 by GC Franchising Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved Toy/Possession Goals: 1.____________________________________________________________ 2.____________________________________________________________ 3.____________________________________________________________ Spiritual Goals: 1.____________________________________________________________ 2.____________________________________________________________ 3.____________________________________________________________

17 Top Business Goals and/or Strategic Projects Vision/Goals 17 Quarter One Copyright © 2002-2010 by GC Franchising Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved 1.____________________________________________ 2.____________________________________________ 3.____________________________________________ 4.____________________________________________ 5.____________________________________________ Areas for Suggestion : Financial, Leadership, Systems, Operational, Sales/Marketing, Employee Management, Business Plans, Technology, Freedom, Balance, Income, Priority Management, etc.

18 SMART-er GOALS Vision/Goals 18 Quarter One Copyright © 2002-2010 by GC Franchising Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved “You become what you think about.” – Earl Nightingale Keep goals SMART  Specific  Measurable  Achievable  Really Desired  Timed Focus on the vital few, not the trivial many Set big goals – “goals on steroids”

19 Closing Remarks Write down your goals – Keep it in Front of You! Next Session - Building on your talents – Jan 17 th – date, – time, – place, etc.) Next session –Share a Key “Take-Away” for You Today Fill in evaluation... Leave your contact information if you want to join – Mailing list – Free strategy session on one aspect of Cash Flow Personnel Time Management Marketing 19 Quarter One Copyright © 2002-2010 by GC Franchising Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved Thank You!

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