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Introducing Unit Specifications and Unit Assessment Support Packs National 5 and Higher.

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2 Introducing Unit Specifications and Unit Assessment Support Packs National 5 and Higher

3 Unit Assessment  Assessments can be designed to provide evidence across more than one Unit or Outcome – combined assessments  Flexible and open Evidence Requirements in Units  Greater range of techniques and methodologies for assessment – encouraged through Unit assessment support packages  More opportunities to gather naturally occurring evidence – assessment as part of learning and teaching

4 Key points:  standards remain the same  feature updated approaches of two of the current Units  have a hierarchical Unit structure that provide progression from National 5 to Higher  contexts of contemporary social issues and culture and identity  has personalisation and choice in the Social Issues and Culture and Identity units

5 Unit Specifications Evidence Requirements for this Unit:  Assessors should use their professional judgement, subject knowledge and experience, and understanding of their learners, to determine the most appropriate ways to generate evidence and the conditions and contexts in which they are used.  Evidence should be gathered in combination with other Outcomes where possible, either from this Unit or in combination with the Outcomes from the other two Units. Evidence may also be gathered for individual Outcomes where appropriate.

6 Unit Assessment Support Packages - purpose UASPs can be used to: Assess your candidates Adapt for your own assessment programmes Help you develop your own assessments

7 UASPs – key features  Valid from August 2013  Designed to encourage professional judgement  Provide broad-based tasks – allow assessors to choose appropriate context and forms of evidence  Show range of approaches to generating assessment evidence  Give information on the type of evidence which could be gathered and how this is to be judged against Assessment Standards

8 Sociology UASPs Package 1  Unit by Unit approach - N5 and Higher Package 2  Portfolio - N5 and Higher Package 3  Combined across Units - N5 and Higher

9 Posters


11 N5 Internal Assessment of Course Components  Controlled assessment is SQA’s approach to developing assessments (setting), the conditions of assessment (conducting), and marking assessments (marking).  SQA is introducing controlled assessment for non-question paper components of the Added Value Unit and new National Courses at National 5, Higher and Advanced Higher.

12 N5 Assignment Controlled assessment This assignment is:  set by centres within SQA guidelines  conducted under a high degree of supervision and control  Evidence will be externally marked by SQA.  Marking will be quality assured by SQA.

13 Moving on  Workshop 1 and 2 will give you the opportunity to look at the Unit Specifications and Unit Assessment Support Packages in detail.

14 Unit Structure National 5Higher Culture and Identity Human Society Social Issues

15 ‘As you know, there are known knowns. There are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns. That is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns, the ones we don’t know we don’t know’. Donald Rumsfeld – 12/2/02 US Defence Secretary and lesser known philosopher…

16 Known Knowns

17 Unit Specifications: Human Society Outcome 1 Explain the sociological approach to understanding society by: 1.1 Distinguishing between common-sense and sociological explanations of social behaviour 1.2 Describing basic features and one advantage and one disadvantage of two different research methods than tend to generate quantitative data 1.3 Describing basic features and one advantage and one disadvantage of two different research methods than tend to generate qualitative data 1.4 Selecting research methods favoured by sociologists that adopt structural and action perspectives

18 Unit Specifications: Human Society Outcome 2 Explain relationships between individuals, groups and institutions by: 2.1 Explaining the structural perspective, using the concept of structure 2.2 Explaining the action perspective, using the concept of social action 2.3 Describing two differences between structural and action perspectives

19 Known Unknowns

20 Unit Specifications: Social Issues Outcome 1 Explain social issues by: 1.1 Describing a contemporary social issue with reference to evidence from different sources 1.2 Explaining the social issue using sociological theories, one of which takes a structural perspective 1.3 Describing one similarity and two differences in how the theories explain the chosen social issue

21 Unit Specifications: Social Issues Outcome 2 Apply research evidence to gain a sociological understanding of social issues by: 2.1 Explaining the role of research evidence in sociology 2.2 Interpreting research evidence and using the interpretation to support sociological explanations of a contemporary social issue

22 Social Issues  Social Inequality  Differential Educational Achievement

23 These units are great for discussing good and bad sources Finding Sources  Ben Goldacre: Battling bad science: TED TALKS 

24 Unknown Unknowns

25 Unit Specifications: Culture and Identity Outcome 1 Explain culture and identity by: 1.1 Describing the concepts of culture, sub-culture, identity and diversity 1.2 Explaining the process of socialisation 1.3 Using evidence form a range of sources to investigate the relationship between socialisation and identity 1.4 Giving an explanation of culture and identity that reflects awareness of diversity

26 Key points  Sub-cultures, British culture or cross cultures  Identity and Primary and Secondary socialisation  Diversity  Three sources

27 Ideas for sub-cultures: EMO’s

28 Travelling people

29 Goths

30 NEDs

31 Toffs


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